Call-Of-Duty-Black-Ops-6 |OT| Even the Truth Lies Apparently Phil.

Got up to round 36 zombies with randoms, could have gone further but by that round there were only 2 of us left and we silently agreed to exfil and call it a day lol. Finally tried the bowling alley Easter Egg, very cool and easy to do each run now that I have the shoe locations memorized. Aetherella Easter egg is a bit more involved but I got all the figurines yet it didn't trigger. I was playing solo, don't know if that has to do with anything 🤷🏻‍♂️

MP continues to be both one of the most fun and most frustrating experiences one can have online. SBMM needs to go, just go back to the good old days and make it random. I've also seen clips talking about of skill based DMG which is ridiculous. Weird anomalies with what can only be server lag too. I'm in ADS, guy turns corner, I unload half a clip aimed right at his centre, I get killed, kill cam shows me shooting to the right of him missing every shot 🤦🏻‍♂️


Gold Member
I hit prestige 9 last night. Prestige 9 and 10 are going to feel like a slog I think. A lot of the challenges I have remaining and weird and wonderful stuff or things that require later unlocked equipement etc.
I already know how you feel about this but since you already have the camo to prove your worked your ass off in MP I would say go into Zombies and knock out a lot of the easier masteries then go back to grinding the master prestige levels in MP


I already know how you feel about this but since you already have the camo to prove your worked your ass off in MP I would say go into Zombies and knock out a lot of the easier masteries then go back to grinding the master prestige levels in MP
Yea this is probably what I should do tbh. I’m taking a break from cod as I’m playing Indiana jones. I’m still playing to get daily challenges done and keeping an eye on unlocking that shotgun. Almost got it anyway. I stupidly wasted my half an hour double battle pass xp even though I completed the battle pass
Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
put grey's vocator bundle on my wishlist, looks pretty dope imo; if there's nothing nice for maxis or park next season I'll pick it up.


°Temp. member
I decided to give this a try during the free promotion currently going on... and I keep getting a crash every 1-2 hours mentioning a direct x error. It mentions they detected my videocard as overclocked but not only is it not overclocked but it's also power limited to 80% to reduce heat and noise lol.
I didn't get a single crash during the beta and MW2 doesn't crash. Hopefully they can patch it, the game is a lot of fun. Although, I'm also running the 24H2 update for w11 now (and on a newer driver version too) so who knows if that's a factor. I see lots of people online also complaining about the error though.
I remember for a while after Cold War came out it used to also crash with directx errors.
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I decided to give this a try during the free promotion currently going on... and I keep getting a crash every 1-2 hours mentioning a direct x error. It mentions they detected my videocard as overclocked but not only is it not overclocked but it's also power limited to 80% to reduce heat and noise lol.
I didn't get a single crash during the beta and MW2 doesn't crash. Hopefully they can patch it, the game is a lot of fun. Although, I'm also running the 24H2 update for w11 now (and on a newer driver version too) so who knows if that's a factor. I see lots of people online also complaining about the error though.
I remember for a while after Cold War came out it used to also crash with directx errors.
I don’t think the Ricochet anti cheat software likes it when people mess with power settings. This was previously an issue with the Rog Ally where people were changing power profiles mid match and getting shadow banned. Might be connected to that but honestly who knows. The fact it’s crashing it’s strange. Have you tried running with clocks at 100%?


°Temp. member
I don’t think the Ricochet anti cheat software likes it when people mess with power settings. This was previously an issue with the Rog Ally where people were changing power profiles mid match and getting shadow banned. Might be connected to that but honestly who knows. The fact it’s crashing it’s strange. Have you tried running with clocks at 100%?
MW2 also uses ricochet and I've never had a crash


MW2 also uses ricochet and I've never had a crash
That game was notorious for crashes near launch. In fact for at least 2-3 months afterwards. On steam anyway. Its likely something related that will probably be fixed in time. When they push updates, it can result in some gremlins.


°Temp. member
That game was notorious for crashes near launch. In fact for at least 2-3 months afterwards. On steam anyway. Its likely something related that will probably be fixed in time. When they push updates, it can result in some gremlins.
Yeah you're probably right. I didn't buy MW2 until much later when it was on sale so I probably skipped the crashing phase lol
I remember Cold War having the same DirectX crashing issue at launch as well.


Yeah you're probably right. I didn't buy MW2 until much later when it was on sale so I probably skipped the crashing phase lol
I remember Cold War having the same DirectX crashing issue at launch as well.
Yea its really annoying. Particularly if you are playing warzone with friends. Although I never play that mode now anyway.


°Temp. member
I managed to hit max level during the free trial, took me 3 days with all the double XP tokens I had.
I hope the winter sale has a deeper discount than the black friday sale did.


I decided to give this a try during the free promotion currently going on... and I keep getting a crash every 1-2 hours mentioning a direct x error. It mentions they detected my videocard as overclocked but not only is it not overclocked but it's also power limited to 80% to reduce heat and noise lol.
I didn't get a single crash during the beta and MW2 doesn't crash. Hopefully they can patch it, the game is a lot of fun. Although, I'm also running the 24H2 update for w11 now (and on a newer driver version too) so who knows if that's a factor. I see lots of people online also complaining about the error though.
I remember for a while after Cold War came out it used to also crash with directx errors.

What GPU?

It’s been crashing since day 1


I thought I was playing quite a bit and I am only just starting my third prestige.
Camos are your friend. For years I would play cod using only a selection of guns. (I didn't care for camos) I would try to level up etc. But honestly if you camo grind, you get loads of bonus xp and level up fast. Some of the camo challenges are more fun than others though.


Is this guy PS5 or XBOX?
lol I’d have hit master prestige by now but I have basically stopped playing the game now.
same, i hit prestige 9 level 30 something and am just about out of gas on this game with the "no fun allowed" nerfs and devs making changes to slow xp gains, focusing on enticing little kids to more micro transactions. there are also constant pc cheaters every other game once you get your KDR anywhere above 1.75 or so. (for example 3 people on the other team going 15-0, 21-1, 19-0 in the first 2 minutes of a match, if you queue solo the matchmaking makes you the only person with thumbs on your team, and the cheaters are all running ESP/walls/infinite UAV in software hacks - just google black ops 6 hacks and you'll see how easy it is to pay 40$ for a subscription to a cheating service).

i missed last weekends double xp and i was at a relatives where my nephew was playing zombies, he's prestige master and he's literally 7 years old.


Gold Member
same, i hit prestige 9 level 30 something and am just about out of gas on this game with the "no fun allowed" nerfs and devs making changes to slow xp gains, focusing on enticing little kids to more micro transactions. there are also constant pc cheaters every other game once you get your KDR anywhere above 1.75 or so. (for example 3 people on the other team going 15-0, 21-1, 19-0 in the first 2 minutes of a match, if you queue solo the matchmaking makes you the only person with thumbs on your team, and the cheaters are all running ESP/walls/infinite UAV in software hacks - just google black ops 6 hacks and you'll see how easy it is to pay 40$ for a subscription to a cheating service).

i missed last weekends double xp and i was at a relatives where my nephew was playing zombies, he's prestige master and he's literally 7 years old.
For awhile zombies gave insane xp before they nerfec it.

It’s still a great place to grind camos and masteries plus do the dailies in both zombies and mp

I am at prestige master lvl 135 doing that

I find it hard to believe every studio is now so incompetent that this shit happens every year.

My guess is that IW are responsible for pushing stuff to Cod HQ for playlists and other things that seem to break constantly with every update. The whole system where everything is centred around Warzone needs to go, I am rooting for Verdansk to crash and burn.


I booted up and had 600 already somehow? Instant finish. Takes away the grind a little which actually enjoy don’t know what I’ll do with 14 days left on the thing 😂
The event is so infuriating even if you disregard the fact people got bulk archies.

They only drop occasionally and usually in some sort of fire line and then you try endlessly to collect it for it to only disappear. One of the worst events I've seen.
I'd rather have to get several thousand kills than collect the 300 archies needed.


Not the YouTuber
The event is so infuriating even if you disregard the fact people got bulk archies.

They only drop occasionally and usually in some sort of fire line and then you try endlessly to collect it for it to only disappear. One of the worst events I've seen.
I'd rather have to get several thousand kills than collect the 300 archies needed.

I wish I could donate them, I still have several hundred and will continue to collect them for the next 14 days even though I’m finished already. Luck of the draw annoyingly


Finally got around to levelling the GS45 up to unlock akimbo, for zombies. Since Ive seen a lot of players using it. Theyre not worth much at base level but once PaPed theyre awesome. Just had a very easy exfil testing them out, they really mow the hordes down.


Gold Member
I got no archies at the start of the event.

Anyway this game is good, definitely better than the last few, but far behind BOCW and MW2019 still.
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