Girlfriend saved an all black, 3 m/o German Shepherd yesterday. Trying to train it to not bark at the TV and its own reflection. Shits rough.
You have to be really firm with them and set clear boundaries.
Not a dog for a first time owner or someone who likes to baby their dog.
The friend's german pup was a little shithead until the awesome owners taught it some discipline and made it clear that the dog wasn't the boss.
They have a strong will and are pretty independant and will test you constantly as a pup.
Don't be so sure (worst video ever but it illustrates the point)
Well ever dog has its own personality...
My friend's shepherd would bark and pose himself between the friend (or me) and strangers when they became too loud or when they were wrestling or play fighting.
We couldn't playfight or wrestle with kids (I say kids, we were all about 15 at the time) or relatives the dog didn't know because the dog would nip at their ankles or ass after a while (which is why I said no agression, he never bit)
He also made a lot of noise if strangers entered the yard. (very intimidating to them but she wasn't a biter , noone ever believed you if you said it was fine to come in

My family's little king charles spaniel (
really submissive dogs in general, including ours) would do the same

Even though I'd generally categorise that breed as submissive , sweet, lapdog cowards she had a little guarddog streak in her.
She once went batshit snarling insane at a guy who was yelling at my father through the car window xD
We've had 3 of them and some relatives have some too and they're generally all really really submissive lapdogs.
That particular dog in your video seems to be oblivious or scared.
Again,different dogs can have different personalities.
4 out of the 5 golden retrievers that I've ever met have been agressive to other people or other pets and should not be let near children. So there's always exceptions.
I also knew one really agressive (mechelse) shepherd that had to be put down because he couldn't be trained and bit everyone (same family that raised the amazing shepherd and a bunch of other great dogs, so not owner's fault)