Y'all bitches saying MVP winning tournaments was a fluke smh
They even admitted they are throwy and inconsistent.
1st place dota pit
8th place starladder
1st/2nd weplay
They didn't even qualify for Epicenter or ESL Frankfurt
Y'all bitches saying MVP winning tournaments was a fluke smh
Bro starladder was riggedThey even admitted they are throwy and inconsistent.
1st place dota pit
8th place starladder
1st/2nd weplay
They didn't even qualify for Epicenter or ESL Frankfurt
give spring battle pass and hats
Wooo Llama is on the menu!
LOL so is slacks
XYCLOPZ offical!!!
Is it weird that so many of those spots only have one caster? Anyway, nice to see Ayesee and Llama there!
listening to llama cast is like playing rhasta in ranked dota
awful and awful
Y'all bitches saying MVP winning tournaments was a fluke smh
This WePlay tournament is a really bad example. They seem to have just randomly invited some teams and held qualifiers that were given random "region" names with no real limit on who could enter them. SEA Qualifier Winners are from famous Asian region of Greece.
All the CIB copies are in shit condition :cSuper Ghouls n Ghosts is only $50 on ebay. That's pretty surprising.
All I'm saying is...
MVP is beating good teams
There's no evidence they will stop beating good teams
RL + limited birate =
They regularly lose to pretty bad teams--and consistently are beaten by Fnatic. They have the potential, but they are so inconsistent it's not even funny.
EE streaming on panda, already at 18k viewers. Far larger than what he gets on twitch.
Chinese must love their dota 2 streams.
old PR is "so inconsistent it's not even funny". MVP is just good.
If they were viewbotting their would be least an extra zero on the end there.They love their viewbots.
They can't prove that the streamers themselves are using the viewbots, that's why so many streamers that everyone knows use viewbots just keep getting away with it.Why we hating on EG? Did I miss something.
If they were viewbotting their would be least an extra zero on the end there.
Those numbers are real and will only get bigger, PandaTV has no reason to inflate the numbers.
Speaking of viewbots it would be nice if Twitch would actually do something about all these Russian streamers who advertise MMR boosting services and viewbot their way to the top of the Dota 2 category every fucking day.
I forgot match comments exist in game until my friends pointed it out.
My hands are going to fall off now.![]()
Is offlane Invoker a thing? I've seen it twice in a row
fuck eg
Fuck eg
fuck eg
Why does anybody care about boosting services really? People have way too much time on their hands.