I'm starting a new project, I'm going to try to do a series of guides for use in-game for most of the heroes called the "So you randomed x" series. These are for situations where you are stuck playing whatever hero and don't know what to do or build. The builds are generally pretty safe and don't require too much skill beyond the norm (for instance no Blink Dagger for Meepo). Here's a few of them:
So you randomed Meepo...
So you randomed Brewmaster...
So you randomed Tinker...
Pretty aggressive build when you have four other carries on your team.
Baka! starting random gold is 853, your builds are for 603
This is the Elder Titan I was born to play. Someone watch this game and give me notes!
Been said a billion times already, but to reiterate: holy shite is this DK roster shuffle fap fodder or what?!
Yeah, there's basically nothing the hero is poor at (at least as skills go). Can push, can flatten them in turn, can gank and fight, can weaken towers and carries...I understand Jakiro today.
Was in every fight pushing advantage, stunning and blocking, confirming kills, and playing defensive. Solo protecting towers like a boss.
129 hours in and I am not completely horrible at this game anymore but it feels like there's still so much to learn. Recently fell in love with playing crystal maiden and Abaddon as I slowly work my way through learning the whole roster. There's something inexplicably satisfying playing them.
People in chat currently saying that Aquatic Ambience is porn music and elevator music... I don't know man, it's just not right.
Aquatic Ambience?
Sounds kinky
where can I watch the DK iG vods? need to see that ice clock
dont worry ill break up the quadruple post for you
Listen up Dota newbies. Someday you too might be able to:
1. Have a carry Kunkka that feeds mercilessly thru the entire game.
2. Have a 2nd time Magnus player fuck up EVERY RP (even post-refresher!)
3. Have a Warlock that has NO CLUE how to micro his golems.
4. Have an Ogre Magi that doesn't know what an Aghs does.
5. Have a Timbersaw that doesn't know the meaning of "stick together"
6. Lose E V E R Y team fight!
..and still win!
And it will only take an hour and fifteen minutes of your day!
Been there done that.
Well not exaclty but I had a long game too where we were getting destroyed, we took no towers in 70+ mins and they had mega creeps up. Our medu lost a rapier to the enemy troll warlord in a desesperate mid attack to their base. WE had to defend 5vs3 with no tier 4 towers and vs a troll with rapier. We killed all of them. We got a second rapier. We won.
What were the 3 heroes? Sounds like you must have had some serious AOE teamfight and stun.
I would LOVE for this DK team to just get better and better as we get closer to the next International.
Burning and Mushi definitely deserve a title before they retire.
As a hard support you shouldn't need to worry about k/d at all. As long as you didn't mindless give the other team kills in the beginning ("feeding"), protect your carry/let him farm, and you get your skills off in fights it doesn't matter if you don't get kills and you die tons.I played my first online game against real players, decided to go Vengeful spirit because of her stun and damage aura. Ended up with 0-2 and still won the game! Feels good.gif
I'd like to play this guy's version of Sniper; could use a bit more tweaks but Blunderbuss sounds like it would be a pretty fun spell.
I would LOVE for this DK team to just get better and better as we get closer to the next International.
Burning and Mushi definitely deserve a title before they retire.
It's even three transforms. More League than League is.Feels so leeg.