Faster CD time.
a myth
Faster CD time.
why does the luna keep using linkens on herself isn't that useless
Was there anyone else on Luna's team that also had a Linkens? Could have been a misdirect.
In the first day of the TI4 qualifiers Mirana got picked 23 times in 28 matches and has a 74% winrate. She got banned twice.
From Reddit.
This article on Pudge's winrate shift is interesting. Does anyone here have any ideas what caused such a huge jump up?
fucking mirana pickers
Didn't his popularity also take a small dive when 6.81 first released? Might explain it, as the less awful people playing a skill-shot based hero, the higher the winrate. See tusk for the complete opposite effect.
One thing I heard is that it could be due to the changes in the default item builds. Originally they suggested getting Phase Boots, but changed was changed to Tranquels, which gives pudge a lot of damage mitigation.
That would be pretty amazing if true.
We're getting close to the best stretch goal. (Music pack.)
There is anotherRevenge is out, the Peruvian dream is dead
There is another
Oh I thought Union was out already.
"mirana is balanced. it only works in the trench where people don't know how to control their camera and don't buy detection"
"git gud and ward her jungle"
They just need to adjust her ulti mana cost imo. Maybe a small mana increase on pounce or a bit longer arrow cooldown. Problem also is that no one ever ban Mirana and get destroyed by her arrows/ulti and even pros sometimes dont carry dust or sentry wards.
Old Patch Notes said:6.78
Sacred Arrow now deals up to 100 extra damage based on distance the arrow traveled.
Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 160/140/120 to 140/120/100.
Starstorm will choose a new target for the second star if the first died before impact.
Moonlight Shadow duration increased from 11 to 15 seconds.
Sacred Arrow cooldown decreased from 20 to 17.
Moonlight Shadow manacost decreased from 175 to 75.
Sacred Arrow cooldown decreased from 25 to 20.
Starstorm's second single unit impact damage increased from 50% to 75% of the original.
Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 180/160/140 to 160/140/120.
Fixed Sacred Arrow damaging but not stunning invisible units.
Leap cooldown improved from 40/35/30/20 to 30/26/22/18.
Moonlight Shadow's cooldown rescaled from 160 to 180/160/140.
Moonlight Shadow icon.png Moonlight Shadow's duration rescaled from 7/9/11 to 11.
Moonlight Shadow manacost from 200/250/300 to a constant 175.
Starstorm AoE increased by 50 to fix issues with it not hitting units on the edge of your attack.
Starstorm random chance to hit in 600-900 range removed.
Changed Leap's cooldown to scale with levels.
Removed the invulnerability period while leaping.
This would be true if all the evidence didn't point to the contrary (highest win rate among all heroes in competitive dota in april, fills every single role on a team, every spell is useful, great escape, multiple nukes, team fight/gank ultimate). I saw an interesting take on why WR has taken such a dive - why would you ever pick her if you could pick Mirana?
This would be true if all the evidence didn't point to the contrary (highest win rate among all heroes in competitive dota in april, fills every single role on a team, every spell is useful, great escape, multiple nukes, team fight/gank ultimate). I saw an interesting take on why WR has taken such a dive - why would you ever pick her if you could pick Mirana?
Oh I'm dumb you were being sarcastic. whatevs
Dota is such a great game, I still remember back one or two years ago where people were saying, "Why would you ever pick Mirana when WR is such a better hero?"
It's GBD, he only come here to post balance complains.
Dota is such a great game, I still remember back one or two years ago where people were saying, "Why would you ever pick Mirana when WR is such a better hero?"
Remember when everyone used to say Gyrocopter, Timbersaw, Wraith (Skeleton) King, and Weaver were just "shitty pub heroes"?Dota is such a great game, I still remember back one or two years ago where people were saying, "Why would you ever pick Mirana when WR is such a better hero?"
Did someone really say this?
guys.. i think i found a way to make PA better!
whenever shes going to crit a target with her dagger, she throws daggers to every hero in sight and range. AoE slow on all 5 heroes and crit the target?!
Remember when everyone used to say Gyrocopter, Timbersaw, Wraith (Skeleton) King, and Weaver were just "shitty pub heroes"?
This would be hilarious.
Maybe not calling him a "pub" hero, but I remember the era when he was considered bad and people were throwing around buff ideas for him. I remember someone suggesting that the Germinate hit should attach a Swarm bug to the target.Don't think anyone has ever said that about Weaver.
I remember that week or two when Rubick wasn't seen as competitively viable. Was shortly after he made it into Dota 2, iirc.Remember when everyone used to say Gyrocopter, Timbersaw, Wraith (Skeleton) King, and Weaver were just "shitty pub heroes"?
Ooh yeah, I remember that suggestion (was it mine?). Would be hilariously broken now that he's fashionable again.Maybe not calling him a "pub" hero, but I remember the era when he was considered bad and people were throwing around buff ideas for him. I remember someone suggesting that the Germinate hit should attach a Swarm bug to the target.
Twitch chat is so mean to PieLieDie
shes my favorite hero. icefrog needs to throw her a bone
Relativistically-young Donald Sutherland.\![]()
Who's this guy on GD lounge stream?
Dota is such a great game, I still remember back one or two years ago where people were saying the exact opposite, "Why would you ever pick Mirana when WR does everything better?"
"Wraith king will never be a competitive hero. Doesn't matter what buffs he gets cuz mana burn."
"Dark seer and Lone Druid are conceptually broken heroes, will never be balanced."
"Batrider is the worst hero in the game now, didn't deserve so many harsh nerfs."
So many gems.