Probably the biggest technical claim Doom3 makes is that it offers completely dynamic lighting and shadowing - everything casts a shadow, or multiple shadows (with multiple light sources)...there are no tricks, no lightmaps (as far as I know?) etc. It's the most "correct" implementation of lighting in a game yet, at least technically. At least that is/was the claim. Is this still correct? Though we have had excellent visuals in recent games like Far Cry, can Doom3 still claim to one-up them technically, in at least this aspect (lighting)? Will it represent a new technical level where everything is lit "properly", or have we already hit that level with other games? In other words, have any previous games hit Doom3 quality lighting already, or can we expect to be wowed visually by the game? Does it offer something new, technically?
All id games have marked a technical watershed I guess I'm curious as to what Doom3 can offer above its competitors, from that point of view.
edit - I didn't see the new Doom3 video thread before posting this, so I guess I can no longer complain of no recent media. I suppose people can now offer better judgement based on that (i've yet to see the vid myself)
All id games have marked a technical watershed I guess I'm curious as to what Doom3 can offer above its competitors, from that point of view.
edit - I didn't see the new Doom3 video thread before posting this, so I guess I can no longer complain of no recent media. I suppose people can now offer better judgement based on that (i've yet to see the vid myself)