Here are my items that I'm willing to trade:
Would you be interested in a Twisted Lightbringer (Warlock lantern from Diretide chest) for your Sash of Death's Bride?
I'm still looking for Master Assassin Tails and Sylvan Guard Armor if anyone has them for trade.
Goddamn, I was ignored so hard. As I said before I'll trade my Tails for Kunkka sword + glove + leg or for brew spirits.
Irony: Gave away a chunk of my essences and got another egg right afterwards.
Anybody have some extra quas? If not for free, then here's my inventory: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lionheart2232/inventory/
I am add me. I'll trade asap.I've got the bloodletter if you're still looking for it.
Irony: Gave away a chunk of my essences and got another egg right afterwards.
Anybody have some extra quas? If not for free, then here's my inventory: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lionheart2232/inventory/
I am add me. I'll trade asap.
I have a Strange Modifier: Chronosphere Kills, is that worth anything?
Should be worth 1 key.
I was wondering if someone could give me some trading advice.
I have Earbuds in TF2, and they seem to be worth 15-16 dota 2 keys right now, according to TF2 outpost. Is it likely that over time they'll go up in value more, or is this probably the most I'd get? I'm thinking of trading them because I don't play TF2 anymore and would rather have Dota keys.
[W] Any Pennant
I'm willing trade any most non-courier items for the pennants, depending on the team its the pennant is associated with.
Here is a link to my inventory:
I have a few pennants I'll trade
Mousesports, Navi, CLG, LGD are the four I own.
So what do people do with keys? I understand it's the easiest currency you can use because you trade it through steam, but is there an easy way to trade keys for money or something?
Additionally, would the price of the diretide couriers increase in value because they are limited? Because it's a holiday thing, I'm wondering if it wouldn't increase because it might return next halloween.
Hey guys, I'd really like to get my hands on a Fireborn Odachi. I could trade 2 or 3 rares for it. I've got quite a few rares to trade (and pretty desirable ones too).
Just for those of you guys that plan on opening crates or using keys to buy items, I have a ton of keys that I'd be willing to sell to you guys though paypal. Feel free to message if you ever need any
hey neki I got them keys if you ever need to get sweet windrunner or drow itemsdat conceptor's buy remorse
[W] Any Pennant
I'm willing trade any most non-courier items for the pennants, depending on the team its the pennant is associated with.
Here is a link to my inventory: