The game looks great and the battles are fun so far. It's definitley in the B+ category at the moment.
There's one thing that's annoying though and I can't seem to pin point it...the game is very harsh on my eyes. Maybe it's the framerate but I'm not sure. (what's the framerate on this game anyway?)
The only other time I'm felt like this is when playing Zelda TOoT on the Gamecube. It literally almost gave me a headache after a few minutes. In certain parts, Riddick had the same issue when turning to the left or right early on in the game.
That's really the only downside though, however it's a big annoyance to me. I want to play the game without feeling like I need to rip my eyes out after 10 minutes.

There's one thing that's annoying though and I can't seem to pin point it...the game is very harsh on my eyes. Maybe it's the framerate but I'm not sure. (what's the framerate on this game anyway?)
The only other time I'm felt like this is when playing Zelda TOoT on the Gamecube. It literally almost gave me a headache after a few minutes. In certain parts, Riddick had the same issue when turning to the left or right early on in the game.
That's really the only downside though, however it's a big annoyance to me. I want to play the game without feeling like I need to rip my eyes out after 10 minutes.