Uh, who ever sorted the list online, you sort of just broke it.
Fixed, no worries.
I think it was delirium, and he ran away soon after committing his dastardly crime.
Not your game Audie, the one against Yuber
I made a list sorted by ELO to the side for easier perusal.I really think you guys should just take off all the people who haven't played. It really shouldn't be to hard to readd them if they ever do play, and would make the list easier to look though.
It was very pleasant.did some1 record dire mumble???
dat push
I'm listed as 0-2 on the spreadsheet, but won in this game. I should be 1-1
Also would the following players please confirm their identities (and if you see them online/play a match with them, ask them to come in here if possible):
Mister Sinister
Noted and changed.I'm listed as 0-2 on the spreadsheet, but won in this game. I should be 1-1
Playing as Dues is fine, just needed to confirm so I can add alt names.Duesy=Dues. Will play With the correct name in the future
Pillow vs Yuber grudge match 3
and the results:
everyone needs to listen this
who knew the two best captains in IHL would be arguing 4 months ago!
ihl lobby up
ok so fna84 is meeru, gggggggggggggggggggg; this guy is buying accounts or something. his alt name was hanazake, a banned meeru alt. And pro typed in all chat, "meeru you need to gtfo" in our second game and he immediately logged off. We need to do a better job checking accounts inactive for months that suddenly join and to make sure everyone that's playing has a corresponding gaf name :/.
thanks detective ikuu btw
hey guys, just finished. I was the captain (BurritoOnFire) and played that support ES. It was a lot of fun!
ok so fna84 is meeru, gggggggggggggggggggg; this guy is buying accounts or something. his alt name was hanazake, a banned meeru alt. And pro typed in all chat, "meeru you need to gtfo" in our second game and he immediately logged off. We need to do a better job checking accounts inactive for months that suddenly join and to make sure everyone that's playing has a corresponding gaf name :/.
thanks detective ikuu btw
edit: btw fna84 is a legit gaffer but he plays on the name ferny84, meeru was just posing as him.
What happened in that game? over in 21 minutes?
well we pushed them down pretty hard i think. they had a trilane strat of bounty/CM/veno top, invoker mid, SK solo bot vs. brood. I almost gave up a first blood at the beginning as ES and got lucky getting out of i think, and that would've really changed the game since that top group is pretty burst based and the EXP and farm from my sloppiness would've made things different. It really helped that we had POTM with leap who could safely get out of there and otherwise I just stayed out of lanes most of the time to let others get farm while i kept my eyes on the minimap.
they didn't do much to stop enigma getting farmed really well, and invoker and SK had tough times in there lanes. I think invoker going blades of attack instead of some stats was a problem for him, especially against somebody with the burst of tinker.
I really didn't have any issue against Tinker mid, the fact is that the trilane should've controlled runes (which admitettly i didn't think about after the game was over) so he wouldn't get a thousand haste runes and kill everyone.
Also i should train to creepblock on delay, the two times i played mid on US i fucked up my block completely.
I would say that it was quite stacked, but even then, we fucked up so much we deserved to be destroyed.Was it really that stacked? I don't know the skill level of anyone on gaf.
Was it really that stacked? I don't know the skill level of anyone on gaf.
that first blood on rubick (we didn't plan it, just spotted him out of position) just gave me a free mid tbh, and we drafted pretty crunch lanes (although bot still had some trouble, even top in the beginning).
that first blood on rubick (we didn't plan it, just spotted him out of position) just gave me a free mid tbh, and we drafted pretty crunch lanes (although bot still had some trouble, even top in the beginning).
#1 sf na
If I actually woke up and managed to get my pulls going, we could have done something top, but I didn't and instead decided to get caught out of position.that first blood on rubick (we didn't plan it, just spotted him out of position) just gave me a free mid tbh, and we drafted pretty crunch lanes (although bot still had some trouble, even top in the beginning).
The game didn't go on long enough. I was farming more than 800gpm the last few minutes, just had a really slow start(17~18 min bf). This wasn't a babysat free-farming am.dam pillo can't evn break 700 gpm, lOL?