As said it was needed on normal on the PC. But more than that the game should be reviewed on the default difficulty setting as much as possible. My guess is like 85% of people only touch the difficulty setting to lower it when stuck. You should review the game for what most people will experience.chris-013 said:Seriously ? He needs to review the game in hard. Why the fuck do you need tactical approach in normal ?
diffusionx said:These sound like "gentleman's 8" scores. If this game was from some random no-name Eastern European company it would probably be getting 5's and 6's.
A bunch of "your game is pretty messed up, but we'll give you a solid, neutral score as a thanks for all of the ads you bought on IGN/Gamespot/Kotaku/Gametrailers/etc."Canova said:yup, bunch of mercy scores.
Haunted said:The scores are laughable, some of these reviews read like 4 or 5 at best, then I scroll down and am greeted with an 8.5.
meltingparappa said:I can weather pre-order bonuses that are largely inconsequential, I'm ok with copy and pasted dungeons as a consequence of so quick a turnaround, but cliffhanger endings are by far the worst thing in videogame stories, and so when it's (apparently) in a heavily story-based game like this, it makes me rage out.
TheExodu5 said:The problem is not only the difficulty though (I can't really judge that by how little I've played of the demo). The issue is how clunky the controls and movement are (on PC). The original really controlled far better than this one does.
Maybe the combat would feel awesome and satisfying if it controlled well. Currently, the action feels very disconnected from the controls.
diffusionx said:These sound like "gentleman's 8" scores. If this game was from some random no-name Eastern European company it would probably be getting 5's and 6's.
Boombishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
Zeliard said:Yeah I didn't like the way it controlled in the demo, in general.
But what I truly hate is what they've done to the camera views. I'm not a claustrophobic person at all but the limited top-down view in DA2 actually makes me feel it to some extent. Nobody can logically explain why the fuck they wouldn't have let you pull back just a bit further. It's absolutely absurd.
Phloxy said:Beta drivers help, but not by much at all. Not when I can run much better looking games at much higher frame-rate than this turd.
bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
That's a smackdown?DaBuddaDa said:Sessler laying the smackdown.
bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
The only explanation I've ever heard from the mouths of the developers was that they wanted the player to be able to explore more "full" environments including BAD ASS CEILINGS that wouldn't be viewable if the camera was pulled way out.Zeliard said:Nobody can logically explain why the fuck they wouldn't have let you pull back just a bit further. It's absolutely absurd.
Yeah man, that's one of the biggest smackdowns I've ever read!Brewster's Wallet said:That's a smackdown?
I blame the camera position. Its a lot higher up compared to DA:O that when you zoom in it ends up being right over your character's shoulder. I have no idea who decided for it to be that way, or why they thought it was a good thing.TheExodu5 said:I think there's a field of view problem as well. The game really feels claustrophobic for some reason.
Hell yeah we would. They are making some the best games you can play.bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
We argue this because a game with those same issues from a major publisher will get an 8+ almost every time.whatevermort said:Yup: they'd be arguing that the 6 was a score that had to be given because of its flaws, but that even though the textures are a bit janky and the controls slightly slack, it's all about the heart and the great characters, and they make it a classic.
whatevermort said:Yup: they'd be arguing that the 6 was a score that had to be given because of its flaws, but that even though the textures are a bit janky and the controls slightly slack, it's all about the heart and the great characters, and they make it a classic.
The Signature Edition bonuses will be in a chest once you get to Kirkwall IIRC from the last BioWare live stream. You apparently don't start with them all.GillianSeed79 said:Can anyone help me out? I'm confused about some of the unlockables. I got the signature edition. The unlockables menu refers you to Bioware's social site to enter the promo code, which I did and it was accepted. Then you are supposed to look at the list of promo bonuses. I think their site has a typo or something because there's stuff that says you'll unlock if you like DA2 on Facebook. I don't have a Facebook account, but that stuff is unlocked. The stuff that's listed as Signature Edition unlockables on the DA2 site are not unlocked for me other than than the prince quest thing and online pass. I do have the SE digital soundtrack unlocked. At this point I don't really care tbh. I spent about an hour or two just registering and downloading all the pre-release DLC.
bishopcruz said:If it was from some random eastern european company though, PC Gaf would probaly be in love with it.
Zeliard said:Bioware has the financial backing of the biggest game publisher in the world. Says quite a bit if we don't expect them to better far smaller studios with far less resources.
graywolf323 said:if that's a knock against The Witcher and you haven't played it then you are a moron
That's still incredibly stupid. Those games are good for what they are.subversus said:nah, I think it's about Risen, Two Worlds II, Divinity II.
The_Darkest_Red said:This and everything else people are complaining about just convinces me even further that Bioware doesn't care much about their true fans.
For those of you who are jaded and disappointed with Dragon Age 2, please give the expansion/enhancement Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga a chance. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much fun it is.subversus said:Divinity II.
Lostconfused said:That's still incredibly stupid. Those games are good for what they are.
DaBuddaDa said:For those of you who are jaded and disappointed with Dragon Age 2, please give the expansion/enhancement Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga a chance. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much fun it is.
Spookie said:You tend to alter your expectations for a Eastern European RPG since they don't have the budgets of one of the biggest developers in the world.
graywolf323 said:if that's a knock against The Witcher and you haven't played it then you are a moron
Meta criticLoxley said:Does anyone know how the DA2 reviews are fairing against, say, Risen, Two Worlds 2, or Divinity 2? As someone else said earlier in the thread, reading some of these reviews I totally get the impression that if wasn't Bioware and was just some Euro-dev, the actually numbers would be lower.
*edit: Whoa, beaten![]()
Dragon Knight saga $40Kinspiracy said:I don't alter anything when the game still costs full price.
DaBuddaDa said:The only explanation I've ever heard from the mouths of the developers was that they wanted the player to be able to explore more "full" environments including BAD ASS CEILINGS that wouldn't be viewable if the camera was pulled way out.
I'm not joking or making this up. I literally never heard any other explanation.
Kinspiracy said:I don't alter anything when the game still costs full price.
Exactly. The game is a masterpiece. It has transcended its medium.BattleMonkey said:Reviews are so funny around here.
"oh my god this game is going to get bad reviews"
"holding back reviews? They must expect shitty reviews"
"Good reviews? Must be paid off"
"Mercy scores for Bioware lol"
watsubversus said:Like which one? The only game which costs full price is Two Worlds II ...
I have been trying to get people to give Drakensang: River of Time a go. It's 1/3 of the price and a way closer to a Baldur's Gate spiritual successor than Dragon Age.DaBuddaDa said:For those of you who are jaded and disappointed with Dragon Age 2, please give the expansion/enhancement Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga a chance. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much fun it is.
Don't forget that 40 bucks gets you both the Main game and the expansion. That is well over 100 hours of action RPG.Lostconfused said:
Lostconfused said:
Big Papa Husker said:Anyone pick their copy up at Best Buy? I was curious if they had any Signature Editions out on the shelves.
My hang up is that I don't fully understand the Dark Eye mechanics and I don't want to buy an actual rule book to read up on them.Ceebs said:I have been trying to get people to give Drakensang: River of Time a go. It's 1/3 of the price and a way closer to a Baldur's Gate spiritual successor than Dragon Age.
DaBuddaDa said:For those of you who are jaded and disappointed with Dragon Age 2, please give the expansion/enhancement Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga a chance. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much fun it is.
Though I generally enjoyed Dragon Age 2 (enough to go for another playthrough), it's an enjoyment with significant caveats. It really seems like the biggest mistake is calling it "DA2," as it's just different enough from Dragon Age: Origins to not feel like a sequel, but more like a reboot. The different main character, the faster and more streamlined combat, and the overall structure makes it feel like a fine Dragon Age adventure, but not a direct follow-up to DAO. Ultimately, Dragon Age: Origins felt like a modern high-definition callback to the glory days of Infinity Engine RPGs -- it was a decidedly PC-centric game that got a sloppy port to the consoles. Dragon Age 2, by comparison, feels like a new console-focused action-RPG that should have been called something like "Dragon Age: The Hawkening" instead.
dejan said: