what's the point of a multi-Master story if you're going to turn around and say "actually one of them isn't the Master"

what's the point of a multi-Master story if you're going to turn around and say "actually one of them isn't the Master"
Chibnall better bring back the Rani tho
Who would play her though?
Chibnall better bring back the Rani tho
Who would play her though?
That could be a disguise and the true valeyard is Missy. Anything can happen.The Valeyard by definition of what it is, can only have one incarnation. We've already seen it.
I see. All this time we thought Nardole wasn't human because he was partly robot, but actually he was a time lord. Classic Moffat and his word play.You guys with your "Missy is the Doctor" or "Someone is the Valeyard" are all missing the real reveal playing out between the lines.
Nardole is the Meddling Monk.
What time is it on tomorrow?
Nearly missed it at 6:45 last week, so early!
I need to watch more SJA![]()
Who would play her though?
Do this asap too!
Christ, do I need to organise all your viewing??![]()
I need to watch more SJA![]()
The Death of the Doctor with Matt Smith was pretty good.I tried to watch it, tried to do a soft intro by watching a 10th Doctor/SJA cross over episode (the wedding of Sarah Jane) but it was just really bad. Figured if they can't make a good episode with the 10th Doctor being in it, the rest of the show is probably worse.
I tried to watch it, tried to do a soft intro by watching a 10th Doctor/SJA cross over episode (the wedding of Sarah Jane) but it was just really bad. Figured if they can't make a good episode with the 10th Doctor being in it, the rest of the show is probably worse.
The Death of the Doctor with Matt Smith was pretty good.
Children of Earth is probably going to be the best thing Russel T. Davies ever does.
Heads up Whovians, this is a reminder that tomorrow's #DoctorWho finale is on at 8:30/7:30c rather than 9/8c. See you half an hour earlier 👋
Stolen Earth/Journey's End on a purely technical/structural level. Bringing three shows together to crossover while still telling a Doctor specific story while ending a companions story and bringing a classic villain back and somehow giving everyone stuff to do AND writing another send off for Rose AND having to pay off all the S4 stuff.
The shit is absurd in retrospect. Ridiculous he pulled it off semi coherently.
Stolen Earth/Journey's End on a purely technical/structural level. Bringing three shows together to crossover while still telling a Doctor specific story while ending a companions story and bringing a classic villain back and somehow giving everyone stuff to do AND writing another send off for Rose AND having to pay off all the S4 stuff.
The shit is absurd in retrospect. Ridiculous he pulled it off semi coherently.
If we're talking individual stories, Midnight remains my favourite of his. It's incredible how good he is when he eschews the usual faith in humanity's inherent goodness that pervades most of his work.
Silence in the Library has not aged well with the hindsight that Moffat was using it as a trial run.
The scares are good though.
Silence in the Library has not aged well with the hindsight that Moffat was using it as a trial run.
The scares are good though.
Oh, the Cyber-Brig still pisses me off considering Moffat could have easily written a Chekov's Gun into the painting on the UNIT plane to save Kate from her fall, and maybe even had it contain a letter for the Doctor when he was looking for guidance. That would been way more respectful to the memory of Nicholas Courtney.
I agree, it felt weird to me too, but considering who Nicholas Courtney was, how he talked in public and how he poked fun at himself/his own role/the silliness of it all, that ending for him would have gotten a huge laugh out of him.
But yeah it was a bit odd. I think the ending he originally got, with Matt Smith's Doctor getting a phone call, worked a lot better.
If we're talking individual stories, Midnight remains my favourite of his. It's incredible how good he is when he eschews the usual faith in humanity's inherent goodness that pervades most of his work.
I've watched Midnight so many times, it's always a fascinating watch, especially when you focus on one character for the whole episodes.
Also has one of the bleakest endings in a modern Who episode, where Donna tries to lighten the mood and 10 shuts it down.
edit: On the topic of SJA, I grew up coming home to that on CBBC and it was a perfect accompaniment to Doctor Who. I'd love to see The Trickster make an appearance in a Doctor Who episode.
The Doctors mentioned the Trickster and his brigade on several occasions in regular Who episodes.
Turn Left is essentially what I'm imagining I suppose, but with an actual appearance by The Trickster. I just think it's a really simple but effect design for a villain.
Rewatching Series 8, and good lord, Danny Pink is worse than I remember, he's boring and a huge dick (sucks, because Samuel Anderson seems nice and should have played a lighter-hearted person). Talking shit to the Doctor about not getting his hands dirty when he spent hundreds of years waging war on Gallifrey (I feel like series 10 Twelve would have snapped back at him). Nardole absolutely crushes that character in terms of how lovable and better he is.
Doctor dies outright before he can regenerate. A reformed and newly regenerated Master steps forward and says "from now on, everything I do, I do in the name of the Doctor". Then they reveal their first incarnation was Clara Oswald.
This is about where I'm at. I'd probably put it between 9 (top-tier) and 8 (a few strong episodes but a bit flimsy overall). And if we are discussing series 8 again, I second the complaint that the writing on Twelve aims for "gruff but lovable" but most of the time just comes across as "dick", particularly to Danny.I was super high on the first half of the season, but The Lie of the Land, Empress of Mars and The Eaters of Light really took the wind out of its sails for me. They downplayed my favourite element of the season up until that point; Bill and the Doctor's lovely, teacher-and-student rapport made the first half so fresh, but those episodes recast Bill as a far more generic companion, and really sapped my enthusiasm with it.
Looks to be ending strong, mind.
I semi-genuinely can't go back to Series 8 now because of Capaldi's flat hair.
But Moffat was pretty specific that the Doctor had only thirteen lives, we know all of them, they were all at the final battle at Gallifrey and none of them was a woman. Just stupid IMO.I dunno, I like the idea that the Doctor has a vastly larger and more complicated history than we've seen over the course of the TV series.
If you want to be technical about it, The Brain of Morbius from the classic series showed a load of the Doctor's faces, including several from before Hartnell. If they wanted to retcon Hartnell as the first Doctor of a new regeneration cycle rather than the first one ever, I could buy it.
Yeah, Danny Pink is by far the worst thing about S8.(Sorry, can't agree about Pink though. He helped Clara's arc and I did like what they did with him dying and his PTSD, but his personality was awful. Give me Jack, Jamie, Ian, Rory or Nardole any day)
I dunno, I like the idea that the Doctor has a vastly larger and more complicated history than we've seen over the course of the TV series.
If you want to be technical about it, The Brain of Morbius from the classic series showed a load of the Doctor's faces, including several from before Hartnell. If they wanted to retcon Hartnell as the first Doctor of a new regeneration cycle rather than the first one ever, I could buy it.
But Moffat was pretty specific that the Doctor had only thirteen lives, we know all of them, they were all at the final battle at Gallifrey and none of them was a woman. Just stupid IMO.
To be fair to what you are saying, you could have removed Jack, Sarah Jane and Martha Jones from the whole script and barely any of the episode would have changed. The only important players in the episode were Rose, Donna and the Doctor. Everyone else was plot fluff.
To be fair to what you are saying, you could have removed Jack, Sarah Jane and Martha Jones from the whole script and barely any of the episode would have changed. The only important players in the episode were Rose, Donna and the Doctor. Everyone else was plot fluff.
Final random prediction before it all goes down tonight: I agree that it's very unlikely at this point that any of the companions will continue with the next Doctor, but Bill's apparent death at the end of the last episode is a red herring. She'll survive this season. It's all there to distract you from the real death coming up: Nardole. People sort of forget they're going to have to get rid of him too, and if one of the two of them will be there, alive and well, at christmas, it'll be Bill rather than Nardole.
The bit with Sarah Jane and Davros was my favourite part though. And made Davros's point far more emphatic.
Turn Left is essentially what I'm imagining I suppose, but with an actual appearance by The Trickster. I just think it's a really simple but effect design for a villain.