OMG, I won't be able to sleep tonite
Dunno if this is true (it's from the dev forums so) but they are talking about custom heroes.
Was on Matt's stream apparently. Any truth in this?
Dunno if this is true (it's from the dev forums so) but they are talking about custom heroes.
Was on Matt's stream apparently. Any truth in this?
Dunno if this is true (it's from the dev forums so) but they are talking about custom heroes.
Was on Matt's stream apparently. Any truth in this?
Dunno if this is true (it's from the dev forums so) but they are talking about custom heroes.
Was on Matt's stream apparently. Any truth in this?
when is holiday map coming out
Does anyone know off hand if the damage amp from Natural Order from the spirit works on the Astral Spirit nuke damage itself?
woo! schema update.
Sniper, morphling, FV, Lion, Kunkka, and my SB set. yay!![]()
Just how rampant are smurfs? There seems to be 3-4 minimum in my games, not exactly hard to spot; 2 games on steam, DOTA 2 and Team Fortress and average 600-700+ xp/gold during the game, rape face and generally just ruin the game.
Pisses me off and ruins matchmaking completely. High or very high matchmaking players creating new accounts to troll low level/normal players achieves what exactly?
Yes, that is part of why the 0-4-4-0 build (or "Ellen Pudge build") works so well. I tried that build yesterday and it rocked the house. Even if you get one early point in stomp before 8, it is still awesome. When I did 0-4-4-0, I was with a Shadow Shaman in the offlane so I really didn't need stomp. We absolutely wrecked that lane too. I definitely agree that ET should be the farmer in his lane. You get Soul Ring/Mana Boots up quickly, your opponents won't able to handle the constant spirits plus punching them for a billion damage.That geometry looks new, not sure how you'd do this and not circumvent cosmetic stuff...
Classic Queen of Hearts OFF WITH THEIR HEADS text right there.
Do you have kids? Because for people with kids, being able to abandon once in a while is a godsend because heaven forbid that your children are more important than this game.
So yeah.
T5 my new favorite team
I can now say I've seen a Luna Refresher built in a professional game. And won.
Was there a T5 game just now or?
Just got a triple kill as Omniknight on my team's final push into the enemy base. It was a really close game until we pushed through at the end. Very satisfying.
I believe it was live.
It was T5 vs Vexx on MLG
Oh cool, if anyone can hit me up with a VOD that'd be great.
gaf said that omniknight was the most broke hero in dota
Another reason they're slower with the heroes now is that they're taking time to do them "properly" in one go. They could probably squeeze them out at a decent rate (maybe not tri-hero updates like those leading up to TI2, but 1 every 2 or 3 weeks) if there wasn't a focus on doing so. This includes things like broken-down model, better textures, more bug testing for heroes prone to issues, etc. It most likely saves more time and headaches in the long run than getting a barebones version out then having to fix it later. Besides parity (or *gasp* even new heroes!) they've got about two dozen heroes in need of touch ups or more extensive reworks to put them at the level of quality as their latest stuff. And at least 6 or so that are in desperate need of makeovers (some of which, like SF, that we know about already).
I believe it was live.
It was T5 vs Vexx on MLG
I'm in a game where a guy has the ability to unpause instantly, no countdown. New bug?
I proposed the next topics Subtitle is "Go back to hell again, again!"
Dota 2 |OT| Well Played!
Babby brewmaster looking good at least:
Damn, these animations are really great too:
Make way for the kingThat Holla Dolla HUD....So tempting.
I'm still waiting for that underwater one though. Will probably cave for that one.
I have to ask, was this one of you fucking with me or was someone actually thinking I'm that stupid?