its equally hard for everyone so it doesnt matterYeah, last hitting in this is unbelievably hard, and i'm not catching on well to character choice and builds.
dont expect lol-level hitting, just try to beat every1 else
its equally hard for everyone so it doesnt matterYeah, last hitting in this is unbelievably hard, and i'm not catching on well to character choice and builds.
evil is redeemed by money and #productionvalueswhat i thought ace was the devil
Future Wallmart looks sweet.
I can't play dota without my nostromo, mostly because it was the answer to allowing me to control the camera with my left hand while still being efficient at using skills with it ( with the thumb / on the circle pad ).Ugh, bad experience today that makes me not even want to play Dota.
My mouse is breaking, so I decided to stop at GS today and ask if they had anything gaming mice/knew of anyone who did, guy straight up said, "Yeah, we have a gaming mouse, one sec." Was a razer nostromos. I thought it was just a huge ass mouse with extra buttons, get it home, open it up and I find it's just a gimped left side of the keyboard, no way I can play my favorite hero Chen with this.. Worst of all I don't think the guy gave me a receipt, I looked all over my room for it :/
Maybe I can salvage this and use it for something else.. Maybe..
They hide the second L behind the star. Everyone knows that.One "L" in WalMart, good sir.
Ur missing the stranges.
Actually it's pretty easy to buy almost all of that on the market now. Maybe a few days ago impressive to track down all that stuff, but now its kind of easy with a few clicks.
Which juggernaut item costs $100?I have every Juggernaut item there is, except for one. If it wasn't going on the market for $100, I'd be all over that in an instant, but I can't justify spending so much just to finish my collection, especially since I'm in such a financial bind right now. :'(
Other than the missing piece, though, wat'cha think, GAF? Juggernaaaauuuuuuuuuuu--
Which juggernaut item costs $100?
Actually, the items you see are all the strange versions where applicable. (I didn't see a reason to have multiple versions of the same item, so I just prioritized strange over the default and tournament items.)
My Script sword is still impressive--right? :'( Did some fancy trading for that one.
I will take his spotthis just in puppetyuber is awful
case closed
this just in puppetyuber is awful
case closed
depends on the value of your items but in short, yes. Only trade with a trusted user and use a middleman to be safe.If I want to sell some of my Dota 2 items, is there a risk if I try to go for Paypal instead of the Steam market? Otherwise, the transaction fee would be worth the security of not having to trade with a scammer.
Can clock not destroy his cogs in one hit anymore?
sean I will teach youI thought I gained enough moba knowledge to give this a shot again, but apparently not. Gotta watch some videos I guess.
sean I will teach you
It started 9ish, now it's 11ish.Ah, I was bored and decided to buy 2 keys for the new chests, got the Arcs of Manta and the hair for Templar Assassin
Any chance it will go up in price, or should I just sell it now?
What happened to the weekly patches after TI3 actually? It feels like the development of Dota 2 has slowed down to snail's pace and it wasn't particularly impressive to begin with frankly.
Any chance it will go up in price, or should I just sell it now?
What are everybody's expectations for patches going forward then? Never really followed TF2 so I dunno how often they came out. Personally I'm kind of guessing one real patch a month.
Have to imagine we'll get a big one for Diretide and then maybe in November we'll finally get a new hero.
played my first LD game yesterday haha
I dont get it..other than the fact i was lanned against timbersaw who ended up 7 levels higher than me. I was so squishy and so was bear![]()
What are everybody's expectations for patches going forward then? Never really followed TF2 so I dunno how often they came out. Personally I'm kind of guessing one real patch a month.
Have to imagine we'll get a big one for Diretide and then maybe in November we'll finally get a new hero.
played my first LD game yesterday haha
I dont get it..other than the fact i was lanned against timbersaw who ended up 7 levels higher than me. I was so squishy and so was bear![]()
If we get a new hero every two month ( which soon will fel like an optimist bet ) and dota 1 get 1 new hero per year, then we won't even have parity for TI5, if there is even one.TF2 big updates are more like once every 2/3 months. We got Halloween coming up soon and already had a minor hint for that (Haunted items in the Armory) so that will be the next one I suppose. With smaller patches in between with just bug fixes/other minor stuff.
LC doesn't really strike me as a Halloween hero so.. november/december sounds like a good bet for her.
On the flip side, we're getting to a point where we probably will we're not going to slow down the amount of work that we're doing on Dota, but we are going to slow down the pace that we release that a little bit, so that we can have more significant, large-scale updates of new features, new content, and give people time to adjust to the game so it's not changing quite as quickly.
not sure if this has been mentioned, but erik johnson speaks about patch frequency in this interview:
So I just noticed the total players this month at over 6 million. Wasn't this at 4 million around the time TI3 was on?
Follow the top rated guides. They're pretty good. If you don't want to worry about last hitting, play a support. Alternatively, play a hero who can last hit easily, like drow or sniper.
What? Her animation timing is hell early on....
What? Her animation timing is hell early on....