Is anyone surprised at this point?Goku still in base ffs.
Is anyone surprised at this point?Goku still in base ffs.
Goku still in base ffs.
I hate mouse god. He looks dumb and is annoying. Why he gets to be important when the cooler GoDs are made into background characters infuriates me.
It's the same image from the NEP, so.....why is this an issue a week later?
No need unless necessary. There are tons of fighters still left. He went blue at the right moments; to save Roshi; prevent himself from falling off the stage; against Dyspo and that little guy; and to knock out the three doggos. I mean, I was annoyed at him messing around earlier but he's doing the right thing imo.Goku still in base ffs.
Exactly, which probably won't be enough's not like he won't be going all out in the special
I doubt he will. He needs to save some energy for when he fights the true antagonist of the arc- the bugs and that blue guyit's not like he won't be going all out in the special
I doubt he will. He needs to save some energy for when he fights the true antagonist of the arc- the bugs and that blue guy
because he should be fighting 100% strength all the time so he tires himself out before fighting that one guy who is stronger than a god of destruction
Just realized the power scaling with Jiren kind of makes sense.
Jiren is stronger than Kale who is stronger than SSB, and Goku has to go to a form stronger than SSB from the start with SSB Kaioken X20 to be even with Jiren.
So safe bet Berserk Kale was on par with full power regular Blue. Was worried Goku would fight Jiren in base, or regular Blue and completely fuck with the power scaling. Not hopefully he does go SSB Kaioken X 20 fairly fast.
Also, Ginyu would be proud.
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I was thinking maybe the reason Goku was worried about Roshi dying the first time was because it would have been a natural death and you cant revive due to natural deaths so no Dragonball Resurrection there(and no they don't have access to the Super Dragonballs they are scattered across the multiverse). When Frost was fucking him up he would have died due to Frost ez Rez.
Maybe Frieza and Gohan will have a pose off.Frieza about to bust the Great Saiyaman pose on Frost.
Do the namek balls have the same limitation?I was thinking maybe the reason Goku was worried about Roshi dying the first time was because it would have been a natural death and you cant revive due to natural deaths so no Dragonball Resurrection there(and no they don't have access to the Super Dragonballs they are scattered across the multiverse). When Frost was fucking him up he would have died due to Frost ez Rez.
Just realized the power scaling with Jiren kind of makes sense.
Jiren is stronger than Kale who is stronger than SSB, and Goku has to go to a form stronger than SSB from the start with SSB Kaioken X20 to be even with Jiren.
So safe bet Berserk Kale was on par with full power regular Blue. Was worried Goku would fight Jiren in base, or regular Blue and completely fuck with the power scaling. Not hopefully he does go SSB Kaioken X 20 fairly fast.
Also, Ginyu would be proud.
That is assuming if Goku was at full power when he fought Kale or if he uses Kaioken right away.
'Goku wasn't fighting at full power' never made any sense. It's a bunch of people hating on Kale for various reasons.
He was getting clobbered at SSJ and SSJ2.
If he wanted to power up but not use SSJ3 to no waste stamina, instead of going SSB he could've gone SSG which we now know he can do.
He also seemed helpless when Kale was holding him by the head.
People also like to pretend Kale was fighting at full power when in reality we know she has no fighting experience, berserk or not.
She got a gigantic power up just between the two times she went berserk, as Caulifla was able to deflect her Ki blast the first time just by going SSJ2.
Also, if she was really fighting at full power, she could've have easily killed Vuon when she punched him out of the ring.
FFS, they had Jiren take her out. Toppo even looked shook by the power of her voice and we know he's at least at SSB level without his power up.
Tsuji's Freeza is sexy.
Where the fuck is Picoclo?
Where the fuck is Picoclo?
Meh what's newEvery time I read this was a mistake
He protected GohanWhere the fuck is Picoclo?
Isn't it likely that the bugs or the blue dude are the mortals stronger than a GoD?those bugs wont be stronger Jiren, it's obvious they will appear at a crucial moment after hiding for the entire time and eliminate someone important but I doubt they will be mega strong
Don't ask questions you won't like the answer toWhere the fuck is Picoclo?
The face of a trusted ally. How can anyone think he would betray his team?
Sitting next to his best friends. Tien, Krillin, and Roshi.Where the fuck is Picoclo?
Yeah those shots look great, too fucking bad they can't get Gohan's hair right.Tsuji's Freeza is sexy.
You know that we all know where piccolo isWhere the fuck is Picoclo?
The face of a trusted ally. How can anyone think he would betray his team?
Nah we all know the real traitor..his fatherGohan is the one they should be keepin an eye on 👀
Good thing he didn't go 100% power Final Form. The bulk would be too much to handle.Frieza might be the only character who looks more muscular in Super than in Z.
Nah we all know the real traitor..his father
Goku gonna knock out his own team so he can fight the strongest alone at the endI'm getting concerned. Goku hasn't been helping his team lately. I mean, he helped Hit at one point, but when Botamo and Magetta went out, where was Goku?
He also let the Doctor get knocked out by that asshole Vegeta.
He could have given Frost more coverage for the mafuba as well.
In the future I really hope Goku supports his universe more. There's only 2 Namekians, Hit, 3 Saiyans, and Frost left. Champa picked him under the assumption Goku's a team player.
Yeah those shots look great, too fucking bad they can't get Gohan's hair right.
A tragedy, especially when the real person betraying their team is behind Frieza.
Gohan fights for Justice, there's a universe 100% about justice, we should have seen this coming.
Sitting next to his best friends. Tien, Krillin, and Roshi.
Piccolo needs to complete the OG DB squad.
Hey man at least piccolo had a lot of badass moments......o
lol then we need Goku there tooSitting next to his best friends. Tien, Krillin, and Roshi.
Piccolo needs to complete the OG DB squad.
Piccolo hasn't had a badass moment since he fused with kamiHey man at least piccolo had a lot of badass moments......o
Frost match up was pretty cool I'd sayPiccolo hasn't had a badass moment since he fused with kami
Actually since he fought 17
Piccolo hasn't had a badass moment since he fused with kami
Actually since he fought 17
Frost match up was pretty cool I'd say
And than completely ruined
Hey he almost beaten Frost who Goku said was stronger than himFrost match up was pretty cool I'd say
And than completely ruined