There's a bunch of them on Live with Playstation. Or is it from Playstation. Damnit can't remember lol.
Was 9 earlier in the day. With how late it is they may be all out though
Keep this one for the Japanese period and maybe make yours for the US release and close down this one when that happens?
You're welcome and yes, I probably will. Seems like fair enough value on the first pack anyway. Three characters I want, more quests for my hero and new attacks and items too.
You getting this on PS4 FF?
We should play online.
So is the gameplay similar to RB or the newer DBZs?
It's a blend of Budokai and Tenkaichi and by that I mean there's a punch and a kick button, the fighting system is similar to Budokai, and it has the free form movement of Tenkaichi.
Yeah, this roster is weird.Why the fuck are Zarbon and Dodoria, who have been in like every game, gone, yet they have Appule and Raspberry, the latter which was an anime-only goon that got fucked up by Bulma and a Namekian Space Crab?
And none of Freeza or Cell's other forms, yet they have the "100%" Form as their own slot which is barely different visually and could easily just be a power-up or something.
All I want to know is can I play as Buu?
Better. You can make your own Majin! (And Buu is of course in it.)
I'm also disappointed we can't make the Toriyama Animal people.![]()
Do Saiyans not have a tail in this?
The Saiyan armors come with tails.
Why the fuck are Zarbon and Dodoria, who have been in like every game, gone, yet they have Appule and Raspberry, the latter which was an anime-only goon that got fucked up by Bulma and a Namekian Space Crab?
And none of Freeza or Cell's other forms, yet they have the "100%" Form as their own slot which is barely different visually and could easily just be a power-up or something.
Watched some streams today and well, the gameplay and roster ... :/
Think i'll stay with Tenkaichi 3 on PCSX2
Well the streams are beginner players so we won't see any advanced tech right away.
Also, I love BT3 and all, but Create a Character/Race is the best thing to come to a DB game.
Well the streams are beginner players so we won't see any advanced tech right away.
Also, I love BT3 and all, but Create a Character/Race is the best thing to come to a DB game.
Well the streams are beginner players so we won't see any advanced tech right away.
Also, I love BT3 and all, but Create a Character/Race is the best thing to come to a DB game.
EDIT: Watching some rumor vids on Broly. If this game doesn't have all his forms I'm gonna cry
Yeah it was brought to my attention. Sorry man, I had no idea that thread even existed but we were all talking in another thread and I thought I'd whack this up so the conversation could be more comprehensive.You can have it, I guess. I was going to wait for the US release, but please make sure you check the community thread before going ahead with an OT.
*WTF Characters*
From what I heard only his LSSJ form is playable.This game looks janky as hell when people who suck play it. And then you see a semi-advanced player or a good ass combo video and it looks like Heaven.
EDIT: Watching some rumor vids on Broly. If this game doesn't have all his forms I'm gonna cry
『Inaba Resident』;150683723 said:Any word on the netcode?
Bad input delay or lag?
Jaco looks like he's a lot of fun to use, shame we have to wait till the third dlc pack.Nothing yet that I've seen, most are playing offline/story mode.
Edit: First footage of Jaco the Patrolman, the Japanese pre-order bonus character that we get later in DLC Pack 3
Think I saw Cleveland in the crowd.Nothing yet that I've seen, most are playing offline/story mode.
Edit: First footage of Jaco the Patrolman, the Japanese pre-order bonus character that we get later in DLC Pack 3
Not everything they touch is gold...Legend of Korra.
Does somebody know if it's possible to play the story with a standard character (ex. Goku)?
You make me sad- Tien is garbage. I haven't used Yamcha but I'm sure he'll be garbage as well.
Does somebody know if it's possible to play the story with a standard character (ex. Goku)?
I believe you can once the mission is completed. Like, you can go back and beat past missions again and I think you can pick the character, but I'm not sure.
Since I'm at work, impressions will be relevely short, but I'll try and answer questions you guys have if they are general. I'm sure someone else will chime in. To start, I'm not good at the game, I've barely dug in (literally just reaching Nappa), and I haven't played the other DBZ games much to compare this to.
That being said, let's go!
- Only two choices at the start menu - Game Start and Options. You actually have to walk to the damn shops to start up a VS game, unless I'm missing a Quick Menu once you hop in.
- Not a whole lot of customization options from the get go, but enough that you can make your ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL look decent within the universe. This ain't Dragon Age, but it's serviceable.
- Trunks fights you for the tutorial. We'll get into the fighting system in a bit.
- After that, you are plopped into the world of Xenoverse. I wasn't online so I didn't see people wandering about (I think you have to be on the account you downloaded it from ala Gundam VS) but it was neat to see some CaC randomly made from the game's system.
-There are three main maps, one for Story, one for Items, and one for Missions.
- Your character isn't the slowest thing in the world, but damn is it kinda tedious to walk everywhere.
- Holy fuck the music is so repetitive. Might I suggest Bitch I Look Like Goku on repeat instead?
- Okay, so let's talk about the combat. It's what you see on the front page, and at first it feels clunky. But once you start learning moves and getting used to it, the game flows a lot faster.
- I still don't know what ki blast are used for, because my CaC's blasts are fucking awful and work shitty as a normal.
- I feel like there's a lot of variation between each character. Goku is the most fun, but I've only unlocked a few people so far.
- Power up system is pretty neat too.
- I hope you like fighting Buttheads all damn day because one mission is really dumb about it.
- It's kinda difficult? I mean, it's not too bad, but you need to level up. Not BoZ bad, but unless you start dumping points in and using items you might have trouble.
- Partner characters aren't too dumb, so that's a huge plus.
- Get used to your CaC character because that's probably the only way you'll unlock shit is through going into the story and using him. This kinda sucks, but the good news is you can buy moves!
- The fees in general are more than fair. I guess they wanted to get people right into the game because they sure are generous with the coin.
- I think each Teacher requires you to be a certain level. Big Green said I had to be Level 5 to train with him. Raditz was lower than that, I think.
- You won't have too much trouble figuring out what's what. It took me maybe five minutes to understand the menus.
- The new villains look like butt.
- The changes to the storylines are silly but fun. What ifs kinda scenario and then you correct it.
- Some of the missions force you to backtrack a bit.
- Tien is garbage. I haven't used Yamcha but I'm sure he'll be garbage as well.
Is this one good? I played and liked Budokai 3 (godtier) and Burst Limit (eh, was okay). I hate the Tenkaichi games (they are very bad games). I figure it's been like 8 years since the last DBZ game I played, maybe this is the one??
Also I just had a thought: why the hell isn't there a DBZ Musou game??
You make me sad![]()
So, in other words, the game is pretty good so far, yeah?
Also, Armored Trunks gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv80l5fE5jM
Additionally, apparently, Bamco EU is going to stream the game today not sure if they're going to reveal the full roster but they're going to start at 12 PM EST on: http://www.twitch.tv/bandainamcogameseu