Does anyone know a way to get isaac armor switched from ps3 etc to xbox? got game on xbox but dead space 2 CE on ps3?
Enduin said:You can just change difficulty with your current game and not have to restart, unless thats not an option on consoles, though I would be surprised if it wasnt. Anyways things get harder sort of, most of the boss fights introduce some pretty noticeable difficulty spikes, but outside of them normal encounters dont really vary too much especially if youre careful and manage your party and positioning.
cleveridea said:Does anyone know a way to get isaac armor switched from ps3 etc to xbox? got game on xbox but dead space 2 CE on ps3?
cleveridea said:Weird, seems no achievement for completing at higher difficulty level.
Is there some kind of benefit playing Hard in terms of XP, enemy count or more/better loot/cash?
Patryn said:There isn't a way, as far as I know. PS3 codes only work for the PS3, while 360 codes work for PC and 360.
Patryn said:There isn't a way, as far as I know. PS3 codes only work for the PS3, while 360 codes work for PC and 360.
Enduin said:Yes there is a way someone way earlier in the thread talked to EA or Bioware online support and they switched up the armor for him right then and there from PS3 to 360.
cleveridea said:Weird, seems no achievement for completing at higher difficulty level.
Is there some kind of benefit playing Hard in terms of XP, enemy count or more/better loot/cash?
Enduin said:Yes there is a way someone way earlier in the thread talked to EA or Bioware online support and they switched up the armor for him right then and there from PS3 to 360.
Y2Kev said:
Coxswain said:I just finished the game. Clocked in at just under 59 hours, playing on Nightmare and doing every quest that became available to me (I'm sure I missed a handful here and there); I expected a couple more hours at the end, but Act 3 is kind of abrupt. I'll probably let my thoughts crystallize for a bit before I do a bit more of a full writeup, but for now, after seeing the highs and lows of Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2, this is my immediate impression:
Dragon Age Origins is what happens when you give a development team years worth of time and all the budget necessary to create exactly the game they aspire to create, but they don't aspire to anything other than bog-standard mediocrity, in just about every respect. It's exactly the game it was meant to be, and it was always meant to be the most nondescript fantasy RPG around.
Dragon Age 2 is what happens when you have a development team with good ideas and a desire to create something interesting, but you choke back their budget and their timeline to the point where the game is releasing 1.5-2 years before it was meant to come out. It's got some heavy, heavy flaws dragging down some very nice ideas, and you can trace many of those flaws almost directly back to issues of time or budget constraint.
I pretty solidly preferred DA2 to the original, although a lot of its flaws are such that they grate more and more the further you get into the game, and I'm not as entirely taken by it as I was in the beginning. Still, if I'm going to be dealing with elements of mediocrity in my games, I'll take the one that's mediocre because the execution didn't do justice to the concept over the one that's mediocre because nobody bothered trying to develop anything interesting.
Edit: One more thing, Gamlen wins the "Best Creepy Uncle in a Video Game" award for the line: "So I hear you're slipping it to that pirate wench. I always wondered what it's like... Two women." It's creepy even without the fantasizing-about-your-niece angle, but that's given it a pretty commanding lead.
Sathsquatch said:I agree with you completely. I think BG2 is one of the best games ever made, and I think every Bioware game after BG2 is very good but disappointing compared to BG2 (except Mass Effect 2)
This has been going on forever.Kyoufu said:Uhhhhhh
You start off with what seems to be an insightful post but then you just ruin it with that
ME2 is a perfect example of why Bioware are not good at sequels this gen. DA2 just further proves it.
I don't think both games are bad, but when you compare them to their prequels, their foundations... They are very underwhelming.
Kyoufu said:Uhhhhhh
You start off with what seems to be an insightful post but then you just ruin it with that
ME2 is a perfect example of why Bioware are not good at sequels this gen. DA2 just further proves it.
I don't think both games are bad, but when you compare them to their prequels, their foundations... They are very underwhelming.
Coxswain said:I just finished the game. Clocked in at just under 59 hours, playing on Nightmare and doing every quest that became available to me (I'm sure I missed a handful here and there)
Darkone said:I am playing the game on Hard, Whats the diffreance between them??
I think there is a resolution bump mod that allows you play the game in glorious HDs.Salaadin said:I really dont get the ME2 hate. Aside from its lack of story, I thought it was an improvement over the original.
DA2 is a step backwards, clearly rushed, and a small piece of what it could have been. The core game isnt bad but everything it surrounds itself with is awful and really bogs down the entire game.
You guys are really making me want to play BG2 though Im not sure I can step back in time 11 years to play it. Everytime I try that, I give up....unless there are some good mods that bring the game into current day.
Other then the AD&D rule set the game isn't really any different from modern day RPGs.Salaadin said:You guys are really making me want to play BG2 though Im not sure I can step back in time 11 years to play it. Everytime I try that, I give up....unless there are some good mods that bring the game into current day.
glaurung said:I think there is a resolution bump mod that allows you play the game in glorious HDs.
I really don't think that's fair. They either think ME is great and ME2 is good or they think that ME is good and ME2 is great. It's only a small minority I think that find either of these game bad/mediocre. Personally I think they are both great in their own ways.Lostconfused said:Edit: I left out ME and ME2 but people tend to have their own opinion as to how that one goes.
Thats what it looks like? I can play that.Lostconfused said:Cool picture
That's what it looks like. There are at least three or four threads on gaf about playing BG2. But yeah you are going to need to learn the basics of DnD because that stuff isn't really self explanatory.Salaadin said:I never played D&D so I have no idea what the AD&D ruleset is.
Salaadin said:Thats what it looks like? I can play that.
I never played D&D so I have no idea what the AD&D ruleset is.
Lostconfused said:That's what it looks like. There are at least three or four threads on gaf about playing BG2. But yeah you are going to need to learn the basics of DnD because that stuff isn't really self explanatory.
koji said:Some DnD background helps. There's some serious numbercrunching going on behind the scenes... Shame it isn't used more in recent RPGs. I loved toying around with ADnD 3.5 on the PWs in NWN, talk about flexibility and freedom...
RedSwirl said:So I finally went and played the PS3 demo just to see how they got this to work on consoles and am actually surprised that they basically decided to rip off Phantasy Star Online.
eek5 said:All will be forgiven if the DLC is REALLY good though!
kinoki said:You have no idea how much I'd love Awakenings-type DLC for DA2. Hopefully whatever they do occurs after the main story-line. Adding more fluff to the huge pile of fluff that is the main campaign seems redudant.
Nose Master said:Do you ever get another character who can equip a fucking shield? I hate Aveline with a passion, but she's the only tank character introduced so far. So, I have to drag her around and have her piss and moan about every questionable guy I stab.
Also: Jesus, the Warrior Elf (Fernin?) has given me -10 on the past 3-4 cutscenes. It's pretty awesome when I got the option during a cutsceneto just have him force choke a guy into giving me information, though.
GrandHarrier said:Aveline is your only Sword and Board Tank unless your Hawke becomes one. Fenris can be built into a 2 Handed Tank, but it requires spec'ing him specifically for it. He takes mobs down faster, but suffers against bosses. Anders is also your only Healer.
For those reasons, I tend to specifically play a Tank or Healer myself. (Usually Healer). Aveline also isn't as big of a deal if you know how she thinks. Go for the common good and she'll look past most of your actions.
Nose Master said:The sister has some healing magic, also. I forget the name right now.
Agreed. And if you're not playing on nightmare, you don't need to have a dedicated healer. There are plenty of potions to use that'll offset a dedicated healer. And, if I read the guide right, each potion type has it's own cool down timer. But the "quick heal" option defaults to the standard healing potions and ignores other types like Elfroot & Restoration. You'll have to use those manually.Kyoufu said:I like that the characters are mostly unique. You have options no matter what build you go for on Hawke.
Bethanybut in act 2 she is taken to the Circle for me. Does she ever come back?
note that from what i saw, she can't revive.
Hari Seldon said:How the hell can you have a dedicated healer in this game? They get 1 healing spell and it is on a 10 fucking day timer.
Hari Seldon said:How the hell can you have a dedicated healer in this game? They get 1 healing spell and it is on a 10 fucking day timer.
Kyoufu said:Anders has 2 heals actually! Heal and Aid Allies.
Hari Seldon said:How the hell can you have a dedicated healer in this game? They get 1 healing spell and it is on a 10 fucking day timer.
Don't forget his own special tree, he gets panacea and another ability that basically makes him into a "tree of life" He'll constantly heal everyone, but he'll lose his offensive capabilities while doing so.Salaadin said:Anders gets "Heal" which is a big cure for a single person and "Aid Allies" which is a small cure for all allies.
Kyoufu said:Anders has a tendency to let me down when it comes to his AI. Despite setting his tactics up so that he won't die to small fry enemies, I still catch him getting molested by a small group of enemies half the time. At one point he thought it was a good idea to take an enemy halfway across the map from me... Stupid AI![]()