Lostconfused said:To be quiet honest I find it hard to believe that anyone liked Neverwinter Nights.
Edit: Although in the context of that post I guess DA:O is the odd one out and unexplicable.
Lostconfused said:To be quiet honest I find it hard to believe that anyone liked Neverwinter Nights.
Edit: Although in the context of that post I guess DA:O is the odd one out and unexplicable.
shinobi602 said:Not sure if serious?
It was pretty much praised all around![]()
shinobi602 said:So is it impossible for someone (like me) to love a game like Neverwinter Nights as well as DA:O and love what Bioware has done with DA2?
cartman414 said:Only because evidently you weren't around since the Baldur's Gate days.
_tetsuo_ said:I don't like Neverwinter Nights at all.
HeadlessRoland said:A complete lack of consistency or ability to determine quality of games would not shock me in the least. If it was otherwise I would be shocked.
shinobi602 said:So is it impossible for someone (like me) to love a game like Neverwinter Nights as well as DA:O and love what Bioware has done with DA2?
Lunchbox said:is there a online pass or something of that nature like most EA games that blocks content?
Yes the Black Emporium. You get some extra stuff that isn't worth much, a dog and the ability to change the appearance of the main character in the middle of the game. This time arround you don't get anything significant like a DLC character, you needed to pre order the "signature" edition to get that one for free.Lunchbox said:is there a online pass or something of that nature like most EA games that blocks content?
Trickster said:The exact same thing holds true for Dragon Age. They changed the game too much, and it's pissing off a lot of DA:O fans.
hamchan said:Looks like there are three dialog choices, Good, Funny Asshole and Angry Asshole.
I'm going to pick funny asshole everytime.
Also am I seeing users in this thread getting attacked for even saying they like Dragon Age 2? Really?
Trickster said:Not at all, saying that's impossible is like saying a person can't like both Call of Duty and Halo. The problem I think a lot of people have with DA2 is that it's simply been changed too much for their taste, when compared to DA:O. Had this been a new, seperate rpg IP, there would not be any people complaining.
To draw an analogy, imagine how fans of Halo would feel if Bungie announced a new Halo game, and then revealed that they had changed the gameplay from the very iconic Halo gameplay that people have come to love, into something much more like the gameplay of a CoD game. People would be pissed, not necessarily because they hate the gameplay in CoD games, but because when they play a Halo game, they want it to feel and play like a Halo when.
The exact same thing holds true for Dragon Age. They changed the game too much, and it's pissing off a lot of DA:O fans.
Kinspiracy said:Are gamers by and large that fragile?
Trickster said:It surprises you that when people play a game they really like, they want the sequel to play more or less like the game they like? really?
Lostconfused said:Yes the Black Emporium. You get some extra stuff that isn't worth much, a dog and the ability to change the appearance of the main character in the middle of the game. This time arround you don't get anything significant like a DLC character, you needed to pre order the "signature" edition to get that one for free.
Kinspiracy said:It surprises me that any amount of change, significant or insignificant, would send a huge swatch of gamers into an infantile tizzy. The changes from ME1 to ME2 were rather significant. I embraced the changes while still missing some of the old stuff. None of it made me stamp my feet and refuse to buy a series that had rewarded me in the past. Really.
Trickster said:I'll agree that some people are overeacting to the changes, especially those that lash out and flame people that say they like DA2. But man, as a huge fan of DA:O, I can't help but be extremely dissapointed and annoyed at some of the stuff I've seen in DA2 so far.
_tetsuo_ said:I don't like Neverwinter Nights at all.
Inorigo said:Forget Baldur's Gate. Someone intelligently and logically states why a lot of us do think DA2 looks great and they're a problem? The only problem here is you.
TouchMyBox said:Are you talking about Neverwinter Nights the game, or Neverwinter Nights the toolset?
I didn't care for the game much either, but the toolset lead me wasting hundreds of hours making shit and playing on persistent world servers.
Trickster said:Not at all, saying that's impossible is like saying a person can't like both Call of Duty and Halo. The problem I think a lot of people have with DA2 is that it's simply been changed too much for their taste, when compared to DA:O. Had this been a new, seperate rpg IP, there would not be any people complaining.
To draw an analogy, imagine how fans of Halo would feel if Bungie announced a new Halo game, and then revealed that they had changed the gameplay from the very iconic Halo gameplay that people have come to love, into something much more like the gameplay of a CoD game. People would be pissed, not necessarily because they hate the gameplay in CoD games, but because when they play a Halo game, they want it to feel and play like a Halo when.
The exact same thing holds true for Dragon Age. They changed the game too much, and it's pissing off a lot of DA:O fans.
The campaign was not what was receiving the praise. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone that enjoyed that. I remember hearing that NWN was originally going to be just the toolset, but Atari wanted a campaign so they rushed one in.shinobi602 said:Not sure if serious?
It was pretty much praised all around![]()
Gvaz said:I didn't play online at all, but the game/story was pretty hard/awful I thought as a kid. I just was really into making things with the toolset cause holy jesus that was so much fun.
The reason people wanted Dragon Age 2 in particular to remain faithful to the direction set by its predecessor is because there isn't a single other series/title left in that sub-genre. Imagine if there were no more FPS, or whatever, and the sequel to the one series that was set to bring back the genre is turned into an RTS.Kinspiracy said:I'm annoyed by several things myself, but basically all those things are going to do are change how I play certain aspects of the game. I'll adapt. I may not be 100 percent happy, but ultimately it's all about how the game plays in its entirety than it is about how faithful it is to a past iteration. For me anyway.
anything is better than thatDurante said:The reason people wanted Dragon Age 2 in particular to remain faithful to the direction set by its predecessor is because there isn't a single other series/title left in that sub-genre. Imagine if there were no more FPS, or whatever, and the sequel to the one series that was set to bring back the genre is turned into an RTS.
In any case, I'm positive DA2 will still be infinitely better than the NWN1 OC.
Durante said:The reason people wanted Dragon Age 2 in particular to remain faithful to the direction set by its predecessor is because there isn't a single other series/title left in that sub-genre. Imagine if there were no more FPS, or whatever, and the sequel to the one series that was set to bring back the genre is turned into an RTS.
In any case, I'm positive DA2 will still be infinitely better than the NWN1 OC.
Kinspiracy said:I'm annoyed by several things myself, but basically all those things are going to do are change how I play certain aspects of the game. I'll adapt. I may not be 100 percent happy, but ultimately it's all about how the game plays in its entirety than it is about how faithful it is to a past iteration. For me anyway.
~Kinggi~ said:I wonder why they felt compelled to drastically reduce the appeal of the interface and menu systems from DAO. In comparison between the two, everything about DA 2 is significantly worse and less attractive than what the first game had. They should have just copied the first game instead of making everything so bland looking.
DevelopmentArrested said:If the combat or loot werent so good, I would have been bored to tears by now. The environment and level variety is so atricious
Its interesting enough. Some pretty funny dialogue, cool characters to run into. I like the speech system better than DA1Vamphuntr said:Is the story good?
DevelopmentArrested said:Its interesting enough. Some pretty funny dialogue, cool characters to run into. I like the speech system better than DA1
HeadlessRoland said:I find your endlessly stream of spamming rationalizations to be strange for someone who is at peace. I mean you even go back and edit posts once they have been refuted as nonsense. These do not seem to be the actions of an accepting gamer.
How many times do the reasons swarms of people are unhappy need to be explained?
Kinspiracy said:I edit to either add text or fix spelling/grammar, not to remove "nonsense" . If you're truly that unhappy with the game, why fixate on it and drive yourself nuts? What's the point other than to stamp your feet and whine about something you literally have no chance of ever changing other than to not buy it and perhaps send a small message to the developers that you're unhappy with the changes? One thing that's been very clear since Bioware started revealing details about the game is that they saw more money to be made by attracting new players than they risked losing by alienating fans of Origins. I'm very accepting of their changes. I think they're for the betterment of the console versions, which fortunately benefits me.
Trickster said:People writing about what they don't like about a game is a big part of what can help developers make changes for the better in future games they make.
Kinspiracy said:Well then I hope he's writing it also on the official forum at bioware where the devs are posting. Speaking of which, did anyone tune in to the developer interview session today? I forgot all about it. I had intended to try and ask about the auto-attacking on the console version and why some reviewers say it has it, but people with the game claim it doesn't. Seems like a pretty big disconnect.
Inorigo said:I saw it. They played a bit of the first DLC and answered some questions and one of them was about auto-attack (Unfortunately, the answer the designer gave was pretty confusing and I can't remember it).
Personally, I believe reviewers and designers when they say it's in rather than the testimony of randoms who got the game before they're even supposed to. No offense. We'll all be able to find out for ourselves next week.
Zeal said:as for the plot, it lacks any type of coherent flow or sense of adventure that was presented so well in DO:A. you're simply trying to raise enough money to do X, or find person X, or break up a fight to make friends/enemies with X. this shit is just bland.
Vamphuntr said:Nice change of stance. First it was "Don't worry it's in" then it was" So what? it's not there DEAL WITH IT lulz it's no big deal" and now it's back to "Don't worry it's in". One gaffer made three youtube videos for us and was nice enough to try what we told him. I wouldn't call that a random. He even posted a picture of his copy. At this point a patch seems the only option.
Why wouldnt they be, this is a specific game thread on a gaming forum. What did you expect.EvaPlusMinus said:I find it funny that people are so up in arms over a video game.
Kinspiracy said:The only possibly explanation I can think of for reviewers to say they had a menu option for auto-attacking is that it was part of a download, and perhaps that patch won't hit the retail versions until this Tuesday. But if that was the case, then why are the devs at Bioware still acting clueless about it? If they read any forums, including their own, they'd know this was an issue many fans wanted clarification on, and it seems like it would be really simple to say one way or another if its in the game or not.
Zeal said:i honestly hate this game. i'm not going to even bother typing out spoiler tags, because there's quite simply jack shit to spoil. i have been walking around inside the same city for almost 10 hours with the same repetitive dungeons (being slightly changed up every now and then) for boring, fetch-for-me missions. sure, you'll occasionally step out of the city to go on another "find X generic character" missions, but you always find yourself right back in the same gigantic, ugly as hell clusterfuck of a city with 100 repeatable textures.
as for the plot, it lacks any type of coherent flow or sense of adventure that was presented so well in DO:A. you're simply trying to raise enough money to do X, or find person X, or break up a fight to make friends/enemies with X. this shit is just bland.
and it's going back.
pseudocaesar said:Why wouldnt they be, this is a specific game thread on a gaming forum. What did you expect.