Twitch is a hilarious platform. It has all these grand designs on promoting woke, genderless nonsense and then you click on the homepage and it’s a bunch of cam whores dancing with their tits hanging out.
You can’t escape biology no matter what you do with your pronouns.
This isn't a contradiction at all.
These are women with their own autonomy doing what they want.
Most of these people just want sex work and women having fun with their sexuality to not be considered offensive and to be more respected.
And in my experience at least most artists and people who do sex work and are otherwise very sexually open are normally very progressive and left leaning.
I remember when the BLM protests started and anti BLM right wingers were getting mad because a shit ton of artists who do lewd art were all like '' if you're a right winger or don't support BLM, unfollow me ''.
I mean the way that you're referring to them is very disrespectful and the kind of stuff that a lot of progressives are fighting against so you're kinda disproving your own point in a way by your own actions.
The attitude is more that sex is fun and shouldn't be so taboo and that it's no reason to disrespect people.
There are left wingers who are prudes or left wingers who are pro sex work but then hate on sexualized art.
This whole narrative about how '' the left '' hates it and '' the right '' loves it is fucking bullshit and extremely oversimplified, it's basically just people looking at what shitheads like Sarkeesian say and then going '' this is what left wingers think ''.
But Twitch is clearly not leaning into the prudish side.
I think that people severely overestimate how '' woke '' Twitch is too, they don't actually do shit. It's like with this Twitch council people were losing their minds over for example it was all virtue signaling and nothing has actually happened. All Twitch cares about is money and this stuff is just part of branding and marketing.
When companies were coming out in support of BLM people were all like '' okay brand '', people seem'd to understand or shallow it actually is.
But then when it doesn't fit the narrative the brands are suddenly super ultra woke for real.
You can't have it both ways, and the truth is that the '' okay brand '' side is correct. They don't care, it's all about trends and they have no morals.