Are you guys ready for fireworks?

What role are Techies?
Their recommended items make them seem like a support of some kind. Stasis Trap also is a really good stun and Techies seem more like the guys who don't directly fight in team fights, but help by annoying with mines to prevent escapes and causing lots of AoE damage, which sounds more like a support.
His/Her reason for spaming TA is that TA and Storm are the best mids for grinding MMR
Man i hope it sounds nice
The sound they gave to Daedalus crits annoys the SHIT out of me. Its so out of place
Really? I like it a lot.
Are you guys ready for fireworks?
My god that SF Arcana Ult on Matt's stream Kreygasm
Holy shit the new SF ult effect!
My god that SF Arcana Ult on Matt's stream Kreygasm
The effects for getting streak kills are super gross
I wont ever use it
Good tip. I didn't really think about using the low cooldown to get 2 in.Remember, once you have Blink, you wanna be using totem in advance of fights, so that you have 1 big hit lined up, followed immediately by another as it will be off cooldown by then.
Judging purely from that picture, I think you could buy more effective late game items.
I don't agree with buying aghs every game, in my opinion it's a really mediocre upgrade, as it only gives extra pulses on heroes and illusions. Unless you're up against heroes that spawn many illusions or are named meepo, I'd recommend a shiva's guard instead. It does roughly the same damage as the aghs upgrade, adds a slow to your initiation, gives a lot of armor, solves any remaining mana problems, passively slows enemy autoattacks, and can be used independently of echoslam (with a way lower cooldown).
Other solid late game options are veil of discord (amplifies your whole team's magic damage and gives decent stats), heart of tarrasque (gives a lot of strength based rightclick damage which gets fully amplified by enchant totem, and of course a massive amount of health), heaven's halberd (not as much strength as heart, but it's cheaper and comes with a useful disable for enemy carries), and scythe of vyse which you get already.
Hope it helps! And again, only judging from the picture, sorry if I'm missing something (i.e. all your games are against phantom lancer so aghs is warranted).
My god that SF Arcana Ult on Matt's stream Kreygasm
why's he releasing fire? it should be souls dammit! :<
Anyone else having a TERRIBLE time with Twitch tonight? Video takes forever to load if it ever does.
CM now only says "Swift as the wolves of Icewrack" if she gets a haste rune :/
CM now only says "Swift as the wolves of Icewrack" if she gets a haste rune :/
i want to thank valve for this trading card nonsense because its given me the next arcana for free <3
well... if she says it any other time, shes telling a lie
CM now only says "Swift as the wolves of Icewrack" if she gets a haste rune :/
How the hell did you get that many trading cards, they sell for like 10 cents a piece or less don't they?
I mean, where is there some evidence that these alleged wolves of icewrack are even all that swift in the first place? Maybe they have 280 ms too...
Seems like a good change. It make literally no sense as a movement line.
Lycan has Icewrack wolves and they move at 400ms base.
Response rules have now been slightly updated for Crystal Maiden, Dazzle, Gyrocopter, Invoker, KotL, Luna, Lycan, Omniknight, Phoenix, Puck, Pudge, Shadow Demon, Techies, Treant, Visage and Medallion acquisition.
Void guy says these other heroes also had response rule changes, anything note worthy?
Is there a list of the challenges somewhere?
Is there a list of the challenges somewhere?