Bane needed a blink like 20 mins ago.
This is the real deal. None of that pussy ass EE-Tinker shit.
This is RAT.
No its avoiding 5 man team fights. Pickoffs work.This is NOT rat. NP gets kills all the time. Rat doto is split-pushing and avoiding all fights.
This game is so damn good, how are alliance even in this fucking game?!
This game is so damn good, how are alliance even in this fucking game?!
I know, imagine if they had a real carry instead of Wraith King
This game is so damn good, how are alliance even in this fucking game?!
who the fuck is controlling this camera? so bad.
bulldog needs to sell orchid and get mkb
then buy his own courier, put necro 3 and bkb on it and have it follow him around
Lol courier necro. Amazing.
Just ask everyone to shush.What happens when the game goes another 20 mins or whatever and comes up against the noise limit time deadline???
Pause and resume tomorrow?