Elden Member
I'm not saying season 1 is perfect, but in a way it's easier to jump into the series from there as there's no backstory you need to know. If you start in S2, you already start with Rose being the companion and the relationship she already has with the Doctor and also er family. S3 is a bit better in this aspect, as you would be introduced to a brand new companion with Martha, but then there's all the "I want to forget Rose" going on that might make you feel like you're losing something. S4 would probably be the best season to start watching in RTD era if not S1, but then I think you would get spoiled starting with the best companion so far![]()
At the end of the day its where I started, S1 is a good introduction for people who understand that some episodes of early seasons really suck. I will say though I almost gave up at the farting aliens episode, sooo bad.
My wife started watching over my shoulder with the Runaway Bride episode, didnt mention liking it (later I found out she loved it, she was just confused by what the show was). But then she saw Blink and things clicked for her and she wanted to watch the whole thing from the begining. Thats why Blink is such a good epsiode for new people, it explains the whole concept of the show without forcing it down your throat. Its like a slow learning episode, and one that is very well produced.
She pretty much gave up in the Matt Smith era though, we both had to craw through that and were so glad when it ended (yes there were good parts, but as a whole he alienated us with his acting and personality). Luckily the old man doctor is slowly winning our hearts back. he really starts to feel like the natural coninuation of the 10th .