I don't care. They broke me.
They're never gonna bother making 17 stand alone because "18" isn't in the game.
This is 18/17, if they add 17 it makes her look terrible.
At absolute best, a gimped version of ToP 17 could make it as a costume for 18/17 that would make it 17/18, but he would still have to rely on the puppet mechanic even though he never fights with his sister.
I know some of you guys feel like a stand alone 17 is possible, but I don't. And for the record, not a single one of my certitude regarding the game has been wrong so far. (Keep in mind my wishes are not my certitudes

I don't care anymore. They already fucked it up. The assist thing was bad but "okay", the fact he fights like a girl and his barrier is off centered to hell means they give no shit about him.