Xiao8 retired (and Rabbit is probably a better player than Xiao8 tbh)
Oh yeah but can rabbit direct?
Xiao8 retired (and Rabbit is probably a better player than Xiao8 tbh)
Oh yeah but can rabbit direct?
I've become determined to one day be less shit at Earthshaker. So far it's still a work in progress. I dunno why but I just can't seem to figure out how to make this guy useful without feeding. I don't know where and how to lane and it makes me fall behind in xp and farm unless I'm actively partaking in every early kill attempt and even when I do I feel like more often than not I'm trading my life away so that someone on my team can survive and get the kill. Also that hero has one of the worst mana cost to mana pool ratios early. It doesn't feel optional to get blink before arcanes like some strength supports.
I wonder what buff night stalker will get next patch, no one ever picks him.
iG: Xi, Ferrari_430, June, ChuaN, chisbug
VG: Black, Super, iceiceice, fy, Fenrir
LGD: Sylar, Yao, Inflame, MMY, Faith, ddc, Lin, Injuly
Newbee: Hao, Mu, Rabbit, Banana, SanSheng
HGT: ZSMJ, Kaka, Icy, prettyHaw, Cys
DK: (nobody)
DK: (nobody)
final Chinese rosters http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2en64m/entire_list_of_player_transfers_in_china/
I think LGD are going to be really, really good and VG will struggle
Vg has black and ice cube, I'm jumping to them.rip in peace.
now I wonder where will DK fans will jump into.
- -
Newbee is still ridiculously stacked
I don't think so. LGD best player was xiaotuji... Newbee will continue dominating even more
where is new patcherino
He bought Subway.Is that fucking Subway?
30 million dollars and all he can afford is Subway.
I'm so fucking tired of void, fuck that ultimate, every single game.
He also always manages to get free farm level of items no matter how many time we gank him. that hero is so fucking bullshit.
I know its not the best solution, but have you tried playing wraith king?
Yes, it is not enough.
is egm standing in?
Yes, it is not enough.
Is that fucking Subway?
30 million dollars and all he can afford is Subway.
30mil? dudes a billionaire, I would have mines freshly made by a hot maid.
Should've bought Chik-fil-a instead.
He has the money to import.Basically, you would live in France.
Yes, it is not enough.
Yeah, he is out of alliance, and has been playing on tinker. Its assumed tinker will get a formal sponsor if they don't fall apart.is egm standing in? or is he part of team tinker? i dont pay attention to roster changes much as u can see lol
Secret team revealed. LOL Kitteyn