Looks like we may get a patch tonight, the dedicated server updated. Likely some hats.
What am I supposed to do about double stout shield Axe creep skipping?
"Perfect positioning and play counter QoP so pro's won't let her do what she does in high level pubs."Stop fucking hating on QoP, Ayesee. Go watch some Mushi QoP. Same shit was said about mirana/wisp rofl...
My standing after tonight. 1-2 more for 4k Party. (One more if I get lucky and get a 28 point game)
DP is getting plenty of run. Plenty.
WR is having a hard time fitting in, yes. But she's not dumpster-tier.
no. but she has seen some pretty shit builds.
I feel like outside of Mushi, QoP does terribly ever since the shadow strike nerfs, which I felt were totally unnecessary.
What? Shadow strike has been nothing but buffed since QoP was created.
No one talked about 4k party u scrublord![]()
My standing after tonight. 1-2 more for 4k Party. (One more if I get lucky and get a 28 point game)
Do you guys think we'll get more stretch goals after we hit 10 mill?
Do you guys think we'll get more stretch goals after we hit 10 mill?
Did you forget when they set the mana cost at 110 which hurt the 1 and 2 SS builds aka the ones that are always used?
My standing after tonight. 1-2 more for 4k Party. (One more if I get lucky and get a 28 point game)
The big thing is to make sure you are still getting experience from lane creeps. If they are able to zone you out from your t1, you are pretty much screwed. Even if it means dragging creeps back into the trees behind your tower, do it so you don't get out leveled. Then you just kill him when you feel strong enough. It can be really tough depending on who the other heroes in the lane are. If it's axe+dark seer or dazzle, or god forbid something like axe/dazzle/tusk, that's just a rough lane.
I could see a few more, but I would expect them at things like $11 Million, $12 Million, $13 Million, and a final $15 Million goal.
so valve have pretty much made ~$30mil profit on this compendium right?
Its likely closer to $20 Million when you account for taxes and credit card fees, but yeah, they made bank.
that's insane, that's the kind of profit some AAA games would be happy to make, and valve made it by selling an e-book inside of a game.
Would you prefer the international pot to go towards one tournament or valve split it up and stage 3 or 4 tournaments around the world?
copper? answer if ur still alive
You missed the beginning of it. If you saw it you would know exactly why I was pissed off that game.
I picked first and went mid, then Invoker picks, go mid and says "Tinker go top ty" I argue with him, we're both mid, get level 1 ganked. Both get hit by Earthshaker Fissure, I get unlucky and end up on the wrong side of it, and die for FB. Then I have nowhere to farm for the next 5 minutes because I took laser at mid level 1.
Pro, Milk, and I just had our first truly russian experience. Our captain spoke only in Cyrillic, only responded to all capitalized simple sentences, fed, and abandoned.
Overall 10/10 experience easy win.
Last hitting normally and shukuchiing away once they throw out disables would be a better plan.Radiant Bottom lane i was a weaver going against Lina and Wraith King with an OD on my side who was doing nothing. Anything i could do other than try to kill the lina and last hit with skukchi.