The new saiyans don't have the luxury of being legacy characters which we learned to love or hate.

Toei is imposing them to the fanbase and it will piss off people.
Cabba is super strong in his base form, but look like a skinny geek so it piss people off lol. Kale being super weak in base form + female Broly trigger a good portion of the fanbase (sex change for a popular archetype rarely goes over well). Caulifla is skinny like Cabba and even stronger than him, doing what Goku and Vegeta needed years to accomplish.
They all need time to grow, just like with everybody else such as Piccolo jr. who certainly didn't become a fan favorite in a matter of weeks. Toei invested too much in the U6 characters to drop them at this point, so I wonder how they will integrate the regular cast past the tournament? I'm guessing U6 and U7 will fuse somehow following one of those godly figure going on a power trip or something.