I wouldn't call xboct and loda the worst players in their team. not the best either, though.xboct, zhou, loda.
but that's not a right comparison. a right comparison should be like ixmike88 playing carry when he was playing in TL.
I wouldn't call xboct and loda the worst players in their team. not the best either, though.xboct, zhou, loda.
What kind of maniac tweets Valve asking why his account is locked after screenshots of him threatening workshop artists are all over the internet?
Never change, Eastern Europe.
What kind of maniac tweets Valve asking why his account is locked after screenshots of him threatening workshop artists are all over the internet?
Never change, Eastern Europe.
Scamming people is way of life to them. It's why every car has a dash cam over there.
Fraud and scams are to Eastern Europe is what playing Dota poorly is to Peru.
Stop trying to get me banned guys
Scamming people is way of life to them. It's why every car has a dash cam over there.
Fraud and scams are to Eastern Europe is what playing Dota poorly is to Peru.
Stop trying to get me banned guys
...................Scamming people is way of life to them. It's why every car has a dash cam over there.
Fraud and scams are to Eastern Europe is what playing Dota poorly is to Peru.
Stop trying to get me banned guys
You rode their teams incompetance to success. For starters, their shadow shaman straight up fed. Granted he's not the most mobile hero, but you don't get to 0-14 with any hero without running straight into death willingly. Next, they went for a very push heavy lineup, but clearly didn't do a lot of pushing. All they had to do was pick one person off and 5 man doto into a tower, rinse, and repeat. Between Plague Wards, Serpent Wards, and DP Ulti, they should have been knockin down towers by the 8 minute mark. Instead, it looks like they sat around and went for... late game? Against that lineup? What the crap...
Next, their item selections are criminally bad, Shadow Blade Pudge literally gives me AIDS, Blademail on Veno gives me brain damage--actually, how did he even get that much gold? Nevermind, I'm getting sidetracked. BKB on Void against that lineup is just silly. Sure, it blocks Luna ulti, but if you're playing against a Luna you save Chrono for her anyway and burst her down. Battlefury or Mjollnir would have helped much more. Your 4 carries are largely melee and medium range heroes, which means in any team fight you're going to be kind of clumped up, 4 man Chrono's should have been ez. Could have easily burst one down (Luna is always the correct choice) and started work on another before the enemies had time to react.
Whoa how the fuck did you win with that lineup against Death Prophet, Shadow Shaman and Venomancer? They should have splitpushed all of your T2s by like 20 minutes
I voted for Obama twice, how can I be racist?
Dis racism is more casul than dark souks 2.
Didn't realise the Peruvian lobby was so strong in this thread.
who won?
(not really though. he did go on a little to long with the hatefulness to internationals)
Thacker is actually free now.
He just hasn't shown his face in the Dota 2 thread.as far as I know
Why wouldn't he? He's a celebrity now after all.
Why wouldn't he? He's a celebrity now after all.
He's probably working on a journal of racist things to say so he has a stockpile on his return.
He is back just fucking up the Diablo III shit thread, just wait till he finds out Diablo III was made at least two Peruvians and a Russian.
He is back just fucking up the Diablo III shit thread, just wait till he finds out Diablo III was made at least two Peruvians and a Russian.
That's a smart thing to say...![]()
Match of the day, ez rares ez castration
What do you mean? Whats wrong with the thread?
Nazi mods in full effect on dendi stream. This is why singsings stream is way better
Anyone else having issues staying connected to the DOTA2 servers?
I genuinely do not see why Strife will be any better just because certain people that ruined it/made it unpleasant (Maliken) are still working there.
Didn't realise the Peruvian lobby was so strong in this thread.
I see 322 more people bitch anout why is game hard I will castrate Bulba after they lose.
Server issues? My latest game doesn't seem to be displaying in dota 2 nor is it shown on dotabuff and my mmr hasn't been updated either.