Lindsay said:This page is all wtf confusing technical speak!
What I get I guess is that I should keep on hoarding them seeds. My characters are all only still on base vocations an really I'm directionless on where ta even take them! I saw some videos of super powered characters the other day an it left me way jealous! btw is there any other skill or item ya can use to raise tension besides Egg On or do I gotta temporarily make all my characters Minstrels so they can learn that?
Lindsay said:or do I gotta temporarily make all my characters Minstrels so they can learn that?
SecretMoblin said:Sorry if anything is too confusing! I have a tendency to drone on and then forget where I am sometimes. It's a consequence of playing JRPGs.You know it's true!
If your characters are still on their base vocations, I would definitely hold off on using any seeds. Wait until you start playing with different teams until you find one that works for you, and then use the stat boosts prior to the final boss.
There are two vocation-specific skills (and several Coup de Graces) that raise tension:
-The Gladiator's final skill (100 pts), "Feel the Burn", raises tension (one tier, I think) when you get hit
-The Martial Artist's 16 pt skill, "Psyche Up", raises your tension one tier
donny2112 said:Also, Egg On is only something the Hero can do. Changing other characters to Minstrel won't get them that ability.
Acullis said:So ... I just bought this game the other day.
I played through as any gamer would, enjoying the beautiful scenery and laughing at the funny monster names (MEOWGICIAN!) when I realize that I don't fucking have a party.
It's like 5-6 hours into the game and I'm completely alone. I ask some friends of mine what's up and apparently I was supposed to get them at the Inn in the second town. Every single person there was talking about "hooking up with friends" and "playing with friends from other worlds" so I just assumed it was all multiplayer stuff that was irrelevant for someone who just wants to play through the game. (multiplayer in jrpg's is foreign to me D
So now I've just beaten Morag and I'm figuring I may as well just do a solo game. Any huge thing stopping me from doing that? I just beat her and I'm level 19.
I'm pretty sure you've got that backwards. It's the higher level characters that get a greater share of the experience.SecretMoblin said:The way leveling works in DQIX is different than in most RPGs. Lower-leveled characters get a much larger proportional share of battle experience than higher-leveled characters. This means that it's not very difficult for you to rapidly raise the levels of a weak party member, provided you have at least one member with higher levels and are fighting stronger monsters. This was likely done because every time you change to a new vocation, your character starts at level one again.
ruby_onix said:I'm pretty sure you've got that backwards. It's the higher level characters that get a greater share of the experience.
I suspect it's because they expected that people would play multiplayer with other people from varying stages in the game, and they didn't want rookies to gain so much game-breaking benefit from playtime with veterans.
Acullis said:I played through as any gamer would, enjoying the beautiful scenery and laughing at the funny monster names (MEOWGICIAN!) when I realize that I don't fucking have a party.
SecretMoblin said:This was likely done because every time you change to a new vocation, your character starts at level one again.
I just popped in IV and V (VI is with a friend) and couldn't find anything like the one in IX. So I don't think they're there.Lindsay said:Off topic but does anyone know how to view your adventure/battle records in DQ V & VI? I found 'em in IV, VIII & IX easily enough but those other two seem to have it hidden away... if they even have that at all?
Yep. You can switch between vocations whenever you want (either at Alltrades Abbey or using the Sage's Jack's Knack skill, which is very useful), and your level will stay where you left it. Your clothes, too!Lindsay said:Vocations you've already leveled stay at the same level though right?
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure the game never requires you to open every treasure chest or enter every room before continuing. So I would bet on the latter rather than the former. I would check with a walkthrough if you're concerned, though.Lindsay said:Also super story spoiler question:Celestria said I haven't explored all of the realm of the mighty. Does that mean I haven't found every treasure/room/whatever inside or is that just a game way of giving your characters a reason to go back to it?
SecretMoblin said:I just popped in IV and V (VI is with a friend) and couldn't find anything like the one in IX. So I don't think they're there.
Yep. You can switch between vocations whenever you want (either at Alltrades Abbey or using the Sage's Jack's Knack skill, which is very useful), and your level will stay where you left it. Your clothes, too!
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure the game never requires you to open every treasure chest or enter every room before continuing. So I would bet on the latter rather than the former. I would check with a walkthrough if you're concerned, though.
Lindsay said:Good on all counts! Finally changed 2 of my team members vocations. That revocation option though... I love me some grinding but getting up to L99 even once seems like it'd be a chore! The only thing that'd push me to try that is if ya once again got skill points after revocating. I wanna max everything but they just don't give ya enough points to do so!
Dark Octave said:Would keeping my main character Minstrel be a good idea? I would like more power using swords but like having healing arts. Minstrel is kind of best of both worlds. I'm about 15 hours in by the way.
I was lucky to get it on the Best Buy easter weekend sale for $7.00. BEST $7.00 I have spent on gaming.Error said:I want to play this so baddddddddddddd
Too bad the price hasn't dropped.![]()
Nice! I love that everyone pretty much says that about DQ9... "It's the best [insert-whatever-you-paid-here] I've ever spent on a game."Xeno_Flux2113 said:I was lucky to get it on the Best Buy easter weekend sale for $7.00. BEST $7.00 I have spent on gaming.
You can't. The DS isn't powerful enough to emulate the SNES.jaxword said:After playing DQ9, I really, really, really want to play Dragon Quest 3 again, since the SNES version has now been translated.
But I just can't figure out how to get it to work on the DS, so I'm completely stuck.![]()
Aeana said:You can't. The DS isn't powerful enough to emulate the SNES.
At full speed? I can't imagine how.jaxword said:Oh, but it is. I got DQ3j snes working on it. Took some effort, but it works...just in Japanese.
I've been stymied in getting the patched game to work. I can't figure out how that tiny bit of extra memory can fit.
Aeana said:At full speed? I can't imagine how.
Unless you have one of those flash carts with the extra processor I guess. But I've no experience with that.
The PSX could emulate the SNES (Final Fantasy Anthology and Chrono Trigger), and the DS has twice the CPU (in the ARM9 alone) and twice the RAM (and a bit less screen size).Aeana said:At full speed? I can't imagine how.
Unless you have one of those flash carts with the extra processor I guess. But I've no experience with that.
ruby_onix said:The PSX could emulate the SNES (Final Fantasy Anthology and Chrono Trigger), and the DS has twice the CPU (in the ARM9 alone) and twice the RAM (and a bit less screen size).
But it seems that with the shortcuts used at this low power level, it can't just emulate everything properly on the first try like BSNES does, and it's not as mature as ZSNES, so it has unfixed compatibility issues all over the place.
It seems that SnemulDS maybe does an okay job with carts that were 32 meg or smaller, since those can fit in the DS's RAM, but when they're bigger than that, it has to juggle resources and increases the need for game-specific fixes. DQ3j was 32 meg, but the translator inflated the cart size to 48 meg to give himself someplace to put the English. So your (jaxword) only hope is that whoever is working on the emulator puts out a new version with a game-specific fix, which is something he apparently hasn't done for about three or four years.
Or you could get a Supercard DS Two, which is the cart with the extra CPU. It has an exclusive SNES emulator made by their internal team which is supposed to be a lot better than SnemulDS. Or you can give up on the idea of playing SNES on your DS.
Heh. The PSX ports of those games are not emulated.ruby_onix said:The PSX could emulate the SNES (Final Fantasy Anthology and Chrono Trigger), and the DS has twice the CPU (in the ARM9 alone) and twice the RAM (and a bit less screen size).
KC said:These games aren't really emulated. It would be way, way too slow. Also because loading half a ROM wouldn't exactly lead to pleasent results... The games can access the whole ROM with pretty much no load times. But loading big chunks of data takes forever on the PSX. It would be even slower.
At least FF4-6 and CT are a weird mix of simulating the SNES hardware (like hardware registers) and recompiling the SNES code. FF4, for example, more or less replaces every 65816 opcode with a MIPS function call (that then implements the behavior of that opcode).
That of course bloats the code a lot, and as a result it eats up a lot of the 2mb of RAM. I assume they use similarly big overlays for different parts of the game.
It's reasonable to assume that they load way too much data. Gemini said that, for example, CT loads a file containing every single enemy at the beginning of every battle... just to get the bit of information it needs for the current 1 or 2 enemies. It adds enormous delays for stupid reasons.
The best way to cut load times would be to add compression where there is none at the moment. The less data you load from the disc, the better.
jaxword said:Hmm, actually, you may be right about the speed. I didn't play the J game too long to get a feel for it, perhaps it COULD have been going slower and I didn't notice in my annoyance the patch failed yet again.
Still, I'm not giving up. Someone's gotta know a way to do it.
JLateralus said:I'm not up to date on the DS emulators, but maybe try to emulate the GBC version? It's already in English.
It's not monochrome. DQ3 GBC is actually a port of DQ3 SNES, just downgraded. Has all of the extras and stuff.jaxword said:That is true, I could do that, thanks for the suggestion. However, that's TOO far back on the console, and the monochrome blockiness and tinny music just doesn't work for me anymore.
I need more Dq456 style gaming, haha.
I wish there were more of those, but I've already exhausted all of SquareEnix's library.
Jimmy Stav said:Is this game being sold for dirt cheap anywhere? It's listed on Amazon for 18, but from a third-party seller. I'm not ruling them out, but I'd rather buy it from somewhere more "official."
I thought I remembered hearing about someone who managed to extract a ROM-type image from Chrono and got it to work in SNES9X, so I figured it was some highly-specialized emulation, but I guess it was more complicated than that.Aeana said:Heh. The PSX ports of those games are not emulated.
I'll give an explanation from someone who can explain it better than I can:
SecretMoblin said:Also: alchemize! It's one of the things players neglect doing, but you can always get better weapons and armor through alchemy than in the stores.
Yeah, you'll often find that the monsters in the grottoes are tougher than the bosses -- sometimes quite a bit tougher.Lindsay said:I ran into darkonium slimes for the first time an boy are they tough! A group of them is worse than grotto bosses! How many grottos are there anyway? I got like three pages worth of maps now. I don't know if I should discard any or keep them all! If I discarded one wouldn't I possibly end up getting the same one again later on? grrr. Finished filling in my pre-post game monster list. 76%! Alls left now is grotto baddies. Progress is so nice!
Lindsay said:I took this advice and was able to make a few weapons/armors better then what I'd been using so yay! Even with my meager amount of materials I got some nice stuffs like the uber miracle sword, storm spear and metal king helm!
SecretMoblin said:Yeah, you'll often find that the monsters in the grottoes are tougher than the bosses -- sometimes quite a bit tougher.
On the grottoes: you get a new map every single time you defeat the boss of a grotto. So you can get an infinite number of them if you just keep going, but you can only hold 99 (I think), so you'll eventually have to discard them. I won't get into technical details unless you want me to, but there are over 8 million possibilities for grottoes in the game. If you discard one, you're not that likely to get the exact same one again. So it's perfectly fine to discard the lower-level maps unless they contain treasure or bosses that you want.
Lindsay said:Nooooooo my whole team finally had their coup de grace ready at the same time then the stupid boss goes and gets killed way sooner then I'd expected ;_; Thats it I'ma just look up co-op de grace videos cause I'm never gonna get this chance again >_<
Oxx said:I had one Co-op de Grace in the 550 hours I played the game.
Oxx said:I had one Co-op de Grace in the 550 hours I played the game.
donny2112 said:Uh-Oh. What's a Co-Op de Grace? I may have to play until this happens now. :lol
Oxx said:It was so nice to see a new attack animation after tens of thousands of battles.
That was my takeaway from my Co-op de Grace moment.
Xeno_Flux2113 said:So I just finishedand have decided that before I move on I will clear out some grottoes I have maps for. I know there are thousands of maps but is it all the same bosses out of a certain number of bosses? I don't really have to get all of the maps correct? Outside of the bosses, what I find in the grotto will be just random treasure if any?the Goretress
Lindsay said:At 70 hours DQVIII was my longest played DQ but it just got blown outta the water. Of course that was the time taken to beat the story whereas I finished IX's main game at 43 hours. Never did VIIIs post-game trial thingies~wonder how much time that would add? Oh wells they're both good and long and even if I still prefer VIII my opinion on IX has changed alot...
Awesome thanks. Not so worried about the maps now.SecretMoblin said:Yes, the 8 million+ number is *unique* maps; there are 12 bosses that can be at the end of any given map, but it isn't exactly random. There is a complex formula that determines what type of map you will get, and higher level maps have a better chance of getting certain bosses. So you certainly don't have to get a ton of maps to see everything there is to see in the grottoes.
As far as treasure, like the maps it's semi-randomly generated. Generally, higher level maps have better loot, and what is specifically inside each treasure chest is controlled by a timer. So if you open the treasure chest after 13 seconds it will have a different item than if you open it after 50 seconds, and so on.
If you really want to get into the numbers, then this is a good link that describes the names of the grottoes, what they mean, and how you can get certain ones.
Hobbun said:I have heard of a grotto map called something along the lines ofIsle of Silver Marshes Lvl. 58 From what I have heard it has one floor dedicated to MKS, which is definitely what I want eventually.
Hobbun said:However, is the only way to get this grotto map is through tagging? If so, is there another grotto map that I can get that serves what I want (without tagging)?