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Do you smoke weed?


I think it is a useful tool for people to escape a depressing existence or for highly strung peeps to chill. I have only experienced it once and it didn't change me much, I'm a pretty chill dude as is. Life is my drug but I have a stable job and family situation so it's admittedly easy for me to be happy.


And if I'd used it myself, I would have only known about my brother's expierence and my own. Meaning... I'd still be unable to form an opinion on drugs. According to your logic I would need to do research on a sizable group of users before I can say drugs have any particular (negative) effect on people.

Reading other people's posts here in this thread, they have stated why they use and what effect it has on them. I haven't read anything that contradicts my post. People are stressed out from life and find weed allows them to relax. I say good for them. I think it's suboptimal to keep using expensive and addicting drugs that may or may not have damaging side-effects to combat those feelings, but it's up to them. I hope it's legalized for the benefit of all of us.

Which is why I’m pleased cannabis isn’t addictive, or expensive. I’m sure that escapism is the reason many people use a variety of substances, but cannabis is more of an enhancer in my experience. If you’re looking to strictly numb yourself there’s way better options like alcohol. And no, you wouldn’t have to research a sizable group of people, but you’d have to say something that led me to believe you had anything other the second hand knowledge. It’s just kind of the same drugs bad, based on my buddy/brother and my stoner friends in high school. All I’m really suggesting is that it’s more complex than you realize, and users are as well.


Gold Member
I use to. Water bongs, gravity bongs, pipes, soda cans, and all sorts of devices. Friends would hot box our cars. I was 17-19. I went through a bad phase where I had to go to rehab and counseling. It use to be very enjoyable. Id listen to Pink Floyd while wrapping a joint. So far I don't know if I would. Maybe when the kid goes to college and it's legal.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Not anymore.
I did from like 14 to 21...then had a kid.
Smoked for a few months in my mid-20's then again in my early 30's for a few months.

I think I'm past it to be honest. I pretty much spent my teens/early 20's smoking and selling weed and acid. Every day was for almost 7 years was probably smoking an 1/8th through out the day and taking acid twice a week.
I got kicked out of school twice and when I went back they made me go to meetings during school hours. They didnt have NA so they sent me and a bunch of other stoners to AA meetings with the guidance counselor in some church basement.

Would drive into the city and buy quarter pounds from the PR's in Philly for like $250, take it home and break it down into $5 and $10.
Not much of a hustle.
Just enough to eat and have my own herb.

Did well with hits of acid tho...ate way to many tho. Mid-90's paying $150 to $200 for a sheet then selling them for $7-$10 a hit.
Wasnt a consistent thing tho. That reup meant going to NYC and was sketchy and you didnt always find a supplier. So, you would sell some but hold onto a lot cause it could get dry and no one would have hits.

Did fall into the Wooly trap for a summer.. also known as lacing a blunt with crack.
Crack was EVERYWHERE but was a drug to sell if you were 'bout that life'. So I had friends who sold it but that required being on call 24 hours day and risking jail time or getting shot. Big money vs. Weed but LOTS of risk.
Had the incredible rush of Coke...but 'dirty'. That was the drug that not everyone came back from. Lots of dudes went right to the pipe and fell off.

Smoked dust/Tical for a summer also. (Maybe like 3 times) Basically like 'smoking acid' is how I would describe it. Made me wig out. My 3rd time could best be described as a bad trip so I didnt touch it again.

Thankfully I never touched Heroin or Meth. Seemed like the rich kids had the heroin and the meth was a red neck thing.

I escaped so to say. Lost a lot of friends or just see a lot of friends who are my age (40) who partied to much and now have shit jobs.
My brother is 32 and in jail as we speak. Addicted to Heroin/Pills/Crack. Homeless and two kids in the system. He basically lives day to day (when he isnt in jail) shoplifting. Fucking sad. Wish I could save him.
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Never tried it and never would but I've been around it on occasions so I've probably got a contact high if that counts lol.... To be quite honest if people do it in their homes where I don't have to deal with the smell I don't think I'd mind but damn if I'm driving behind you and smelling that shit Ughhh makes me hate it lol.


Yes, medically for anxiety. Admittedly I just love everything about it.

As with anything moderation and respect for others is key.

I haven't smoked in about a year and a half, and even at that point, I was only smoking it a few times per year. I just gave up on buying from random dealers. It just started feeling too skeevy.

Plus, the older I get, the harder it becomes to find. Either my state will legalize it, or I'll move to another state where it happens to be legal. Other than that, I just don't know if I'll smoke again any time soon.

All of that is why I haven't for years, mostly just whiskey occasionally to calm down at the end of a day.

I'm hopeful for eventual legal recreation for many reasons, my top being tax revenue and ease of buying.


Gold Member
Makes me paranoid and depressed. So much so that the last time I seriously thought about getting in a hot bath and slitting my wrists.

I wish I could experience what the rest of you do. But for me it's a nightmare.

Edit: I don't want to scare anyone off of it. Throughout my life, I am the only one among a lot of people who've had that reaction.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
Makes me paranoid and depressed. So much so that the last time I seriously thought about getting in a hot bath and slitting my wrists.

I wish I could experience what the rest of you do. But for me it's a nightmare.

Edit: I don't want to scare anyone off of it. Throughout my life, I am the only one among a lot of people who've had that reaction.
How many times did you try it? I’ve seen that reaction a few times and it is usually from someone who has never done any drugs before and therefore freak out at the sensations they’re not used to.


No. I don't smoke cigarettes and don't drink alcohol either.
My drugs are sugar, salt and fat and that's enough for me and I'm ok with them.

I have zero will and craving to get high or drunk.


Gold Member
How many times did you try it? I’ve seen that reaction a few times and it is usually from someone who has never done any drugs before and therefore freak out at the sensations they’re not used to.
I think around 15 to 20 times? The last time I tried it (and had that reaction) it had been years so you make a good point. I guess it's just the last time scared the hell out of me.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I think around 15 to 20 times? The last time I tried it (and had that reaction) it had been years so you make a good point. I guess it's just the last time scared the hell out of me.
It could also be because a lot of the stuff going around nowadays could hardly be called marijuana anymore. They put so much shit into it that it can have much stronger affects on people.


Have done it a couple of times but i get kind of sick doing it. usually i just drink alcohol^^ Some of my friends smoke it on a regular basis though, nothing wrong with it.
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Which is why I’m pleased cannabis isn’t addictive, or expensive. I’m sure that escapism is the reason many people use a variety of substances, but cannabis is more of an enhancer in my experience. If you’re looking to strictly numb yourself there’s way better options like alcohol. And no, you wouldn’t have to research a sizable group of people, but you’d have to say something that led me to believe you had anything other the second hand knowledge. It’s just kind of the same drugs bad, based on my buddy/brother and my stoner friends in high school. All I’m really suggesting is that it’s more complex than you realize, and users are as well.
While not as physically addictive as harder drugs, marijuana is very much addictive if done regularly over a long period of time. I quit after a 15 year every day, all day habit. It sent my body into a panic. I was in the emergency room with blood pressure of 190/120 several times. My doctor had to prescribe a light dosage of Xanax for a month because he said I was having withdraw symptoms and it would help. Towards the end of my smoking I was starting to have terrible anxiety and never wanted to leave the house. It also did a number on my right artery in my heart. Smoking anything for a long period of time can lead to heart disease. While not the only factor, smoking in such excess lead to me having a heart attack at 36 years old. The guy I regularly dealt with was an old school hippy that still smokes to this day, but has survived several heart attacks from damaged arteries. Everything comes with a price. I've been clean for several years now and no longer have anxiety and am healthier mentally and physically than I've been in quite a long time. I was lucky. Have fun, of course, and enjoy yourselves, but understand that marijuana can have harmful effects and is not without possible consequences.


While not as physically addictive as harder drugs, marijuana is very much addictive if done regularly over a long period of time. I quit after a 15 year every day, all day habit. It sent my body into a panic. I was in the emergency room with blood pressure of 190/120 several times. My doctor had to prescribe a light dosage of Xanax for a month because he said I was having withdraw symptoms and it would help. Towards the end of my smoking I was starting to have terrible anxiety and never wanted to leave the house. It also did a number on my right artery in my heart. Smoking anything for a long period of time can lead to heart disease. While not the only factor, smoking in such excess lead to me having a heart attack at 36 years old. The guy I regularly dealt with was an old school hippy that still smokes to this day, but has survived several heart attacks from damaged arteries. Everything comes with a price. I've been clean for several years now and no longer have anxiety and am healthier mentally and physically than I've been in quite a long time. I was lucky. Have fun, of course, and enjoy yourselves, but understand that marijuana can have harmful effects and is not without possible consequences.

I mean I’m 51 and I’m in excellent health. I can stop anytime and often do for weeks or even months. The only physical withdrawal experienced was difficulty sleeping, which I have even when I use cannabis. The stress reduction and the increased enjoyment of exercise I get from cannabis actually helps me be healthy. But again, effects people differently, I don’t discount your experience.
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I use to smoke daily while in the US

Weed + rocket league = happiness.

Now im back to my country I cant smoke unfortunately and rocket league with 110 ping.

Tho I will go to Australia in january I wonder how easy to have access to weed in there.


Neo Member
Overthinking -> anxiety -> symptoms -> overthinking -> anxiety

There's a kind of the herb that makes your head clearly. More easy to focus and create. It really relax you. Unfortunaly i never know what kind i'm buying because of the way i have to get it. I have the same problems and sometimes i get the bad kind of herb and with this kind my anxiety just boost a little and the help is only with other stuff like workout focus and body stress.


There's a kind of the herb that makes your head clearly. More easy to focus and create. It really relax you. Unfortunaly i never know what kind i'm buying because of the way i have to get it. I have the same problems and sometimes i get the bad kind of herb and with this kind my anxiety just boost a little and the help is only with other stuff like workout focus and body stress.
So... workout is gonna be then : D


Don’t care for it personally or have any interest in smoking it again

But legalize it everywhere and tax that shit

It’s less dangerous than alcohol
Never tried and never will but i have a few friends in my circle doing weed in dayly basis. The problem is that all of them seem to be in a lower IQ fuction level than the rest of my friends. They tend to get lost sometimes or forget stuff. I don't really know if the weed causes that, but it's something all of them have it.

Dark Star

I smoked pretty regularly, at least 1-2 times a day, from the ages 18-21. those were indeed very fun, carefree years of my life (where i took it way too easy and didn't apply myself in school, work, etc).

i enjoyed that era of my life, it was fun. These days i don't smoke at all, maybe on new years, halloween, my birthday, etc ... just the occasional thing, few times a year with friends. i live in an illegal state so i don't buy weed or bongs/pipes anymore, got rid of all that stuff years ago. i would like to move to a legal state, get a decent job that doesn't really drug test beyond the pre-employment status, so i can smoke again.

I absolutely love the effects of weed, it's very compatible with my brain chemistry, tolerance or no tolerance it just makes me appreciate everything in life so much more, an enhancement to reality more so than a crutch/addiction taht so many ITT have made it out to be. though, i have to admit my productivity as a musician and student are much better now that i'm basically sober. i drink a little alcohol on the weekends, usually just a few drinks on friday night, that is about it, i don't smoke cigs/vape/etc.

lil puff

Weed seems to be good for getting me in a musically creative zone, and I think out the box a bit better.

Alcohol impairs my senses, fools me into thinking things sound better because they are louder, I do dumb things, work slow and redundant.

So, I do both while doing music.



Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
It either makes me paranoid or way too introverted. That's why I drink.

It is common symptom and ultimately it drives towards mental issues. Some are more resistant but some instantly catch mental illness not even knowing it until it is obvious to the surrounding people and family.
I would strongly advice not to get into it - I saw many of my friends literally destroy their lives cause of weed.


Never have and probably never will.
I don't drink either.

I don't care if people smoke, but I think it smells bad and makes my friends all worse to play games with because 100% of the pot smokers I play games with get worse as they smoke.


Neo Member
Never have and probably never will.
I don't drink either.

I don't care if people smoke, but I think it smells bad and makes my friends all worse to play games with because 100% of the pot smokers I play games with get worse as they smoke.

Nah, i play better when i'm high. Play with me. :messenger_grinning_squinting:


Maybe once or twice a year, and then that would be a lot. I just don't really care about it that much I guess. Funnily enough I enjoy something I import from Sweden called snus a whole lot more.
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