Played lycan for the first time since patch
still broken.
shapeshift move speed effects units? muh gawd
I realize lycan is still stupid strong, but god I hate playing him. Just not pleasant to carry with. Naix is still the most fun melee carry, with honorable mention to PA.
wait.... valve takes 75% paycut from tournaments? really? 50-50 would be more fair
Today in "wtf item choice"!
wait.... valve takes 75% paycut from tournaments? really? 50-50 would be more fair
you better edit this before stevewinwood sees you hating on oov
Ranged OoV...
Today in "wtf item choice"!
The same player as the last one. What the fuck is this game I'm in now.
YOUR PUCKRanged OoV...
*Whew* we won it.
God playing Pudge late game is so hard and frustrating.
That sounds about right. Riki spent 90% of the game roaming near me waiting for a hook/dismember on someone.You can shit on that snipers items all you want but he did do 5k tower damage, and respectable hero damage. Compare that to your Riki.
That sounds about right. Riki spent 90% of the game roaming near me waiting for a hook/dismember on someone.
I'm past that phase.
Milk suggested it. I am 100% serious. His justification was that it was just like orb walking. Attack > Phase Shift > repeat, if you get a kill it is worth it.What made you think oov was a good idea on Puck in the first place?
why does aui think he is day9
also is there a way to disable cosmetics just for private games?
No item bundle and no Chinese teams for DreamLeague. Not sure how this season could get any worse.
You guys are crazy. Lycan is like my favorite carry. Nothing more fun than running in killing 3 squishy heroes ult bkb and run out. Rinse and repeat gg. Pretty much how 90% of my Lycan games work out.
Watching these MPGL games with SEA teams gives me lots of ideas for item builds I never considered
Ive seen Ember picked a few times, and then almost always go Phase, Drums, Blink/BF, Crit
Blink on Ember makes so much sense when you see it in action
Instead of wasting a remnant/SoF to reach a target you can blink on them and blow them up
It's similar to Blink on nyx as opposed to dagon. Rather than blowing up one target with a combo...suddenly you're a slippery mofo as blink allows you to be way more versatile in conjunction with your other spells (blink in to engage...vendetta can be used to disengage/re-engage- spiked carapace is now a secondary escape tool.)
Ancient Apparitionname a hero blinks not good on
oh wait there isnt one