Cindi Mayweather

I made a thread - found here - where people entered into a contest to win my red 3ds XL and a free copy of Dragon Quest VII for 3ds. Later on in the thread, the user GregLombardi offered another copy of DQVII. The contest will be giving out two free copies of DQVII and a free 3ds XL if you need one. I originally said I'd make it on the 16th, the day of release, but because Aeana made her thread early, I wanted to surprise our winners early!
The rules and conditions were simple:
Rule 1. You can't be a DQ fan. The goal of this contest is to share the love of DQ. The best way to achieve this is to make a new fan. I am so passionate about the franchise that I am surely convinced that Dragon Quest VII's remake - in my opinion, the best DQ game - will make you a fan. The goal here is make a new DQ fan for a new generation who will hopefully support VIIIr and XI because of VII's high quality. Maybe you'll not like it? It's possible. Maybe you'll think it's just ok? Or great? I'm willing to risk and gamble the hope that you come away from the experience thirsty for more slime killing. Personally, I think this would be best on either someone who maybe hasn't played a DQ and doesn't have the hardware and is maybe interested or maybe someone who tried DQ in the past, didn't get it, and gave up. I'm hoping this game wins you over. If you're a DQ fan or you were going to get DQ7 3ds anyways or you were interested but not at that price point or whatever, you're disqualified. Post your history with the series.
Rule 2. You can't put this on Gaf Buy Sell Trade threads without giving it a proper chance. For obvious reasons, I'm not going to bend over backwards to let some person take advantage of my kindness (stupidity).
Rule 3. You have to update your progress in the DQ7 3ds thread. Again, obvious reasons and all that. Don't waste my money here. Play the game and see what you get out of it. If you don't like it, that's fine, but I at least would expect minimum effort into finding what the game has to offer.
Rule 4. People who are down for The Contest have to put down their history with DQ: have you played one? Why or why not? Why didn't you like it what you played if you played one?
Rule 5. Those who enter the contest will be given a number in my word processor. So if you're in, and you're the first person to say they're in, you're number one. The day DQ7 3ds releases (September 16) I will draw the winner from a random number generator picker. Send me your address and I'll send your copy of DQ7 (and the 3ds if necessary) immediately!
There are three prizes:
1st. Dragon Quest VII 3ds for FREE! (included with free red 3ds XL if contestant does not have one)
2nd. Dragon Quest VII 3ds for FREE!
3rd. Red 3ds XL for FREE! (if no one claims the first prize).
If You Lose
I highly suggest getting DQVII even if you don't win. Looking at Aeana's OT for the thread reveals critical acclaim. I personally consider it to be the best DQ game. Although I have not played the 3ds version - I played the mobile JP version - it terms of value, I could easily say it's up there with games like Monster Hunter titles and Pokemon games. If you're looking for a meaty Japanese RPG, I think this game is the right game for you. It has so much to offer.
But what does it have to offer? In many ways, DQVII is a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger. Yuji Horii - the creator of DQ - who planned Chrono Trigger's original story and characters, took the basic formula of DQ and applied it to an FF game. In CT, you go through different time eras, learn their history and story, and try to help them out in any way you can, to create an ideal future. All of which are very DQ like qualities. Dragon Quest VII takes that basic premise and expands upon it. The time travel hopping of CT is engorged into an epic adventure filled with hope, sadness, adventure, and love. While keeping CT's more simplistic storytelling, DQVII's stories lend themselves to feel more personal since you are constantly seeing the effects of your time meddling and how it affects your world. The simplistic characters in CT are staples of DQ in that more attention is paid to the world than the lives of its cast. DQVII, while operating on a similar plane, has far more developed characters, but in many ways the characters, much like in CT, function as basic archetypes. The adventurous prince. The demanding tomboy. A wolf transformed into a boy. The mute protagonist. If more simplistic, albeit, emotional stories of games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, and even Bravely Default are more your bag than the melodramatic modern JRPG fair, Dragon Quest VII - and Dragon Quest at large - is something worth looking into!
DQ7 is a meaty RPG featuring an in-depth class system, dozens of locations, a traditional world map, and buckets of charm. Depending on how you play it, it should take you upward between 60 to 90 hours. It's one of the biggest worthwhile games on the 3ds system in terms of sheer amount of content, and one of the best written too!
The Entrants
All in all we had 174 entrants:
1. Mellahan
2. Piston Hyundai
3. enemy2k (3ds 1)
4. ShroudOfFate
5. Lord Azrael
6. Colonel Mustard
7. Defect
8. Kyzon
9. Natiko
10. LinkGray
11. SixStringPsycho
12. DiscoJer
13. JazzmanZ
14. FireBeaver
15. Htown
16. Destrae
17. Rei no Otaku
18. qualitydisc
19. astrogamer
20. gbland
21. shingi70
22. scurker
23. iqubal
24. Otakumegane
25. TheAggroCraig
26. neonglow
27. UraMallas
28. linkman26
29. ArcaneFreeze
30. Drilbit777
31. Otherspacing
32. Fularu
33. Sajjaja
34. ShadowgeistX
35. Madao
36. Olengie
37. serenewarfare
38. goldenpp72
39. Ibuki
40. Seven Force
41. ZiggyPalffyLA
42. ChrisD
43. Dr. Worm
44. Choomp
45. Calvero
46. Greatest Ever
47. WiiRevolution1 (3ds 2)
48. Livingskeletons
49. wiibomb
50. KelpPlankton
51. Juni_
52. Tinfoilhatsron
53. slick7rick
54. AlternativeUlster (3ds 3)
55. BossRush
56. UserNameStolen (3ds 4)
57. Slick Butter
58. brollyman2k
59. Hispanic! At the Disco
60. Ventara
61. 898
63. Vibed
64. Undead Fantasy
65. luknotluck
66. Lightningboalt
67. SuperShadow271
68. FleetingFlowAir
69. Spira (3ds 5)
70. LeCroqueMonsieur
71. Dremorak
72. Admiral Woofington
73. TheBlueBomber
74. AtomskEater
75. Tigel
76. Big Green Anus (3ds 6)
77. Heng (3ds 7)
78. M_to_P
79. Hero Prinny
80. VGdrumCovers (uk)
81. Ragnamith (3ds 8)
82. Windam
83. MissileTrick
84. shadowfoxx21
85. Koppai
86. dreampeppers99
87. th4tguy
88. _Ryo_ (3ds 9)
90. thelastcrusader
91. MillionStabs
92. Oli
93. AsfaeksBR (3ds 10)
94. RDreamer
95. Safros
96. Boylamite
97. Risible (3ds 11)
98. kiguel182 (not in NA)
99. FallAgain (not in NA)
100. Yasumi
101. sergioalb64
102. TheGeniusArcana
103. Adam Prime
104. PrinnyBomb
105. NovaCross
106. cackhyena
107. Danthrax
108. ElDuderino
109. captmcblack
110. Coppanuva
111. StrangeRoboMemory
112. tauroxd
113. enoirmeplz
114. ElDuderino
115. Cipher Peon
116. ngower
117. Garlador
118. Mega Caprison
119. ZeroMaverick
120. masterdragoon20
121. TDLink
122. vern
123. RCSI
124. dmann
125. Last Baron (3ds 12)
126. Shanks
127. DeliciousDoc
128. duder
129. KakesuSora
130. Tarot_The_Card (3ds 13)
131. Bleeether
132. maxcriden
133. Blasian Persuasion (3ds 14)
134. Lee Chaolan
135. Abstrusity
136. Major Gripex
137. tornjaw
138. Azriell
139. Millsington
140. "God's Beard!"
141. gardfish
142. Tele_Viper
143. GhostBed
144. lifetimeofnot
145. Squall5042
146. UltraChingon
147. dickroach
148. Frogstep
149. stn
150. Delicious Waffles
151. Manabanana
152. Illucio
153. ciD_Vain
154. jrDev
155. bumpkin
156. RustySpoon
157. Ezalc
158. Vanillalite
159. jacob armitage
160. Rnr1224
161. Jamix012
162. asagami_
163. LilBiscuit
164. Xemnas89
165. Nakazato
166. shintoki
167. NotMSRP
168. Tame Deity
169. big_z
170. ASilentProtagonist
171. FuttBuck
172. hkedward
173. HispanicGuy (3ds 15)
How Were Winners Picked?
By using an RNG program located at I rolled the dice (pressed "generate") twice to see our two DQ7 winners. If one of the winners doesn't have a 3ds, they're getting the 3ds included with the game. If one of them already has a 3ds, the 3ds gets its own roll. The 3ds contestants are given a unique marker on the list above as you can see, and were given new unique numbers in case we rolled for a 3ds.
1. Dragon Quest VII - Master Dragoon20
2. Dragon Quest VII - Scurker
3. 3DS XL - Spira
Congratulations to our winners! Masterdragoon and Spira pm you addresses to me, and Scurker pm your address GregLombardi. We will mail our your packages out ASAP!
Congratulations and thank you everyone for entering! I will be doing this again for DQVIII 3ds so hold on to your butts!