Fredescu said:If only.
Call of Dungeons: Maturepic Darcore Fantasynaptic BROPG
Fredescu said:If only.
Conflict NZ said:Just had a friend tell me that the Nvidia DX11 bug is still in the full version of the game, the one where enabling DX11 while using a Nvidia card would cause a framerate in the single digits, multiple rendering errors causing black boxes all over the place. Any confirmation on this?
Basileus777 said:I think the latest Nvidia beta drivers fixed this, I know it improved compatibility with DA2.
It's essentially the entire team from the first game plus a whole bunch of other staff since the team was twice as large this time.Zeal said:just a quick question. did the original team that did DA:O at bioware actually make this? because i don't believe it if true.
That would be a significant improvement.Atilac said:Bioware becoming the next Obsidian confirmed?
Didn't most of the original team quit after they heard the direction they wanted to take the series or something?Zeal said:just a quick question. did the original team that did DA:O at bioware actually make this? because i don't believe it if true.
Nirolak said:It's essentially the entire team from the first game plus a whole bunch of other staff since the team was twice as large this time.
In imaginary lala land.kai3345 said:Didn't most of the original team quit after they heard the direction they wanted to take the series or something?
Only on Gaf can one man become a whole team.kai3345 said:Didn't most of the original team quit after they heard the direction they wanted to take the series or something?
Zeal said:absolutely unbelievable. i'm hoping those finishing up Mass Effect 3 have nothing whatsoever to do with this team, because both ME1 and 2 were amazing.
MrBelmontvedere said:this all reminds me of the travesty that was Gothic 4. totally dumbed down and not even enjoyable on it's own casual merits.
Dragon Age is shy elven beddable bitches.Truant said:That's because the ME universe has some identity to it. I don't know what Dragon Age really is, and I don't think Bioware does either.
Similar concept, but nothing compares to what they did to the corpse of Gothic. That was like dressing the deceased as a clown at a funeral viewing.MrBelmontvedere said:this all reminds me of the travesty that was Gothic 4. totally dumbed down and not even enjoyable on it's own casual merits.
Dragon Age is supposed to be a dark and gritty fantasy universe. Bioware's fantasy series. Maybe it doesn't work for you, but I'd say it has it's identity in the Bioware staple.Truant said:That's because the ME universe has some identity to it. I don't know what Dragon Age really is, and I don't think Bioware does either.
Rahxephon91 said:Dragon Age is supposed to be a dark and gritty fantasy universe. Bioware's fantasy series. Maybe it doesn't work for you, but I'd say it has it's identity in the Bioware staple.
I love the shit surrounding this game. lolStallion Free said:Only on Gaf can one man become a whole team.
Ok then what's Mass Effects so called identity?Truant said:The only identity it has is the red/white imagery, which has nothing to do with the actual games.
Blue ass.Rahxephon91 said:Ok then what's Mass Effects so called identity?
Saren is Bad said:Please, this is quite the overgeneralization. I'm playing it now, and it's great. Yes there is no Origin story, and yes there is a fucking wheel, but the combat is great, the story seems solid, and it definitely improves on a myriad of ways over the original.
MrBelmontvedere said:to each his own. personally I find the combat ferociously boring. there's no strategy involved, I can win with my eyes closed. they've taken an entire 180 here. from hardcore RPG in DA:O to... this thing. the enemies are so easy they have too compensate by just sending mindless waves at you.
it's a completely different game from DA:O and not in a good way.
The problem is the change of combat speed. The game moves too fast to offer a satisfying tactical experience. The enemies are mindless waves of cannon fodder, and pausing has become unnecessary and just drags out the fights. Yeah you can pause and issue orders and have it look like you are playing the same game as Origins, but it's just a dog and pony show. Worst case scenario is you may pause so you can use potions when your health drops.Saren is Bad said:The loss of auto-attack is shit, so you do end up mashing A-button, but the tactics are still there, as are pausing and such, especially on higher difficulties. I just don't get the immense hate for the game, maybe I should have played DA:O on a PC ;-P
So how many features does this make that have been promised but not implemented?_tetsuo_ said:Completely unplayable in DX11.
Haha. At least there isn't a memory leak._tetsuo_ said:Completely unplayable in DX11.
If you post reviews day 1, we won't give you review copies of Mass Effect 3!Synless said:I thought there would be some reviews by now. What's the deal?
Mass Effect is the discovery of ancient technology, which allows humans to join a loose knit group of more advanced aliens, who naturally resent these pushy newcomers who think they should be running the show, complete with tensions between these aliens races due to wars in their past history. Then things go to shit when human colonies are struck by an unknown race of aliens, turning people into monsters. Which is your job to uncover the answers to.Rahxephon91 said:Ok then what's Mass Effects so called identity?
Synless said:I thought there would be some reviews by now. What's the deal?
Mass Effect is just as cliché as anything in Dragon Age. Sci-Fi just happens to not be as overdone in games.Aaron said:Mass Effect is the discovery of ancient technology, which allows humans to join a loose knit group of more advanced aliens, who naturally resent these pushy newcomers who think they should be running the show, complete with tensions between these aliens races due to wars in their past history. Then things go to shit when human colonies are struck by an unknown race of aliens, turning people into monsters. Which is your job to uncover the answers to.
Dragon Age is fantasy tropes one and two, ANCIENT EVIL and EVIL USURPER. Set in the movie version of Lord of the Rings, only MORE BADASS!
I just don't know how to react to this post. So many detectors going off!Aaron said:Mass Effect is the discovery of ancient technology, which allows humans to join a loose knit group of more advanced aliens, who naturally resent these pushy newcomers who think they should be running the show, complete with tensions between these aliens races due to wars in their past history. Then things go to shit when human colonies are struck by an unknown race of aliens, turning people into monsters. Which is your job to uncover the answers to.
Dragon Age is fantasy tropes one and two, ANCIENT EVIL and EVIL USURPER. Set in the movie version of Lord of the Rings, only MORE BADASS! It's essentially the world of the Witcher done horribly wrong.
The premise of Mass Effect is cliched, but the story it crafts is interesting and doesn't always go in the direction you expect. While Dragon Age is a straight up bad fantasy novel in game form. Everything is as trite as possible, everything goes in the most obvious direction, whole sub-plots are lifted from other stories, etc. The whole thing with the kid possessed by a devil was in one of the Witcher novels for instance, though I think it was derived from a folk tale anyway.Ceebs said:Mass Effect is just as cliché as anything in Dragon Age. Sci-Fi just happens to not be as overdone in games.
assuming your post was not sarcasm. I can't tell in this thread anymore.
Really? outside of the lack of specific art design, it's pretty clear what DA is. A supposedly dark and mature fantasy franchisee. There's really no mistaking that.Truant said:Bioware knows what Mass Effect is, and that shows in the games. It seems to me that Bioware isn't quite sure what they want Dragon Age to be, they're still figuring it out, case in point DA1 vs DA2.
I think there are moments that escape the norm, especially involving Wrex and the plight of his people with the mad doctor working for Saren. Also the whole thing with Liara and her mother. If you summed the core plot in a few sentences, it sounds purely predictable, but it succeeded for me in the way it handled the details. Dragon Age lacked the same finesse.Rahxephon91 said:Mass Effect's story only goes in the obvious directions. It's the most cliched type of sci-fi story you can get.
yeah, it should have been in the game.Zzoram said:I hear they released a high res texture pack on their official website. Anyone tested it to see if it makes the shoulder pads not ugly in close-ups? It's nice to see they bothered to make better textures for the PC version although I think it's lame they didn't just bundle it with the game as a toggle.
You were lucky. There was a well known memory leak issue for Dragon Age Origins that caused loading times to become excruciatingly long and caused framerate dips at weird moments.lemmming said:I played the initial pc release of daand had no problems whatsoever. just saying.
ZombieFred said:For those who have got it installed and now playing, is there a noticable difference with the HD texture pack added than without? I am curious to see people's reactions to how the game looks and in higher settings (Direct X 10/11) in the full game.
Rahxephon91 said:Mass Effect's story only goes in the obvious directions. It's the most cliched type of sci-fi story you can get.
ME's world is no more special or well crafted as DA's world. At least in DA there's a real sense of being and actual political and social dynamics to be seen that you interact with. In ME I haven't even seen some of the aliens other sexes and most of their worlds are as foreign to me as possible. But wait it wont matter when humans are revealed to be the POWER of the universe in 3. Man did'nt see that coming.
Really? outside of the lack of specific art design, it's pretty clear what DA is. A supposedly dark and mature fantasy franchisee. There's really no mistaking that.