
Developer . . . . . . . . . CAVE Interactive CO.
Publisher . . . . . . . . . Degica
Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . Shmup / STG
Platform . . . . . . . . . . PC (Steam)
Release Date . . . . . . . Oct 13, 2016
Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 ($25.49 until Oct 24th)

DoDonPachi Resurrection (aka. DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu) is a vertical bullet hell shooter by Japanese developer CAVE. First released in arcades in 2008, then ported to Xbox 360 in 2010. Now available on the personal computer for the first time. This is, however, not the first game in the series. In fact it is the fifth, but don't let that trouble you. Story continuity is not the main draw of the series. This is a perfectly good title to jump into one of the greatest shmup series of all time.

DDP is good for survival play, that is just trying to survive until the end using a single credit (1CC), but also contains very deep scoring systems. If you've been out of the shmup game for a while you might be surprised how deep the well goes. This can appear intimidating at first pass, but similar to fighting games there is a lot of range in the skill of these systems and what you personally want to get out of them. Unlike fighting games there is no anxiety about getting stomped from other players of much higher skill levels.
Chains, counters, rank, loops and the likes are all present, not to mention the many variations and additions that the different modes provide on these systems. It may be tempting to credit feed to get to the end of the game and not see what the big deal is, but if you hang out and get familiar with how these things are working beyond the surface you will find some of the most challenging and addictive stuff in gaming.
Hyper Counter
Destroying enemies fills up the Hyper Counter. When full you can unleash a hyper attack which is very powerful and cancels bullets. Activating hyper increases rank (see below) so use with care.

Rank systems are a sort of dynamic difficulty slider. The better you are doing the harder the game will become. Don't forget these are arcade games and were made to be hard as nails. The important thing is Cave is good at balancing incredible difficulty with fair game play. The game will not 'eat your quarters' in an unfair way. Skill is rewarded and challenges can be overcome.
The rainbow gauge in the top left is your chaining guide. Keep an eye on it. When you kill an enemy there will be a small window of time where if you kill another enemy the chain will be extended, filling up the gauge. If you wait too long, or destroy everything too quickly leaving you nothing to chain with, you will drop the chain, the gauge will empty, and any benefits of chaining will be lost. Below that you will see the giant HIT with numbers. That tells you how many enemies you have killed as part of the chain. This is one of the biggest ways to gain score as it feeds into the game in various ways including multipliers, and much more in other modes.
Every stage has hidden bees. Flying near their location will reveal them temporarily. When you see one switch to laser to release the bee and grab it. Bees are very important. Bees are life. ❤ Bees.

The three ships, that are a staple to anyone familiar to the series, are represented.
Deltasword (Red) - Type A, Fighter
Narrow Shot - Fast Movement
Biaxe (Green) - Type B, Helicopter
Medium Shot - Medium Movement
Spearhead (Blue) - Type C, Bomber
Wide Shot - Slow Movement
Styles act as a way to modify your style, or properties of the ships and how to play them. This allows a lot of variety in each mode. Similar in spirit to the dolls in DOJ.
- Bomb Style
Bombs, which are nice, with the sacrifice of a weaker shot/laser. Auto-Bomb is also available where if the player has a bomb and takes a hit the bomb will drop rather than losing a life.
- Power Style
No bombs, but you can toggle between Normal/Boost. When in Normal mode you move more quickly but have a weaker shot. In Boost mode you move slower and have a stronger shot.
- Strong Style
A balance of Bomb and Power styles.

The game has a lot of modes. If the price tag puts you off there is a whole lot of video game here. Including the ketsuipachi mode, which was DLC in the 360 release.
Normal - ver 1.5
Closest to the original arcade release, though as the 1.5 denotes a few changes were made such as balance and the inclusion of the Type B Helicopter.
Normal - ver 1.51
Varient on 1.5 that until ports was only available to play at Cave Matsuri.
Arrange A - ver L
An arrange mode where ship and style selection has been removed.
Arrange B - ver B
One of the stranger and more interesting modes. Arrange B is single stage runs that gets harder the more it is played.
Novice - ver 1.5
Similar to standard ver 1.5 except the bullet counts have been greatly reduced. A useful perk is that bee locations are visible by default. Can be a good learning tool for those new and trying to locate them and build scoring paths.
Black Label - Black Label
Includes the Red Mode system, via a change to how shooting works. When Red Mode is activated the game is much harder, but the rewards are much greater. Not for the faint of heart.
Arrange - Black Label
aka. 'Ketsuipachi' due to its mixing of ideas from Ketsui, another shmup by Cave. The mode itself is similar to standard Black Label in terms of stages and gameplay, however much has been layered on top such as the lock shot system from Ketsui. The Tigerschwert fighter from Ketsui is also available exclusively to this mode.
Novice - Black Label
Similar to Novice 1.5, reduced bullets and overall much easier than standard Black Label.