I want to play it but PSN's download speeds have just become completely atrocious, an 83MB game and it's not done after 30 minutes :|
Is this a Cthulhu Saves the World esque parody or more serious in nature? Will probably get this something this week, Soul Hackers is farther up on my to play list though.
Hey guys, I'm one of the devs behind Dragon Fantasy, so if you've got any questions, here I am! Took me awhile to get approved to commentAnd yes, I know about the PS3 random crash. I'm pretty sure it's a memory leak, so if you don't play for too long in one sitting I think it shouldn't crash - but that's still just me speculating until I can sit down with the debug kit tomorrow. We're going to find it and fix it and try to get a patch submitted ASAP. In the meantime, as far as I know the Vita version does not have the crash bug, so if you have a Vita, I'd recommend sticking to that for now.
Hey guys, I'm one of the devs behind Dragon Fantasy, so if you've got any questions, here I am! Took me awhile to get approved to commentAnd yes, I know about the PS3 random crash. I'm pretty sure it's a memory leak, so if you don't play for too long in one sitting I think it shouldn't crash - but that's still just me speculating until I can sit down with the debug kit tomorrow. We're going to find it and fix it and try to get a patch submitted ASAP. In the meantime, as far as I know the Vita version does not have the crash bug, so if you have a Vita, I'd recommend sticking to that for now.
Is there a way to see how much EXP you have left until your next level?
I'm pretty sure it's a memory leak, so if you don't play for too long in one sitting I think it shouldn't crash
I dont think you need another reason that that. It shows that you're enjoying the game, and that is a good enough recommendation in my opinion. Those Final Fantasy games are also old, a lot of people have already played those. Dragon Fantasy and Chthulu Saves The World are newer games, so less people have played those. It will be a fresh experience in that regards (the same will apply for those who havnt played the Final Fantasy games of courseI am honestly trying to think of a reason to recommend this game to others but the best I can come up with is, "it doesn't suck." When somebody can play Chthulu Saves The World for $1 or get Final Fantasy VII, VIII or IX for the same price then Dragon Fantasy is sort of a hard sell.
how long is this game?
I've been reading 10-15 hours.
I just found a chest with 500G
I died right after finding that![]()
In the menu, select the character's name and press X. It will take you to a stat menu.
So I rode the boat, and encountered a recolored magic kid, died, I guess I need to be all in Iron gear before going further. I only have the Iron sword and helm.
So is it just a PS3 thing or does it affect the Vita as well?
watched trailer and doesn't look/sound attractive at all.
Just wanted to let you guys know that we believe we've found the PS3 crash bug. It was something that we've already fixed for DF2, so we were able to back-port it to DF1 and after we test it today we'll be submitting it to Sony tonight. Then with any luck it will just be a couple days before the patch goes live.
We've also reduced the miss rate across the board - the miss rate is calculated based on your hit percentage minus the enemies evade percentage. We're now adding 1 and dividing everything by two, so if you have a 85% chance to hit and the enemy has a 10% chance to evade, it would be like this:
0.85 - 0.10 = 75% chance to hit
(0.85 - 0.10 + 1.0) / 2.0 = 87.5% chance to hit.
I think they said it was ps3 only. I am playing the Vita version and have not had any issues at all really. Game is pretty good imo, its simple for sure, but given that games like this were a major part of my early gaming it hits a nice nostalgic sweet spot for me.
Still pretty early as I have been grinding abit, but im really not sure which visual style i prefer. I think i like the visuals of the 16bit version, but the music from the 8bit personally.
Really looking forward to seeing the differences between book 1 and book 2. Pretty excited to see the mentioned 3d design of book 3.
In all honesty, it's not necessarily everyone's cup of tea. We made Book 1 specifically for people who miss NES-era RPGs. Likewise, Book 2 is built like a SNES-era RPG, and Book 3 will be basically a 3D-but-cartoony modern-era RPG. My hope is that between each game in the series we'll have something for everyone. And who knows, maybe I'll get really crazy and do a 3D mode for book 1 eventually too![]()
Oh, and it wouldn't be that hard to make the music selectable separately from the graphics. I might toss that switch in the feature update too.