Sorry snack, another gaffer just asked a few minutes ago :<add me
Sorry snack, another gaffer just asked a few minutes ago :<add me
Sorry snack, another gaffer just asked a few minutes ago :<
haha! i didn't realize that was youActually, that was me.
Got a yellow essence, looking for a red or blue.
[H] 2 quas
[W] 1 wex and 1 exort
i gotta blue. wanna trade?
add me : complex_shadow
sentTried but I couldn't find you. Add me: [2slow]Panda
[H] Sash of Death's Bride, Heirloom of the temple priestess, Flail of the Great Helder, Brooch of the death's bride, Nature's Prophet treant mod, Juggernaught's ward mods and a decent amount of strange modifiers.
Other stuff found here:
[W] Couriers other then 'Trusty Moutain Yak' (unless its unusual), usual couriers, usual or shadow essences, eggs, keys, Drow or Windrunner Items.
I'm pretty flexible in my wants, so feel free to make an offer on anything.
Looking for Direstone Crest. Will trade a bunch of things I'm too lazy to list here.
Looking to trade an Exort Essence (red) for a Wex essence (yellow)
Crylen on steam =)
Interested in some of the stuff like the Sash, the Flail and the Treant/Ward mods.
Here's my backpack:
If nothing interests you, then I could get some Keys (or couriers) or WR items to trade for them. Lemme know if you're interested!
2-4 keys.What would i get for 1x unusual Essence?
[H] three essences (any combination of yellow and blue
[W] a red essence
2 Wex
1 Quas
1 Exort
1 Description Tag
Juggernaut Masks (Aside from Carved Grin of the Trickster)
Juggenaut Bracers
Drow Items
H:Chronite Scepter(Rare) for trade.
W: Any rare that I don't have.
Also have:
[7] Exort Essence
[5] Wex
[4] Quas
Want: Kunkka, Drow, Omni, Axe or DK items.
[W] Axe, Tide, Jugg and Sven stuff
Will trade rare, uncommons, commons, 1:1 etc
Inventory :
[H]: Unusual Essence x1
[W]: 2 Dtide Keys, or 1 Dtide Key + a nice Rare or 2, or Offers
Edit: Apparently prices dropped when I wasn't looking.