So, rumor time: Boo Kai has been licensed by Funimation. It will consist of 66 episodes.
If true, that's only 30 less than the real deal : /
That number is WAY too high.
If true, they're probably leaving in the Other World tournament and some Great Saiyaman filler, at the very least.
Let's be real here. The Great Saiyaman was the best thing about buu saga.
I'd watch an anime about Gohan's highschool life.
So, rumor time: Boo Kai has been licensed by Funimation. It will consist of 66 episodes.
If true, that's only 30 less than the real deal : /
Let's be real here. The Great Saiyaman was the best thing about buu saga.
serious question.
Does anyone else think that DragonballZ needs a reboot of some sorts?
I was searching DBZ vids and watched a vid of Bardock turning super saiyan and defeating a midget Freiza.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Don't you get it? He travelled back in time and became the Super Saiyan of legend AND the reason Frieza killed all the Saiyans in the first place! It ties everything back together!
Don't you get it? He travelled back in time and became the Super Saiyan of legend AND the reason Frieza killed all the Saiyans in the first place! It ties everything back together!
serious question.
Does anyone else think that DragonballZ needs a reboot of some sorts?
So is Tarble canon?
What's canon is up for you to decide. I don't consider any of these post-finale projects to be genuine pieces of the lore. They all have issues with fitting into the original story.
Battle of Gods references the 2008 JSAT with a sly mention of Tarble. So if you consider BoG to be canon, you should consider the JSAT to be too.
The original story has issues fitting with the original story.
That is true. I just can't accept that Vegeta completely forgot he has a brother.
How old is Tarble anyways? He is Vegeta's younger brother, but Vegeta was a child when Planet Vegeta was blown up. Goku was a newborn when that happened, yet he looks a tonne older than Tarble.
Tarble is married... Wouldn't be the first time somebody in Dragon Ball was older than they looked.
Goku got married in his late teens, and looking at Tarble that's how old I'd peg him to be.
The explanation: Earth air makes you age.
serious question.
Does anyone else think that DragonballZ needs a reboot of some sorts?
What's canon is up for you to decide. I don't consider any of these post-finale projects to be genuine pieces of the lore. They all have issues with fitting into the original story.
Battle of Gods references the 2008 JSAT with a sly mention of Tarble. So if you consider BoG to be canon, you should consider the JSAT to be too.
That is true. I just can't accept that Vegeta completely forgot he has a brother.
How old is Tarble anyways? He is Vegeta's younger brother, but Vegeta was a child when Planet Vegeta was blown up. Goku was a newborn when that happened, yet he looks a tonne older than Tarble.
Don't ever accept Tarble. Vegeta mentioned multiple times that the last full saiyans were Goku and himself. This fuck being introduced isn't going to change that.
Instead, Vegeta just forgot about his brother because he was weak.
This seems entirely in character to me. Vegeta expresses multiple times that a weakling Saiyan is as good as no Saiyan as all. He kills Nappa for being too weak, acting like someone is nonexistent isn't really a stretch.
That is a stretch. Mocking their power and killing them for being weak doesn't translate to just forgetting they exist.
Viz's literal translation of Dragon Ball Z is absolutely terrible.
I can't believe I subscribed to Shonen Jump for this.
Why? Refusing to acknowledge your own weakling brother in a Spartan culture is easy to believe.
Radditz stated that they needed all of the saiyans, even if weak, to help conquer more planets. That was the whole reason why he came to Earth in the first place. They all somehow forgot?
Then how does that explain the Future Trunks situation? He absolutely did not believe Trunks was a saiyan despite seeing Trunks turn super saiyan purely because he thought the only saiyans were himself, Goku, and Gohan. Or how about Vegeta's speech claiming that that all saiyans were destroyed. Even Radditz stated that there was only himself, Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa left. Radditz stated that they needed all of the saiyans, even if weak, to help conquer more planets. That was the whole reason why he came to Earth in the first place. They all somehow forgot just because they were weak?
cuz retcons make plot holes.
thats what happens when the entire series is not planned out in advance.
Then how does that explain the Future Trunks situation? He absolutely did not believe Trunks was a saiyan despite seeing Trunks turn super saiyan purely because he thought the only saiyans were himself, Goku, and Gohan. Or how about Vegeta's speech claiming that that all saiyans were destroyed. Even Radditz stated that there was only himself, Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa left.
Who the fuck is Tarble?