I don't see it, sorry. I'd still think each party member having their own cool down on potions would be stupid, but at least it'd be better than one universal cool down. If that's even true.subversus said:I spammed potions in Origin. So this might be better even if new mechanic doesn't make any sense.
subversus said:I spammed potions in Origin. So this might be better even if new mechanic doesn't make any sense.
Which is clearly what the devs want you to do. Except that supposes a fairly singular play style and party configuration. Same problem, different componet.Kinspiracy said:It just means I need to learn how to make real healing tactics for my healer instead of just relying upon the tank to drink a ton of potions.
Kinspiracy said:So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.
EviLore said:Long personal cooldowns or potion scarcity would be far better ways to balance.
Snuggler said:So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?
What's sad about not liking 40+ hours of button mashing?Inorigo said:Fair enough. I just don't think it's that big a deal though. I played through the demo just fine with no auto-attack. Not that you're not allowed to have a preference. Maybe it was dumb for BioWare not to put it in, but if that's what you're going to let keep you from enjoying what's probably a very good game, I think that's a little sad honestly :/
Kinspiracy said:So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.
Snuggler said:So, after all the controversy and stuff about this game, who is still planning on buying it day one?
If I didn't already have so much to play, I would probably give in, but I'm in no rush so I'll just wait until I can find a deal on the PC version in a few months. I don't think I'll hate the game, but it's not exactly screaming out my name if you know what I mean. Despite all my concerns, I still want to play it just so I can form my own opinion about the final product (and cause I'll take anything Bioware dishes out).
koji said:To people playing the game; how is the class balance?
Does the game still push you towards 2 mage/tank/rogue or can you actually do some more exotic stuff besides playing by the books. Mages still crazy OP'ed?
Tokubetsu, what's your avatar from? I've seen the video and remember loving the song but I can't remember it at all!Tokubetsu said:Glad I wasn't the only one who thought he was going crazy over the potion thing. I thought I was somehow not pressing the potion button/it wasn't registering it.
Heal spells must be godly then...that or the game is a cake walk.
What do you mean by auto attack screw up? The only thing I I absolutely hated in the demo was that you had to press A everytime you want to make a normal attack. I read somewhere on the Bioware forums that there is an option in the full game to hit A once per enemy (like it was in DA:O). Hope this is true.chris-013 said:There is no global cooldown for the whole party.
I can take a healing potion with hawk, switch to another character and take a healing potion.
I play in hard and I die a lot... enemies are squad-based + call for backup ennemies.
The aggro mechanic is very good.
If assassin, archer focus on my mage she dies in 3 sec !
I confirm the auto attack screw up in console version...
Not sure about the mage, it's too early but it's a very squishy class. I think you need a 2 handed warrior now to manage aggro on many units.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbZidsgMfwsam27368 said:Tokubetsu, what's your avatar from? I've seen the video and remember loving the song but I can't remember it at all!
Thanks!Dance In My Blood said:
I read that you have to select auto-attack from the radial menu per enemy.masterkajo said:What do you mean by auto attack screw up? The only thing I I absolutely hated in the demo was that you had to press A everytime you want to make a normal attack. I read somewhere on the Bioware forums that there is an option in the full game to hit A once per enemy (like it was in DA:O). Hope this is true.
WTF! That is even more button pressing on the lower difficulties. The only thing is that now instead of my A button breaking, I also get my LT button to break.M°°nblade said:I read that you have to select auto-attack from the radial menu per enemy.
Wolves Evolve said:I just played it again, and I was using potions with one character, then lining up one up for the next. I don't know what people are talking about.
Ooooh. Thanks for posting that, was so confused/annoyed.Kinspiracy said:So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.
So I got my answer on whether or not you can make a tactic for your tank (or other squadmates) to drink a potion at specific health levels...you can't. The reason being apparently that potions are on a global timer PER THE ENTIRE SQUAD. So the tank drinks a potion and no one else can until the timer resets. I can understand cooldowns per player, but per the entire squad? That just seems dumb.
chris-013 said:There isn't a option to toggle auto-attack you will need to open the radial menu than select the enemy and press A. It's not too bad because it's better to have the whole party attacking the same target so I use this a lot.
chris-013 said:Ye I just tried and that doesn't work...
So in the end to be clear, you can't auto-attack with the character you are playing on console version.![]()
But I don't think spamming A or X is bad, it's actually fun.
Kyoufu said:I don't have a problem with the lack of auto attack, my problem is that I can't seem to select the party member I want to use the potion on unless I switch to them. Confusing. Shit Mountain also put me off the graphics, whereas the final part of the demo looked ok-ish.
The first, easily.Corky said:For those who played the first one and the second one ( demo , pressrelease etc ) :
I can get both for the same price, but I can only chose one.
Do you recommend me buying and playing the first or second one?
What, how? Because you can get DA:Ultimate for $25 or less depending on what kind of deal is going around at the time. Either way its probably a good idea to hold off on 2 because there is a chance that it might get the same treatment. If we are lucky we might be able to buy DA2 with all the addons and DLC for $25 this christmas.Corky said:I can get both for the same price, but I can only chose one.
Do you recommend me buying and playing the first or second one?
WanderingWind said:The first, easily.
Drunkenthumbmaster said:so much misinformation about a game. Never seen anything like it. Can we get a secon OT once the game is launched sifting your 30+ pages of hate and speculation will be a real chore.
Lostconfused said:What, how?
Corky said:Also the first package that I can get is the ultimate edition, so all DLC including awakening for like 20$. I'm leaning towards the first one unless someone can truly convince me to wait a couple of days and buy DA2 instead.
Corky said:There's an RPG sale on D2D right now, 20% off all rpgs if you enter "monster" at the checkout.
DA ultimate is around 15£ and DA2 is like 20£ or so including all the discounts, so not the exact same price but in the same ballpark.
phew good thing I switched my pre order to PC at the last minutePatryn said:Well, fuck.
I seriously hope Bioware will patch in auto-attack if it really doesn't exist.
kai3345 said:lol direct2drive RPG sale doesnt cover Fallout 3.
sale fail