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Don't Starve PS4 |OT| Free with PS+


why even bother fighitng spiders when you can lure a horde into traptown.

Beehives are also really great cos you can just kite enemies, run in, harvest the honey and let the killer bees distract the hounds. mmm, beekeeping.


why even bother fighitng spiders when you can lure a horde into traptown.

Beehives are also really great cos you can just kite enemies, run in, harvest the honey and let the killer bees distract the hounds. mmm, beekeeping.

Trapping spiders is super fun and profitable.


Wow I actually dreamt a lot about this game last night and I've only tried it for like 20 minutes xD uh oh!
They transport you to another worm hole on the map. Each time you use this is costs you sanity. Plan your trip through them, then wait a day or two before going again, so you have a chance to recover.

Ah right, cheers.

Probably a good idea to set up camp near a wormhole then, I take it?


Neo Member
Made it to day 6 and then I pissed some spiders off and they killed me :(. But wow I love this game so far.
Ah right, cheers.

Probably a good idea to set up camp near a wormhole then, I take it?

Depends. Some wormholes will send you a full day's walk away and are very valuable, others only send you a short distance and are worthless because the time saved isn't worth the sanity cost. I find setting up near beefalo and rabbit holes is most important, and stone is second. Sometimes I rely on a wormhole to get me to the stone, but that's only if it happens to be convenient.


I was very disappointed that i couldn't put a torch to a spider nest.

I am also disappointed that my wife has discovered this game and i have lost control of my mancave.

Guess i'll go play spelunky by the fireplace with the cats :(


On my first playthrough. I was doing relatively well until day 13 where I discovered how to sleep through the night. For some reason, I thought that doing so would conserve my hunger, but when I woke up everything drained and it was a mad dash to find food until I ended up dying soon after. Thankfully that stone thing I activated resurrected me.

Cool game. Never sleeping again.
Cool game. Never sleeping again.

Once you have a crock pot and some rabbit traps, restoring that amount of hunger is trivial. Sleeping is the single best and fastest way in the game to restore sanity, which is critical in the later game when you're frequently dealing with things that not only drain your sanity, but require your sanity to be particularly low.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Fuckin killed by a frog. Do they do damage over time or something? I'd just figured out a reliable way to farm webs... :T

I kinda wish there was an endgoal though, like, survive a whole year, or collect x artifacts and blah blah blah. Survival is great and all but assuming I hit stability at some point it'll get a little tiresome...
That's what Adventure Mode is for.


I was looking forward to this game coming to PS+. Really disappointed in it though. Nothing more than a chore simulator to me. I think I am getting too old for games, I can't find the fun in something like Don't Starve anymore. I can see the mechanics right away, simple chores for tools, tools for second level chores, more complex tools and perhaps some simple strategy for higher tear resources... Everything I'll have to do in the game is laid bare, and it looks like a hell of a lot of work. I just don't understand why people willingly do it. Where is the payoff for all the crap you have to do?


I put in a couple of solid hours with this one tonight, and I can admit that I'm happy I didn't pay for it.

That's not to say it's a bad game, it's just very monotonous after awhile. Made it to day 14 on my second playthrough.
For some reason my traps never seem to catch much? I have successfully caught one bunny out of the 10 or so traps I've laid down. What am I doing wrong gaf?

I'm at work, 8+ hours away from being able to play this game again and that fact is killing me, lol


For some reason my traps never seem to catch much? I have successfully caught one bunny out of the 10 or so traps I've laid down. What am I doing wrong gaf?

I'm at work, 8+ hours away from being able to play this game again and that fact is killing me, lol

Chase the bunny away from it's hole then try to make it run straight over the trap, even if it means chasing it in circles until it's at the correct angle. Luck still plays a part though.

Also, spiders are very easy to kill with traps.
For some reason my traps never seem to catch much? I have successfully caught one bunny out of the 10 or so traps I've laid down. What am I doing wrong gaf?

I'm at work, 8+ hours away from being able to play this game again and that fact is killing me, lol
Either bait the trap with a carrot or place the trap right on top of a rabbit hole.
The HUD is tiny to the point of being completely useless and unreadable for me. Hope they add the option to increase its size.

Fun game. Seems like it would be a better Vita native game though.


What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.


What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
Sanity. As it goes down you start to... see things.


What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.

Sanity. Usually the toughest to keep full I found.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.


Pick flowers at dusk and you're sorted.

Since figuring that out I have been a hell of a lot more comfortable in my beginner level wilderness survival.


What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.

Sanity. Refill it by sleeping or doing normal human things
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.

Sanity. You start hallucinating and having other things go wrong when it drops too low. And it will drop too low if you don't watch out.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.

Sanity. Stay near fires at night to keep it from draining too quick. Also, craft a garland as early as you can and put it on your head (need 12 flowers; you can craft it in the very bottom "Headgear" submenu), as it helps keep your sanity up.


Sanity. Usually the toughest to keep full I found.

One way to increase sanity by building prototypes of tools or whatever. I try to keep a few in reserve and build them when sanity is dipping dangerously low. Gives you a good bump.

other things that help sanity:
- Killing monsters
- Being friendly with pig men
- wearing garland (12 flowers) [seems minimal and might only slow sanity dips, not entirelysure]

things that drop sanity:
- rain
- being away from your campire at night
- digging up graves
- evil flowers
- not being dressed for the winter weather
- caves/spelunking
- using wormholes
So far made it to Day 11

My adventures went a bit like this...

- Gather twigs and grass and flint

- Build axes and pickaxes

- Gather berries and carrots and things of that nature

- Gather grass and petals for first hat / grass suit

- Try and quickly find rocks to get a gold nugget to build Science Machine

- Build a " home base " of sorts with science machine, camp and plant tons of pine cones in the area

- Adventure out with 3-4 torches, try to find or get what I need to build weapons and better armor

At this point, I am basically working to build chests and backpacks to stock up on foods and materials. Keeping close eye on sanity / health

Each death has been through experiments lol. Seeing what happens when attacking a Beefalo or beehive or going after a spider nest or whatever. I got real close to starving once but eventually ran into a horde of carrots and berries and lived off the land while exploring around.

Awesome game, truly. You are constantly on the hunt, trying to stay alive. Great stuff. I have yet to get what I need to start farming though, that is my quest today. Try and do a run where I quickly can build a Science Machine and Alchemy Machine and then start farming and trapping alot. I find that trapping rabbits is a waste of time though. Damn things love to run right next to the trap and not directly under it. I took down an entire forest with one light of a tree last night lmao. Whole freakin thing went up. Was running for my life being chased from behind by trees that kept going up in flames. Quite the show, and got a trophy! lol.
Some pro tips for you new guys:

-Make a top hat And never worry about sanity again.
-Always always always wear armor in a fight. Log suit is easy to make and super useful.
-Give trinkets you dig up in graveyards to the pig king, he'll give you tons of gold.
-1 monster meat 2 morsels and 1 honey make the best healing item/food in the game.
-Fight monsters with the help of beefalo or pigmen.
-you can kite tree monsters and not get hit.
-Wait to kill spider nest until they have 2 lumps so you can plant the eggs and farm the spiders near camp.
-Make honey farms, and plant butterflies you catch in a net around them. It will produce honey way faster.
-trap rabbits and dont kill them, just put them in a chest alive. They don't
go bad that way, this is essential for the winter days.


Some pro tips for you new guys:

-Make a top hat And never worry about sanity again.
-Always always always wear armor in a fight. Log suit is easy to make and super useful.
-Give trinkets you dig up in graveyards to the pig king, he'll give you tons of gold.
-1 monster meat 2 morsels and 1 honey make the best healing item/food in the game.
-Fight monsters with the help of beefalo or pigmen.
-you can kite tree monsters and not get hit.
-Wait to kill spider nest until they have 2 lumps so you can plant the eggs and farm the spiders near camp.
-Make honey farms, and plant butterflies you catch in a net around them. It will produce honey way faster.
-trap rabbits and dont kill them, just put them in a chest alive. They don't
go bad that way, this is essential for the winter days.

good stuff & vouched for
Stupidest question ever I guess but... HOW DO I ADD WOOD TO THE FIRE ! OR EAT !

I can't find the "use" option on items :(

EDIT : ok found it, jus't don't press "R2"
Select the item with the right analog stick (or left after pressing R2) then you'll find advanced options mapped to the d-pad. Eat and equip is right, cook is left.

Edit: To light the fire or add more fuel, highlight something woody, stand next to the fire and press the d-pad left.


Got killed by a Tallbird on Day 8. I have no idea what I'm doing :lol Finding berries and stuff to eat is the hardest, gathering resources the easiest. Still can't really see the point, but I got a new character to try now at least!
I made it to day 19 and got whacked by a tentacle on my way back to base. Died instantly. I had a really good setup going too.

One thing I really like about this game is that every resource is super useful, even the basic stuff. I was nearly 20 days in and still going "Oh hell yes, saplings! I need these!" I stumbled across the remains of a pig/beefalo fight and there were 15 hunks of meat just lying on the ground, with a bunch of beefalo hair around it. It was like Christmas morning!
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