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I approve of this thread!

JayDubya said:While we're at it, it would be nice to be able to play through DQVI since there's not even a fan translation for the japanese .ROM.
Zefah said:After reading this thread I decided to replay every installment! Thanks OP!
NolbertoS said:Good job, that makes me want to replay all the DQ games all over again.
Aeana said:Hopefully, with the remakes coming out (and very possibly coming to North America), people will get to experience more of the series. I always feel like the series is woefully under-appreciated, here.![]()
ethelred said:It is, sadly.
But I think DQVIII helped introduce it to a lot of new people, and I'm really hopeful that the remakes will do the same, allow more people to get to experience and enjoy Dragon Quest.
traveler said:Yeah, I joined with VIII. (Which I still haven't finished. :lol Just got the Godbird Soulstone.) It's weird that I like it so much because I usually hate old-school JRPGs. While I used to like them, the genre has just grown to stagnant for me. Yet, DQVIII somehow managed to appeal to me. When are we getting the remakes? (Or, at least, when is Japan getting the remakes?)
Aeana said:Japan is getting DQ4 DS sometime this year, but that's all we know.I'm hoping for more information from TGS, but I won't hold my breath.
Still waiting for that DQ9 trailer from the SE Party!
traveler said:I didn't know they showed a new trailer! Oh well, we'll probably have to wait till TGS anyway.
I still remember that announcement thread. So epic. :lol
Pages 21 onward are just pure gold.
These are pretty much my thoughts. I'd also add in the value of having balanced enemy stats, abilities, and AI, as well as balanced characters. DQ is one of those rare series where non-boss battles grow to be a challenge. Most RPGs lean toward cakewalk battles or toward... ...well, battles that are still cakewalks, provided you take the 3 or 4 good characters instead of everyone else, who sucks immeasurably.Chairman Yang said:The DQ games illustrate the importance of making simple, well-balanced, fully fleshed-out battle systems, something that the vast majority of RPGs fail at doing. In other words, RPG developers should stop trying to add gimmicky, illogical, and unbalanced "systems" and focus on getting the fundamentals right first.
NolbertoS said:Edit: So I take it the few DQ fanboys in GAF were part of the Enix Boards before they bellied up in 2002?? I was a member since it opened up, but posted on occasion there, wish there was a big DQ Forum like that, and yes I know woodus and slimeknights are good boards, but the Enix Boards were better and bigger, cuz DQVII had come out around that time.
Labombadog said:I played 7 and 8. I thought 7 was "ok", because the battle were nothing to brag about and the exploration is so bad. I had no idea where to go next most of the time.
8 was great, because the battles were fun and challenging, music was nice, and it was very long. Downside? Not really a good story.
I appreciate the games though and can understand why there is a big fan base for it(mainly in Japan).
manueldelalas said:*stuff*
manueldelalas said:Never played DQ8 (waiting for a DS port)
One can get rid of random encounters while keeping turn-based gameplay. If you want an action RPG, there are many more series for gamers like you than there are for gamers who want turn-based RPGs in this day and age.manueldelalas said:I hope S-E re-implements the action fighting system in 9, because I'm getting sick of random encounters.
manueldelalas said:I have played DQ 1-2-3 on GBC, 4 on NES, 5-6 on computer by emulator (because they are translated (I think it's illegal... but will play them again on DS, that should cover it)) and half of DQ 7.
For me, DQ 1-3 where the worst of the series, because the story was like "OK you are the Hero/descendant of the Hero, and we have this bad guy and we want you to kill him"; and in every town instead of helping you to kill the bad dude, you had to do chores and help everyone, because if you didn´t, you couldn´t save the world...
Then there is DQ 7 in which I got bored after finishing disc 1, the shards system got old and the game wasn´t that good.
DQ 4 and 5 are my favorites, they had a great story, where very fun and there where many surprises.
In DQ4 I found the chapter system very nice because you had time to learn the background story and the mechanics of every character (There where some characters in DQ5 and 6 that I never used).
The story of DQ5 was great in my opinion, great plot twists and story overall.
Las is DQ6 which started really good, but tossing the job system at the end of the game made it very difficult to earn good jobs, and the end filled rushed and the music wasn't very good.
Never played DQ8 (waiting for a DS port)
So it is DQ5<DQ4<DQ6<DQ7<DQ3<DQ2<DQ1 for me.
I hope S-E re-implements the action fighting system in 9, because I'm getting sick of random encounters. DQ games always change in a way or another, and I think action battles are a great change. I trust fully in Yuji Horii and Level 5.
Y2Kev said:My favorite thing about the story though is not the grand narrative, which is of course epic and adventurous, but the little experiences you find along the way, like the two lovers that killed themselves because they couldn't be together, or Gupta and Tania who get caught by Kandar and his goons and you have to fight them off. There's so much in here to be appreciated! It's really developed for its time and it is still incredibly entertaining.
Systems_id said:DQ8 is my first DQ game also (got it for $9.99) and I've enjoyed it a lot also. I think I got 40 hours into it before I put it down for awhile but I plan on getting back into it, possibly this weekend now that I've seen this thread. I just wish the game wasn't so freaking slow. It feels like everything you do short of walking around has an annoying load time.
Johnas said:On the topic of appreciating Dragon Quest, I was browsing YouTube a while ago and came across these piano medleys, which I thought were really well done. They're not horribly ancient, so I figured some DQ fans here might not have heard these.
Dragon Quest (my favorite of his vids)
Dragon Quest II (best file select music ever)
Dragon Quest IV, part one
Dragon Quest IV, part two
Dragon Quest VIII, part one
Dragon Quest VIII, part two
Aeana said:Weird, I was just enjoying those last night. They're really quite impressive - especially the DQ4 one!
Johnas said:Cool. I noticed he didn't have one for III, but he just put the one for DQI up in August, so maybe he's working on that.
Aeana said:Well, there is this one which is really nice.
thetrin said:Dragon Quest I was my very first RPG, and while I took a hiatus from the series after the second game, I came back for DQVII and then VIII. With the remakes, it's a good chance for me to go back and play all the ones I missed.
Aeana said:Yeah, they really messed up with that in the English version of the game. All of the new UI and music stuff (and voice acting) adds a significant amount of loading time that's not even present in the Japanese game. A pity, to be sure.
thetrin said:Maybe I don't care about loading or something, but all of that is totally worth it. the VA and the orchestral OST add SO MUCH to the game.
Johnas said:Does anybody know when we can reasonably expect the DQV homepage to be up?
Then watch this: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm689445Johnas said:Dragon Quest II (best file select music ever)
Johnas said::/
I had no idea that was a licensed song. I still think it fits really well.
Bonerville High said:Currently playing through Dragon Quest VIII (my first mainline DQ game), and it is a near religious experience. I hate RPGs, but the crisp simplicity and charm of this game has really captured my attention. I look forward to playing the DS remakes if the older games are as good as this one is.