Dark Stalkers said:My Hawke's name is gonna be Rawke.
BRILLIANT!mik said:My Hawke's name is gonna be
Hudson Hawke
Iztli said:My Hawke's name is gonna be Hawke Fawker
Sir Garbageman said:Will I have to DL the high res texture pack if I'm buying it off STEAM?
Considering how EA treats Steam, I wouldn't count on it being included.Sir Garbageman said:Anyone know?
Tomato- tomätoRyanDG said:Wouldn't that have to be Fawker Hawke?![]()
Like many people, I moved to a new place after college. I didn't know a soul in New York City or how to get around, and just buying groceries was an impossible task. By the time I left ten years later, I knew that town like nobody's business. I wasn't anyone special, but if you dropped me anywhere in the five boroughs, I could tell you a memory, which corner to avoid, and where to get a slice - the kind of familiarity you only get after exploring a location until it feels like home. That's what Kirkwall will feel like after playing Dragon Age II.
After the bombastic location-hopping in Origins, it's refreshing to experience such a personal story and become emotionally connected to the struggles of a single community.
In fact, like Uncharted 2 and Empire Strikes Back, Dragon Age II is the rare sequel that improves upon its already excellent predecessor.
The dialogue options inspired by BioWare's work on Mass Effect allow you to roleplay the voiced character of Hawke however you want. Thanks to handy symbols in the radial menu, you can be a snippy prig, a righteous hero, or a wiseass depending on your mood and the situation presented to you.
I love this system, because it encourages you to make solid roleplaying decisions early. If you waffle and try to make nice when you actually can't stand Anders and his heavy-handed "Mages rock!" political stance, then you get no benefit at all. If I've learned anything from a lifetime of RPGs, mechanics that support storytelling and vice versa are the goal of all good game design and Dragon Age II manages this perfectly.
BioWare is one of the few companies that uses the advanced computing power available to modern game designers to let you actually play a role.
Riposte said:After reading all that, I still don't really understand why he likes the game. I don't know why DA2 has a better dialogue system than most games. I don't really understand why I should think the combat is good. I just know he likes everything about it and every change made from Dragon Age Origins. I also know he is an idiot, so that doesn't help me either.
This 5/5 means absolutely nothing. I need to check out the other review...
Iztli said:Game Informer
Part of me was disappointed with Dragon Age II. I hoped for an improvement on the original, but it ultimately feels like a step back. [Apr 2011, p.85]
Like many people, I moved to a new place after college. I didn't know a soul in New York City or how to get around, and just buying groceries was an impossible task. By the time I left ten years later, I knew that town like nobody's business. I wasn't anyone special, but if you dropped me anywhere in the five boroughs, I could tell you a memory, which corner to avoid, and where to get a slice - the kind of familiarity you only get after exploring a location until it feels like home. That's what Kirkwall will feel like after playing Dragon Age II.
Kinspiracy said:And they gave Origins an 80.
Like many people, I moved to a new place after college. I didn't know a soul in New York City or how to get around, and just buying groceries was an impossible task. By the time I left ten years later, I knew that town like nobody's business. I wasn't anyone special, but if you dropped me anywhere in the five boroughs, I could tell you a memory, which corner to avoid, and where to get a slice - the kind of familiarity you only get after exploring a location until it feels like home. That's what Kirkwall will feel like after playing Dragon Age II.
ProtoCents said:
DiatribeEQ said:I'm sure all the PC owners have already downloaded the high rez texture pack that Bioware put out today? Yes?
But most cards on the market are DX10 capable now and DX11 is backwards compatible. So you can just launch the game in DX11 renderer and still have access to all the high res textures you want.Lasthope106 said:Why isn't anyone discussing the requirements for the higher resolution textures? A 1GB DX11 card to experience slightly better textures - ha - you have to be kidding me!
Zeal said:that right there.
that's about the dumbest shit i have ever read, anywhere. the reviewer of this game has never left his grandmother's basement, and he is 46.
edit: just to keep up the luls, i'll ask this: when you're in new york, does every building or coffee shop you walk into have the same repeatable textures on every wall? for example, do you see three or four of the same paintings repeated and spaced out to create a sense of deja-vu ? moreover, is every building a recycled cut and paste job of the one you just visited, albeit flipped around to create the illusion of diversity?
seriously, what is he even saying? comparing a poorly designed, fantasyland videogame location like Kirkwall to NY? what does this even mean.
Actually, apparently you don't.Lasthope106 said:Why isn't anyone discussing the requirements for the higher resolution textures? A 1GB DX11 card to experience slightly better textures - ha - you have to be kidding me!
Source: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/141/index/6393065&lf=8BioWare said:Just to clarify that you do NOT need to have a DX11 capable GPU to use the high resolution textures. To get the full benefit you need to run the game using the DirectX 11 renderer, which is backwards compatible with DX10. So even if you have a DX10 GPU (and Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7) you'll still be able to run the game using the DirectX 11 renderer.
If you can only play using the DirectX 9 renderer you'll still get a small benefit out of the texture pack. In particular certain character textures will look nicer, but most of the benefits on the environments don't apply to DX9. The reason for this is technical, and it has to do with the maximum texture sizes allowed by the DX9 vs DX11 APIs.
Even if you have less than 1 gig of vram, by all means go ahead and experiment with the download. At worst case the game will run very slowly when hi-res textures are enabled, but if that happens it's easy to turn the hi-res textures off from the video options menu. The amount of the slowdown could vary depending on where you are in the game and how much memory exactly you have.
We've added the 1GB as a guideline so people know what kind of hardware will support this glitch free, but if you're willing to get some performance impact you should still download the texture pack and experiment with it.
Lostconfused said:Nope, I got nothing.
Guess I am just a dull and boring person since I can't come up with some kind of clever and original name that in combination with the last name of Hawke would make some kind of a joke so everyone would know that I am enjoying this game ironically.
But most cards on the market are DX10 capable now and DX11 is backwards compatible. So you can just launch the game in DX11 renderer and still have access to all the high res textures you want.
Kinspiracy said:I can't tell if you're truly serious. His point was a simple one. And yet it appears to have flown right on over your head. Kirkwall = big city, often confusing to find your way around at first. Kirkwall = extremely familiar and feels like home after spending the game playing in it. His intent was to convey the point that the game takes place mainly in one large city and by the end of the game you feel like you know it like the back of your hand. Yeah, I get that people who want(ed) to hate the game are going to hate every positive word said about it, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with what he wrote in that paragraph.
Clever.KittyKittyBangBang said:I have read the OP 5-6 times now and is never not funny
I would have personally listed the "recommended system requirements" be a 360 or PS3 though
Lasthope106 said:Why isn't anyone discussing the requirements for the higher resolution textures? A 1GB DX11 card to experience slightly better textures - ha - you have to be kidding me!