but lion aghs is joke item!
fuckin lumi
fuckin lumi
Maybe they were talking about a melee hero getting Geminate in Ability Draft. Kappawhat? where did you hear that?
"triple saber triple attack!" lumi said
"yeah saber weaver would be a nice experiment" - zyori
they just said that
these PRO casters just trucking said that
Completely unbearable at any point in time and no effort over 20 years to improve his casting flow, completely derails any discussion and flow at all with shit that is not interesting.i can't listen to lumi
Purge is advocating Armlet -> Echo Sabre on Chaos Knight. Yay or nay?
I say yay. Armlet is a very cost effective early game item for CK and Echo Sabre gives you much needed mana regen and accelerates your farm. After that you might want to go straight into HoT.
WutWhy not skip the hot and go heart?
Why not skip the hot and go heart?
Why not skip the hot and go heart?
Damn nahaz, back at it with the cup
I can get behind this... id rather he not voice his opinionsHe should grab this cup...
The fuck did I just read...
I think you confused HoT (Heart of Tarrasque) with HoD (Helm of Dominator).
EVERYONE BUY Tome of Knowledge FOR 150 GOLD AND GIVE TO LUMI༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Lumi take my bus ticket home ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Overwatch open beta can't even get as many viewers as dead ass League of Legends on twitch, that games fucking DOA tbh.
back below 2k
all is right with the universe
i dont believe you
what is there not to believe
- 10 teams in 2 groups of 5 teams, play a round-robin
- All matches are played best-of-two: 2-0 = 2 points, 1-1 = 1 point, 0-2 loss = 0 points
- The top two teams of each group advance to the Playoffs
LlamaDownUnder casting the No Diggity game![]()
Would you like to have zyori and lumi instead?