Why aren't people picking your avatar?Fp elder titan?
fuck has china figured out how gosu that hero is
Why aren't people picking your avatar?Fp elder titan?
fuck has china figured out how gosu that hero is
no no no
stop maxing stomp damnit
no no no
stop maxing stomp damnit
Screw First Blood. I want 6.79.
damn some good matches today
Alliance vs FlipQ
NaVi vs FlipQ
Alliance vs NaVi
Ooh what time?
Lc in 2014; techies in 2015; parity with dota 1 when half life 3 get released.Valve with 3 big announcements .
Fnatic lose again. They have been realy bad lately.
Can't wait.![]()
Na`Vi's full team is back.
Should be an amazing match versus Alliance.
H4nni did literally nothing that whole game it felt like, Invoker was just a complete non-factor
boring picks =( dear navi please pick troll.
none of my dota lounge trades are going through wtf is going on i want to bet on navi vs alliance game
Na`Vi's full team is back.
Should be an amazing match versus Alliance.
troll picks incoming - it won't be serious game
Yeah I don't think either team want to show their hand, will be interesting to watch either way though.
EDIT: Black is going to stand in for Loda today.
What??? is going to be so bad in WPEC
Dang. Mighty Switch Force and Hotline Miami music in succession.
Nice going Larry David.
iceiceice disband
VOD starts at link time:
Screw First Blood. I want 6.79.
troll picks incoming - it won't be serious game
Over 10k watching in DotaTV.
Esports might actually be profitable if Valve didn't take 75% of ticket revenue.![]()
Over 10k watching in DotaTV.
Esports might actually be profitable if Valve didn't take 75% of ticket revenue.![]()
16k have pennants.