Was browsing the SA thread and came across this. Someone in the Bioware forums originally came up with it:

Blue Ninja said:Yeah, BioWare got me to care about the characters.Well played, BioWare, well played.I genuinely felt bad when Hawke's mother died, and now I'm wondering if I could've prevented it by making different choices earlier on in the game.
zsswimmer said:I was really forward to this game after playing and putting 50 hours into Origins, without even any DLC, but the massive blacklash for this really puts me off. Maybe I'll buy it when its used and cheap, but some of the bullshit that is going on with the bioware forums is lame. 60 bucks its a big investment for a college to make when it seems like everything has regressed from the previous game.
edit: lol'ed at the screen^^^
zsswimmer said:I was really forward to this game after playing and putting 50 hours into Origins, without even any DLC, but the massive blacklash for this really puts me off. Maybe I'll buy it when its used and cheap, but some of the bullshit that is going on with the bioware forums is lame. 60 bucks its a big investment for a college to make when it seems like everything has regressed from the previous game.
edit: lol'ed at the screen^^^
Yeah that's what I hear from a couple of my friends. I'm probably going to wait it out as much as it hurts to say.Zefah said:There are some good things in the game, but it's a huge disappointment for me so far (5 hours in), and I absolutely loved Origins. I'd recommend waiting for the inevitable summer or winter sales which will allow you to get the game and its DLC for dirt cheap.
I feel you man, I'll probably get around to playing it but I just can't do it at retail priceEnduin said:Honestly the backlash has been grossly blown out of proportion in my opinion. The amount of misinformation and wild accusations and tirades has been quite rediculous. The game has it faults for sure, but I havent found it be any worse than DAO in that regard and in a number of areas I have found the game to be a good deal better. Its definitely a solid 8 game and a lot of fun and worth my 60 bucks.
It's not bad at all. I might even go so far as to say it's pretty great. I'm enjoying myself immensely.IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
Sevenish hours in and I stopped playing. I needed a break from the monotony of making 50 fucking gold.IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
Choc said:stuck near the end of act 1 50 gold and maps.
i have the 50 gold and the grey warden maps but i am not being told to go to the next main story quest. I have done tons of side quests but its just not telling me to go to the dwarven place to give the guys the money and maps. so now i am stuck, help please
IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
Dragon Age II - 1.01
-Fixed save game issues on single core machines
-Fixed game asking for non-existent drives
-Fixed release control issues where some players were unable to unlock correctly
-Fixed a Steam-specific issue related to VO not playing after switching
I believe they tried to do this with the PC/Console model.Ducarmel said:. . . it is more casual then hardcore. Maybe they should of just made two game modes casuals and traditional crpg.
delirium said:Chapter 2 and 3 are noticeable less in length.
Pretty much the Mass Effect 2 template, but with less work put into the sidequests.krameriffic said:Yes they are. And chapter 1's length is artificially lengthened by forcing the player to perform a whole bunch of the repetitive sidequests in order to progress the story. Honestly, upon completing the game, I feel that I spent maybe 6 hours doing the actual main story quest lines and about 30 hours doing sidequests. That ratio is absolutely absurd. The main story in DAO constituted the bulk of the gameplay while the sidequests were just that: something to do on the side.
Quadratic said:I seem to be having a tough time getting Merril friendship points. It seems like with every other character I'm getting an option to boost favor. Maybe I need to bring her along for more quests.
Yep this game is pretty much fantasy Mass Effect, which is a shame as I liked Orgins because it did things differently then ME.Ceebs said:Pretty much the Mass Effect 2 template, but with less work put into the sidequests.
IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
Quadratic said:I seem to be having a tough time getting Merril friendship points. It seems like with every other character I'm getting an option to boost favour. Maybe I need to bring her along for more quests.
Yep. Some serious bullshit going on with me also, all my freezes have been during cutscenes. Other than that i am really enjoying this game.X-Frame said:PS3 version is bugged to hell with freezing.
IsayFever said:So the game is that bad eh? I knew it would be one for winter sales, but even only 5ish hours in it's not worth playing?
Bootaaay said:Playing on PS3, I haven't even got out of the prologue and it's crashed on me 5 times - fucking ridiculous, looks like I'll be shelving this one until a patch is released. Now I wish I'd waited a few weeks and picked it up cheaper.
Quadratic said:I seem to be having a tough time getting Merril friendship points. It seems like with every other character I'm getting an option to boost favour. Maybe I need to bring her along for more quests.
Fox the Sly said:Is it possible to create a convincing black male/female character? I don't mind if there's no black npcs, but I'd prefer a convincing character if possible. I downloaded the demo, but the options are quite limited.
KibblesBits said:They won't be much darker than Isabela or have the proper facial structure you would most likely look for typically. Perhaps in DA3 a new area of the world will be discovered...
IIRC, there's a fairly black NPC selling items in Lowtown.Fox the Sly said:Is it possible to create a convincing black male/female character? I don't mind if there's no black npcs, but I'd prefer a convincing character if possible. I downloaded the demo, but the options are quite limited.
Well, I was looking for a way to turn off tesselation manualy and I opened the DragonAge.ini to see if there was a setting that I could change. While searching for it, I saw that there's a option to use Triple Buffering, wich is not present neither ingame or in the config.exe. I changed it from 0 to 1 and I got a better response from the game(from 20 fps it jumped to steady 50 fps with everything maxed out on a Phenom 2 955BE, 4gb, HD5850). You might want to try out to see if it fixes your performace problem.
ninja edit:
You can find it under the path "\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\Settings\DragonAge.ini" in your My Documents folder. The line is "UseTripleBuffering=0". There's also a "EnableLatentQueries=0" wich I don't know what it changes or what values to use. Testing it atm.