Late Stage Marxist Member Jul 21, 2004 #2 Probably not. Historically has there been much in the way of leaks with Nintendo?
G ge-man Member Jul 21, 2004 #5 Very unlikely. How many titles did Nintendo show at this year's E3 that literally went through a year of a media blackout? Quite a few.
Very unlikely. How many titles did Nintendo show at this year's E3 that literally went through a year of a media blackout? Quite a few.
A AniHawk Member Jul 21, 2004 #6 No, but I'd prefer we learn everything at E3 2005, instead of little snippets up to then. I have really high expectations for this game. I want a Zelda like the one I have in mind. Maybe, someday...
No, but I'd prefer we learn everything at E3 2005, instead of little snippets up to then. I have really high expectations for this game. I want a Zelda like the one I have in mind. Maybe, someday...
J JJConrad Sucks at viral marketing Jul 21, 2004 #7 I think we probably will. Not a video, if that's what you meant be "footage," but some new screenshots.
I think we probably will. Not a video, if that's what you meant be "footage," but some new screenshots.
M Mama Smurf My penis is still intact. Jul 21, 2004 #8 Only if you count magazine exclusives 2 weeks beforehand.