How could we have won this game?
I was in offlane, LC jungled. Basically once Skywrath got a few levels I couldn't stay in my lane. They were able to keep killing me while I was getting no farm. I tried to go off to other lanes/jungle, but they would Mirana ult and kill me. My friend was saying we had to 5v5 teamfight them. I disagreed and said we had to rat since we can't really teamfight that team. What shoudl we have done?
Well, for one, your duel support top lane decided all they each needed was tangos, so they had no regen. LC is not to great in jungle so she did contribute anything for the first 10 minutes. She also started on the medium camp only to find out she couldn't do it, and didn't kill a single creep until 1:30. You likely should not have put LC in the jungle at all, and simply went two duel lanes or a trilane top. Your disruptor getting first item soul ring and maxing Thunder Strike is a poor build. Jaikiro was rushing a Euls for some reason. Not a single one of you got anything to try and get extra HP, outside of Pudge's Urn of Shadows.
You burned your salve pretty early at 1:10 in and had it canceled 100 HP in, , you likely should have gotten more regen. Also, you for some reason didn't even use a single tango until the second time you were below 250, when you were sitting on ~100 missing HP for a good minute. (You are also lucky you didn't die when you killed skywraith, if Treant just punched your bear down you would have died from the recoil). You never bought more regen ether. So you had to go back to base twice. Then TP back, die to Skywrath simply dumping all his nukes on you, TP back, die because the enemy storm never went back mid, walk back without a bear, and die again to skywraith dumping all his nukes on you. So this is 3 deaths in solo offline by 8 minutes. You die again at 10:30 because you had boots on your bear and not your hero. Once more at 12:30 in a team fight that broke out around you. Again at 13 when you TPed top and immediately walked into an invis Storm Spirit. I would say that last on is just bad luck, but at this point you are really under farmed and basically a non-factor.
And while all this was happening, no one else was really farming. The Disruptor Jakiro safe lane simply got zoned out by Mirana Tusk lane, LC did worst then par in the jungle, and pudge not only did poorly in mid, he stopped farming at about 10 minutes in.
Maybe someone could point out some specific things you could have done, but dying 3 times in 90 seconds at 7-8 minuets was a huge set back, since the teams were even before that happened, and allowed the enemy team to really snow ball, but I also think having LC jungle at all was a huge mistake that would have likely lost you the game anyway even if your solo lane went better. I also think you should have grabbed some simply stat items at some point. It looks like at 25 minutes in you are still trying to get a Midas.
I guess in the end what I am trying to say is jungle LC was a bad choice with your picks, you played your offlane really badly (You made poor use of your tangos and never got more regen after you exhausted your initial purchase), and your team itemized and skilled poorly, with Jakiro getting max passive and Disruptor maxing Thunder Strike, and no one picking up a magic sticks or items to get additional HP.