Replaced by discord which I cant for the life of me, use if we are talking about a active topic. The amount of ongoing messages scrolling every few seconds is a mess to read.
Not saying this is the reason for any specific shift, but I have a few friends who work in teaching and they all say attention spans have taken a nosedive basically.Gen Z'ers are too lazy to read, if they even know how to read. Their attention span is too short. 30 second tiktoks are the only thing they can handle.
I feel that social media comments are even more toxic than the ones found on current forums
Swarms of porn bots/spam bots and people just being mean to others. Especially when posts are up about controversial games/Events.Can you give examples?
Swarms of porn bots/spam bots and people just being mean to others. Especially when posts are up about controversial games/Events.
It's the same everywhere even on youtube, and X. Personally, I've just stopped going through the comments altogether for my own sanity. I tip my hat for those moderators that have to sift through all that.That hasn't been my experience on FB or IG but I've seen a lot of hateful comments on YouTube and Twitter over movies and such. Even racist comments with the N-Word or other slurs for other POC and white people.
It's the same everywhere even on youtube, and X. Personally, I've just stopped going through the comments altogether for my own sanity. I tip my hat for those moderators that have to sift through all that.
A difference with GAF and all these places is that you need a non free email address to register. After registering you have to wait a long time until you're accepted. Presumably duplicate accounts can also be caught in this waiting phase. Once you're in because of the the hoops, many will stick to the rules around discourse and if you're banned you have to begin this process again and wait.Agreed. YouTube and Twitter are cesspools. I tend to just look at who I follow (mostly friends and family) and that's it. YouTube is horrible tho. It's worse than 4Chan
Agreed. YouTube and Twitter are cesspools. I tend to just look at who I follow (mostly friends and family) and that's it. YouTube is horrible tho. It's worse than 4Chan
Wasn't that changed and now anyone with a free email provider can join?A difference with GAF and all these places is that you need a non free email address to register. After registering you have to wait a long time until you're accepted. Presumably duplicate accounts can also be caught in this waiting phase. Once you're in because of the the hoops, many will stick to the rules around discourse and if you're banned you have to begin this process again and wait.
Whilst on Twitter, YouTube and 4Chan, not only is easy to avoid being banned and avoid the scrutiny of rule breaking, but you can also just create another account instantly using a free email over and over again. The toxic people are there forever.
If that's the case now then ignore everything I said.Wasn't that changed and now anyone with a free email provider can join?
I really hate Reddit for this... hiding posts because they were downvoted. Searching in whole Reddit instead of the current community. Algorithm deciding for me which posts are "Best", "Top" or "Relevant".
- Many of these sites and services being poorly designed for long discussions.
I really hate Reddit for this... hiding posts because they were downvoted. Searching in whole Reddit instead of the current community. Algorithm deciding for me which posts are "Best", "Top" or "Relevant".
It would depend on the subject.I'm a reptile breeder and there were once hundreds of forums dedicated to reptile husbrandry. Nearly all have been replaced now by Facebook groups where care questions and the info that was offered on the forums is now posted on them and immediately answered.So how do people even discuss topics on facebook or twitter? Seems like they're setup more like blogs, especially twitter. Like at least Reddit has subs where you can focus in on specific topics.
Be less weird. You maniac.I'm happy I can post my interests without it getting removed. Huge props for sure
Can you give examples?
Yes and I'm the weird one. Where you being sarcastic?
What's weird is creating "stories" about inane shit and hope you get likes and followers.
Look at this forum. You can’t even discuss video games because everything is basically Xbox vs. PlayStation.
No. I wasn't.
In my experience on FB and IG, I rarely, if ever, see things like what you mentioned. I follow specific people who are usually family and friends and a few acquaintances.
I only see toxic stuff from folks I don't follow on YouTube and Twitter.
Look at this forum. You can’t even discuss video games because everything is basically Xbox vs. PlayStation.
Doesn't mean it's inherently less toxic
AlthoughMidGenRefresh isn't wrong.
Toxicity isn't bound to a specific platform. However i do feel there's a great discrepancy between forum's and SM.
But maybe I'm wrong.
Applaud your honesty.
Yep, was coming to post this. Barely go to the gaming side anymore because of how ridiculous it's gotten. Same posters always defending or attacking in every thread.
Yeah. I just think it depends on if it's the people you follow or the people allowed on their pages.
Sadly this is still the case. Even with mods constantly cleaning up the place another permbanned user just gets replaced with someone new that’s just as bad as them.Look at this forum. You can’t even discuss video games because everything is basically Xbox vs. PlayStation.