Dang I've been listening to that song Kagari posted since she posted it. Mad good.
I guess this is Slaythe...
When Kale or Goku Black don't make it in I'll be joining him.
Yeah, I was about to say - you can go back and look and it appears to be deliberate. I only noticed this when I realized that Goku's Battle of Gods costume in Xenoverse didn't have the red ribbons on the shoes, they had the normal yellow string.
Then you go back and watch the anime and realize that the same thing happens - Goku's boots have yellow string/lace before and after the transformation, but during it he has red ribbons. This is present in both Battle of Gods and Super.
Besides the fact that the show itself has clearly contradicted your first claim, it's just boring, alright?
It's boring watching yet another bit of fodder get fodderized on screen to play up a character we already know is competent at fighting. It's boring not seeing team attacks or actual tactics at play. It's boring knowing the grand majority of fighters participating are so far below the strongest few that they may as well never have existed in the first place. It's boring knowing that an entire universe's GREATEST FIGHTERS couldn't get ONE SINGLE ELIMINATION BEFORE BEING ELIMINATED.
That last one is a bloody cardinal sin in a battle royale like this. Talk about sucking away all the tension! It's actually impressive how much they managed to fail to meet my expectations and ruin my ability to enjoy this series.
Sorry, I shouldn't be so negative. I mean, I'm not completely bored, and at least things will start to have tension again when half of U7 immediately jobs to Jiren (you know this is coming), but still, they had a good idea here and completely failed to capitalize on it, so, well, I'm not really going to be very favorable towards Toei on this (and I also somehow doubt Toyotaro will do a better job).
Above all else, in a tournament with 80 fighters, no one team should be getting a kill count of 20+ before the tournament is even through. That's just stupid. It beggars belief. It's not right. I can't stand it.
I just want them to hit the climax already so we can have our flashy animation cuts and move on to something better. Something they're better suited to, at least.
Then don't watch and let others enjoy it.
Then don't watch and let others enjoy it.
About 80 episodes behind I think.How behind is the English broadcast? I really want to watch DBS, I browse this thread a lot but I don't know how I feel about dubbed dragon ball. The character's voices are just so ingrained in my brain that watching dubbed just feels wrong
Keep in mind that the American Audience won't have seen Kale yet. Black is all but confirmed. I expect Black and Beerus to be in.
About 80 episodes behind I think.
Keep in mind that the American Audience won't have seen Kale yet. Black is all but confirmed. I expect Black and Beerus to be in.
Keep in mind that the American Audience won't have seen Kale yet. Black is all but confirmed. I expect Black and Beerus to be in.
In a perfect world we'd get her instead of Broly, but we don't live in that world.I don't see the point for a lot of characters, but I'd like to see her make it in if possible.
Gohan is a very overrated character with the most annoying fanbase next to Vegeta. They're like the middle age people who keep trying to received their 'glory days'. In the case of Gohan, it's the Cell Games and Ultimate Gohan, and mourning how he never became the main character to replaced Goku because Toriyama changed his mind.
Poor guy just wanted to eat...
If you release Kale, you release Kale instead of Broly. Broly may be the more popular character, but because there are precious few female fighters in this franchise, I'd bite the bullet and put Kale in over Broly.
I think we'd be lucky to even get Hit in the base FighterZ, anything beyond that seems like it would be DLC to me (and I doubt Kale would be chosen among them).
What's wrong with people wanting Gohan to have a role to play in an arc? What is this "they're like middle age people"? Hahahahaha.
Honestly, I don't think it matters that Toriyama never officially made Gohan the main character, because he essentially is in the narrative structure of Z. Gohan is the one we follow the closest, every arc starts with him and he's the one we see grow as a character the most throughout the series. I can't say I ever felt like I was watching Goku's journey in Z despite him having most of the major fights. Bad writing at the end of the Buu saga doesn't change that.
He's not even my favorite character, but let's not pretend that he didn't earn his fanbase or that his neglect in Super wasn't very odd. He doesn't need to be the main character in Super, it's a new series and it can go wherever it wants, but the way it has treated him before this arc has been terrible.
The fact that Blue Goku and Vegeta are in their current outfits and Blue Vegeta has the beat down he gave Black as a super makes me think the cut off is at least the Future Trunks arc.
It might have worked if Broly wasn't such a popular character but I really don't see them choosing her over him. Maybe they can have her support him like how 17 supports 18.
What anime is this gif from?I guess this is Slaythe...
When Kale or Goku Black don't make it in I'll be joining him.
Hunter x HunterWhat anime is this gif from?
What anime is this gif from?
I will go as far as to say that a lot of Gohan don't even like Gohan as a character. I can't tell you how many supposed Gohan fans I ran to who admitted to not liking Gohan until he went Super Saiyan 2 because 'he was whiny bitch before' and didn't like him again until he went Ultimate, while calling Great Saiyaman a pussy. Yeah, just jumped on the Gohan bandwagon whenever he's the strongest.
I said it in the Fighterz thread, and I'll say it here.
Broly is popular, but Broly is also hated. He's the most polarizing character. You can get away with not doing him at all IMO.
I liked Trunks' interaction with Gohan in Super for what it's worth.People whining about Gohan endlessly got annoying, especially fans who wanted Super Saiyan 2 Gohan from the Cell Games or 'badass' Ultimate Gohan back.
I remember fans during the Future Trunks Saga wanted Future Trunks to shame Gohan for going soft and give this grand speech about how he needed to protect the world. I was one of the few that pointed out that Trunks would never say these things since he would be happy for Gohan, especially given what a mess his life was. Lo behold, Episode 52 confirmed my statements and Gohan fans have a meltdown.
"because he essentially is in the narrative structure of Z"
Yeah, in Z. There was an entire series and an entire third of the manga that didn't have Gohan. Dragon Ball has always been Goku's story. Gohan was always just along for the ride until around the end of the Cell Games when Toriyama tried to make Gohan take over. Didn't work, so he went back to Goku and Gohan became part of the revolving cast. Dragon Ball didn't start with Z.
Character being left in the dust isn't new in this series, so his neglect in Super isn't odd at all. Remember Launch? She was one of the primary secondary characters in Dragon Ball. What happened to her in Z? Most Dragon Ball fans don't even know she existed. The same with Roshi, major secondary character in Dragon Ball who's one of the few people to beat Goku in a straight fight, gave Tien a tough battle, and nearly sealed King Piccolo. What happened to him in Z?
Yeah, Gohan isn't special here.
I will go as far as to say that a lot of Gohan don't even like Gohan as a character. I can't tell you how many supposed Gohan fans I ran to who admitted to not liking Gohan until he went Super Saiyan 2 because 'he was whiny bitch before' and didn't like him again until he went Ultimate, while calling Great Saiyaman a pussy. Yeah, just jumped on the Gohan bandwagon whenever he's the strongest.
I kind of wanted to stop posting about my problems with the Gohan fandom in this thread, because at some point it's just bait w/ so many fans here, but you've summed up a big part of problem with him.
Gohan at his most personable is Gohan in filler. Gohan the family man or Gohan as "The Great Saiyaman" had more character and personality than scared kid Gohan or Ultimate Gohan EVER had, but fans weren't content with that because that wasn't the Gohan everyone liked: A colorless, bland, tasteless bad-ass.
That's not Dragon Ball for me. Dragon Ball is big personalities.
It's also why I'm not buying into the 17 hype right now. They stripped him of a good portion of his personality so they could have him stand tall and passionless. I'd much rather see Goku fuck up than watch boring trope-ass characters be "bad asses" all day.
At least where Gohan is concerned, they told the story of him getting back into shape well. They gave him drive. Which is way more than he had at any point in his story apart from the climax of the Cell games.
I will go as far as to say that a lot of Gohan don't even like Gohan as a character. I can't tell you how many supposed Gohan fans I ran to who admitted to not liking Gohan until he went Super Saiyan 2 because 'he was whiny bitch before' and didn't like him again until he went Ultimate, while calling Great Saiyaman a pussy. Yeah, just jumped on the Gohan bandwagon whenever he's the strongest.
I highly doubt that considering how many great moments he had in the Saiyan and especially the Freeza arc.
52 episodes for now, so it will stop right before Zamasu is introduced.The german broadcast will start on 4th September with 1 episode every weekday...I wonder how much they will show, before the first break though
I liked Trunks' interaction with Gohan in Super for what it's worth.
And yes, I know the series didn't start with Z. I tend not to separate the two unless it's convenient for the conversation, so let me reword it, from the moment Gohan is introduced he is more the main character than Goku.
Much of Goku's growth as a character at that point is done, and while the Saiyan saga still has quite a bit of focus on Goku there is a very clear transition happening towards Gohan.
Then Namik happens and Goku is shoved off to the side for half of it in favor of Gohan who continues to play an active role to some degree until he is wished off the planet.
Cell saga has a lot going on as well as some downtime due to the nature of the villains, but again it begins with Gohan, his future self has a major role in shaping Trunks, he's active in the hunt for the androids, and it concludes with following through on what has been built up for the last two arcs with him coming into his own.
And it did work, because going into the Buu saga it yet again begins with Gohan and him returning to form is the main focus on that arc. Which of course happens, and then suddenly Toriyama decides Goku should get the win.
I honestly can't look at those four arcs and say that Goku is the focus. He may be the main character in promotional material but he sure as hell is not in the narrative. I was certainly far more interested in where Gohan was going in the story than I ever was with Goku during those parts.
I highly doubt that considering how many great moments he had in the Saiyan and especially the Freeza arc.
I honestly can't look at those four arcs and say that Goku is the focus. He may be the main character in promotional material but he sure as hell is not in the narrative. I was certainly far more interested in where Gohan was going in the story than I ever was with Goku during those parts.
Then don't watch and let others enjoy it.
I highly doubt that considering how many great moments he had in the Saiyan and especially the Freeza arc.
I think it's just that the new character inflates herself like a balloon, and the ninja character teleports around.What's the ARMS lore behind this?![]()
I think it's just that the new character inflates herself like a balloon, and the ninja character teleports around.
Oh, I assume she's a new character? The ninja guy was my favorite character from the few hours I played ARMS.
You guys should watch some of this DBFZ stuff from Max's stream, Piccolo's combo is ridiculously good!
Link with timestamp: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/169104842?t=04h50m28s
That's Bloodborne man!
A lot of Gohan fans liked him before he turned SSJ2 lmao. Gohan was my favourite character because he represents the actual fear you would have as a child if you were put in those situations in the saiyan and frieza saga. Even though he's a scared, little boy, he still went to Namek just to bring back Piccolo because he cared that much about him. That's why I liked Gohan. In the face of all his fears, he still did what he needed to do to protect his friends and family. And his character development culminated beautifully when he went SSJ2 with a bittersweet ending that made sense.