Is it really possible Techies will be in the game by the end of the week?
kirby go home ur drunk get some of dat car pizza in the morning
Is it really possible Techies will be in the game by the end of the week?
Some joker went jungle sand king in my game today. How'd it work out? We lost. So probably totally 100% his fault. really is.
Jungle Brewmaster is totally legit, just you wait till it wins TI5.
Now, Jungle Dragon Knight just doesn't work.
Some joker went jungle sand king in my game today. How'd it work out? We lost. So probably totally 100% his fault.
I'm still heart set on making omniknight work in the jungle. I'm thinking I'll just have to suicide at some point Lycan style.
Yeah jungle SK isn't that bad. He just needs a few levels at the start and a few stacked hard camps and it's easy.How do you fail at SK jungle?
Stack -> dududududududu -> Blink Dagger
Some joker went jungle sand king in my game today. How'd it work out? We lost. So probably totally 100% his fault.
I'm still heart set on making omniknight work in the jungle. I'm thinking I'll just have to suicide at some point Lycan style.
Been playing Puck again recently. Feels good. I've been using the standard Blink hex item build but I'm really tempted to try the snowball/stompy build of Blink Dagon especially if I see a lineup of squishy heroes. Any thoughts?
That's happened to me twice so far, once in a co-op bot game. Neither game counted as an abandon for me though, just a loss.Got a random abandon. I disconnected abruptly and couldn't connect again.
ty valve
Pretty sure you're just making fun of Ultrabum, but I did jungle SK on CM and had my 11 minute Blink.Some joker went jungle sand king in my game today. How'd it work out? We lost. So probably totally 100% his fault.
I'm still heart set on making omniknight work in the jungle. I'm thinking I'll just have to suicide at some point Lycan style.
Low Pri is where a friend discovered the sick mid Keeper Dagon rush strat and went like 17-2. Use Low Pri as an excuse to fuck around and experiment.
Holy shit. Team refused to push the side lanes after taking mid rax, got teamwiped twice taking their tier 4s and diving them instead and then we lose the game. I just...when were megacreeps not a good idea to get?
I've lost a 90+ minute match where we got megacreeps, they just legged it down mid and won.
Edit: that doesn't really answer your question.
Literally 3 games in a row were ruined by troll players. Gyro who abandons his lane, giving free farm to the enemy carry, comes to my mid and starts stealing CS and exp from me, doesn't say a word just runs around being a dickhole the entire game.
Next game, we get a Luna who skills up aura/stats and doesn't get beam/ult until she has to. (she gets ult before beam)
Next game we have a mid storm who gives first blood and just feeds over and over. 0-12 or so.
I don't know how I'm getting queued with people like this, but it really fucking grates and makes me frustrated that so many years in, there is still this kind of behavior wasting everyone's time.
Literally 3 games in a row were ruined by troll players. Gyro who abandons his lane, giving free farm to the enemy carry, comes to my mid and starts stealing CS and exp from me, doesn't say a word just runs around being a dickhole the entire game.
Next game, we get a Luna who skills up aura/stats and doesn't get beam/ult until she has to. (she gets ult before beam)
Next game we have a mid storm who gives first blood and just feeds over and over. 0-12 or so.
I don't know how I'm getting queued with people like this, but it really fucking grates and makes me frustrated that so many years in, there is still this kind of behavior wasting everyone's time.
Is invoker pretty much the strongest hero in the game right now? Looking at what he can do, its pretty insane and seems OP as hell to be honest
He offers both offensive and defensive spells that are strong at any point in the game, he has skills that benefit him as well as his teammates and stays relevant even when BKB's come out with very high physical damage
I mean just looking at a couple of his spells
EMP is just insane right now. one mistake from your opponent in mid and you can gain mana, burn his mana and very likely go for a kill. It can very easily set up a gank, prevent a fight or turn it in your favor.
Ghost walk - both offensive and defensive - 100 second duration with a 35 second cooldown. Wanna walk somewhere? no problem, become invisible and gain the highest movement speed in the game! Also, slow down enemies just cause
Seriously, how many heroes in the game can survive an Invoker orchid solo gank? ghost walk in, orchid, boom ur dead, ghost walk out and be on your side of the river before anyone can even come close
Also the built in high HP regeneration coupled with EMP means you can on a very long time before you need visit the fountain.
He just seems crazy strong right now
Is it really possible Techies will be in the game by the end of the week?
Hopefully, valve will start showing off a new big update today, to tie into the movie. Or we may just get the movie and an update is still a ways off.What's happening today?
JoinDota promoting ugly sets
(especially that ember spirit and silencer)
I don't know how I'm getting queued with people like this, but it really fucking grates and makes me frustrated that so many years in, there is still this kind of behavior wasting everyone's time.
What's happening today?
That would be lame. I imagine I'm not the only one hyped for something else.Hopefully, valve will start showing off a new big update today, to tie into the movie. Or we may just get the movie and an update is still a ways off.
I know the feeling. I'm on a 8 game loss streak now because people are idiots.
In the game I just played I had someone instant pick captain, kept asking "PUDJE OR NERC MID????, we suggested better heroes, he picked Pudge anyway, when everyone had selected heroes Pudge was left and the captain threw a hissy hit because he wanted to play PA not Pudge. Sand King swapped with him so that he would stop throwing vulgar words at others. He then said he would steal farm from PA which he did by maxing caustic finale and attack every creep in the safe lane.
Things like this happens almost every game and the only way you can win is if the other team has the same problems. Fuck this game and its matchmaking.
Hopefully, valve will start showing off a new big update today, to tie into the movie. Or we may just get the movie and an update is still a ways off.
That would be lame. I imagine I'm not the only one hyped for something else.
Besides, they left the test client forum open. Either they forgot, or just didn't see the reason to remove it right before it needed to be updated again.
I hope techies never get in.
dumb question, do we have any insight if LoL is still growing, especially in the west.maybe a new patch will bring doto out of its stagnating growth
I'm on a four or five game losing streak. Every game I had a really good start and another lane fed horribly. I tried to gank as much as I could but there was nothing I could do. What should I do in that situation GAF?
Too early compared to what ? we are already past the time which separated Three Spirits! from Wraith Night and Wraith Night from New Bloom Festival...I'm not expecting anything. Too early and I don't think they would want to distract from the movie itself.
dumb question, do we have any insight if LoL is still growing, especially in the west.