Ultra Instinct is like a top tier technique that completely changes someone's fighting abilities and how matchups will work, for the other fighters to keep up they kinda need to get it.Vegeta needs more than just "me too". At this point he's just boring because Toriyama's run out of things to do with him.
I don't feel like they are running out of ideas for Vegeta, he' settled into a secondary main character role and is continuing to become more of a family man, feels to me like his development still isn't done.
Wonder when Tate will finally be shuffled onto an anime that suits his style because it sucks ass here.

That's kinda dumb, so he's learnt nothing then?
He basically just accepted that Goku is stronger than him, but he still wants to be the strongest, but not to the point that it completely takes over his life, so we get things like him taking a break from training because Bulma was pregnant.