It's just going to be another small patch with hats or something; I just want to play some dota.
Not really feeling Chessie yet. No notable impact in any of these first 3 Alliance games.
Likely not.
Anyone have a clue what real behind the scenes stuff came in with this new ~50mb patch just now? Maybe Matt can enlighten us with his stream?
That was an update for the Workshop Alpha Tools.Anyone have a clue what real behind the scenes stuff came in with this new ~50mb patch just now? Maybe Matt can enlighten us with his stream?
That Percent based damage ability is nice, makes it so you don't need a lua script to do it. Also the respawn time stuff is helpful, you now won't have to set up a listener to do it. So while nothing really expands what you can do, it does make a lot of stuff easier. lua_report_memory should also be super useful down the line for development, when we get to a state where we can start easily putting mods on external servers.
I lost 600 in a week.
Easiest uninstall of my life, haven't played since.
I lost 600 in a week.
Easiest uninstall of my life, haven't played since.
what if the general skill pool rose over the summer thanks to youngins and their no school and so your mmr is now no longer correct compared to the larger population
1. Never solo queue
2. Never play ranked
3. Never play all pick
get on my level, 900 mmr on my alt that was 4.2 lol
tilting is bad kids dont b like me pls
What happens when you solo queue ranked allpick?
get on my level, 900 mmr on my alt that was 4.2 lol
tilting is bad kids dont b like me pls
Remember Diretide?
It was never this bad
Remember Diretide?
It was never this bad
Remember Diretide?
It was never this bad
I think your wrong.
That list is what Robin Walker talked about at steam dev days. And those results don't come from communicating, they come from communicating poorly. If they put forth effort to do it well it can look like this:
Diablo 3 Tavern Talks
Warframe Prime Times
Which are freakin awesome, and not outside the realm of what valve could be doing if they wanted to. But they don't want to do that, because they don't think it's important, and I think they're wrong. Look at the comments on those pages, it's not toxic garbage, because they're actually doing a good job interfacing with their respective audiences.
Look at the stuff Matt does. He live streams his patch analysis stuff and he always gets tons of viewers those people aren't pissed off, they're happy to see some cool shit.
Valve has the capability to do that on a much bigger scale, trying to say it would be a bad thing, or people wouldn't appreciate it, doesn't make any sense.
I do all these things.1. Never solo queue
2. Never play ranked
3. Never play all pick
Well that's not so bad then. I was expecting cancer or something.
What happens when you solo queue ranked allpick?
This is literally all I do. Still fun, and I've raised my MMR by 300 points in about a month.
what role do you generally play as?
Almost always support. I've been playing a lot of AA and Dazzle.
I like that combination too. At first I thought the set was ugly - but I've come around. It's nowhere near as bad as the original Perfect World set (which I still have for completion's sake).I think the Nexon Invoker set looks really nice with the new Textures Valve made for it (I assume they were the ones who redid the textures). I also am using the Perfect World pants piece.
You have to make a distinction between what you personally would like to see and what's actually effective, because honestly all the inroads Blizzard has made towards "communication" didn't salvage the SC2 community from its own toxicity or make launch D3 any less of a disaster.
The International and Valve's seasonal content dumps are far and above what any other company does in terms of communicating and hyping content for their games, and way more difficult and complicated to do (and resource-intensive) than a weekly twitch couch stream with a couple of developers.
If Valve wants to pursue a policy of "we're not saying anything until we have something significant to say" then I'm perfectly okay with that, because honestly announcing the possibility of a patch in August probably did more harm than good.
Imagine if Valve gave us a status update for 6.82 and Techies today. It would just make the anxious members of the community more impatient, wouldn't feasibly provide any information we don't already know (patch isn't done, it'll have techies, it's almost done, stay tuned), and provides nothing of value to people that Valve actually wants to reach ("wait so can I turn the game on and play a new character or see new content?" "oh..okay, whatever").
It's not time yet!
August 28, 2014 - Dota Team
We are sad to announce today we won't be able to reach our targeted August release for our next Major Update, "The <Insert Update Name here> Update", which will include the likes of Techies and a whole heap of new content. We are hard at work here at Valve, and hope to have our update out in several weeks, but things have taken longer then we originally had planned. We hope you can bare with us while we finish up, but in the mean time, here is a sneak peak at a few things we have been working on.
<Picture of Techies Arcana here>
<Picture of Base Customization Here>
<Updated Picture of Shadow Fiend Concept Art here>