Heavy's Sandvich
I just want the same dude to do the experiment again playing position 5 support.
The biggest problem with ranked is AP. that mode is garbage.
I think coming into a random pub team with the thinking of "I'm going to play X role (or hereo" is a bad mindset to have. You should try to figure out what your team needs or what the other team has already picked and go off that... but that's what makes AP garbage so I don't know. Ranked is stupid. Single draft is where it's at.
The biggest problem with ranked is AP. that mode is garbage.
I think coming into a random pub team with the thinking of "I'm going to play X role (or hereo" is a bad mindset to have. You should try to figure out what your team needs or what the other team has already picked and go off that... but that's what makes AP garbage so I don't know. Ranked is stupid. Single draft is where it's at.
Single draft is just as bad if you are relying on luck to get a decent team composition, especially at lower levels where most players are practiced with only a few heroes.
The most balanced mode is captain's mode, the most balanced and fun way to play this game is 5v5 stacks where you can communicate with each other. Everything else to me doesn't matter.
I just want the same dude to do the experiment again playing position 5 support.
If you want to see what it looks like just come play Gaf IH's and watch high skill gaf playing supports, they still walk all over low skill gaf even with this supposed handicap.
inkls can't be stopped
seriously, he's bribing volvo for dat winrate
inkls can't be stopped
seriously, he's bribing volvo for dat winrate
if you took into account how many kills he secured for me, i would have to pay him
Not... really. What's going on is this. The game was originally envisaged as just a 5v5 fanservice game. There was no 1-5, no roles or any kind of structure. Years later, a competitive community developed and certain strategies seemed to work at a high level. What they all shared was the divvying of roles and responsibilities and then the 1-5 terminology was invented to describe, break down and analyze these competitive games.there's something incredibly wrong with either the way the game is balanced or the ranking if you can't climb it by playing 2 out of 5 positions.
Mirana noob.
Yep, the idea that your mmr is going to be deflated because of playing support is just silly.I'd wager a bunch of money that if you were a really good 5, you'd still go up, just at a slower pace than someone who was a really good 1-2. Even at the lowest of levels wards, smokes, and dust will help.
Juice is doing it to prove a point, that elo hell isn't a thing. And he's doing it in the most efficient way possible. He's not proving that you have to play a carry to move up.
Been there for months.![]()
This was another one of those games that feels like I couldn't have possibly done anything to change the outcome of. Sure, I could have made less mistakes, had more farm by not ganking at all, or ganked more and had no farm at all. But no matter what it still felt like were fucked.
I didn't realize we were up against team "fuck yo mana" when I picked storm.
This was the game I just played on stream, anyone care to give some insight on how the hell I could have won this?
So I started my alt account to see where it places.
My lane partner (Lion) probably has played like 1 game of dota. I could not do anything as WK.
Our Alch did not know how to use his stun or how it worked and I saw him use Acid Spray once even when they were killing out T3 and sitting outside for 2 minutes.
Luckily we had a BM and a Viper. I had horrible early game vs a VS/Sniper as they knew how to play and combed and harassed my lane while Lion drew creep aggro from right clicking Venge once then died to Headshots + Stun.
If I had a good support in my lane it would have gone so much better, holy shit. We won anyway since I balled out of control and had gem.
I'm not gonna take that much time, but I'll send you an invite.Already read that, and doesn't answer my question.
When I look at my own replays I (naturally) look at them pretty biased, that's why I ask people.
I'm not trying to debate. I'm explaining to you what the MMR system, in its current form, represents. It measures how much impact you have on your team's ability to win. That's it. It's a mistake to think that, because 1-5 structure exists in competitive play, that it would also be representative of lower level play, and that the MMR system should account for the 1-5 structure. MMR, in its current form, treats you as a nameless faceless player that can play any position at all.either way, i don't really see how this can be debatable.
dont play all pick if youre worried about getting counter picked
lmao he spent the WHOLE GAME trying to kill crystal maiden because she was absolutely shitting on the two of us in the laning phase
haly ur info is outdated i main faceless void now
12 seconds of hard CC Faceless Void?haly ur info is outdated i main faceless void now
You can get counterpicked in any ranked mode.
if you get countered in captains mode thats your's/your captain's fault
outside of that
people should just play all random
bro im learning it takes time
All random isn't ranked.
then dont play ranked
You want "rewards", you want to be "recognized", you're being crushed under the system and you don't like it.but if your system rewards playing one class more than the other, either the class or the system is broken.
Maybe I want to raise my MMR.
You want "rewards", you want to be "recognized", you're being crushed under the system and you don't like it.
The system is fine. You don't like what the system is. That's all that's happening here.
Maybe Valve should make some Cheevos for Wards Bought.
Maybe I want to raise my MMR.